San Bernardino Valley College Course Syllabus
COURSE: / TitleDept/Number of course
PRE/CO-REQUISITES / Include any approved pre- or co-requisites
MEETS: / Days
E-MAIL / e-mail
OFFICE: / Office Location
PHONE: / Office phone number
DESCRIPTION: / Copy the course description from the catalog WORD FOR WORD
TEXT: / Textbook title Publisher Edition # Publication date Cost
COLLEGE-WIDE CORE COMPETENCIES / Include the core competencies which have been identified by the department as applicable to this course.
STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES / List the departmental student learning outcomes for this course.
OBJECTIVES: / After completing this course, students will be able to:
Copy objectives from the outline of record (word for word)
COURSE WEB PAGE: / Enter the full web address for the course.
INSTRUCTOR REQUIREMENTS: / Put unique requirements, such as no make ups for exams, in this area
GRADING: / Include specific information telling students exactly how their grades will be calculated.
ATTENDANCE: / Enter your own attendance policies. College policy follows.
All students are expected to attend classes regularly. In the event an absence is unavoidable, students are responsible for notifying instructors. Failure to attend class meeting(s) during the first week of the class may result in the student being dropped from the class. After the first week of class, a student may be dropped if:
The student fails to attend regularly without an excused absence; The student has more than two absences per unit; the student attends so irregularly that it is unlikely the student will be successful in class.
CHEATING POLICY: / Cheating constitutes academic dishonesty and, in general will be handled as part of the course grading process. Penalty may range from no credit for the assignment up to and including exclusion and/or an âFâ grade for the course. Enter your specifics.
ADA Accommodations / Accommodations for a Student with a Disability
If you require a disability-related accommodation please let me know as soon as possible so that I can assist you in a timely manner. You should also contact Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) directly to make your request. You will be required to provide DSPS with professional verification of your disabling condition(s). DSPS is located in ADSS 105. The phone numbers are: Voice: 909-384-4443; TTY: 888-2357.
THE LIBRARY / Open Monday â Saturday. Call 384-8841 for information and current hours.
COUNSELORS / Available to assist students with career and curriculum planning decisions, as well as personal problems such as drug and alcohol dependency. Call 384-4404 for current hours or additional information.
Help Desk / Available for 24/7 Assistance with technical matters (e-mail, Blackboard, Registration, Campus Central Log-in, etc.) (877) 241-1756
DIVISION: / Division Name
DIVISION OFFICE: / Division Office Location
Location and Phone Number
Dates may be adjusted as necessary. Students will be notified of all changes. / TOPICS / ASSIGNMENTS / QUIZZES/TESTS
Week 1 DATES / Include topics/chapters to be covered this week / Include assignments due this week / Include quizzes/tests scheduled this week.
Week 2 DATES
Week 3 DATES
Week 4 DATES
Week 5 DATES
Week 6 DATES
Week 7 DATES
Week 9 DATES
Week 10 DATES
Week 11 DATES
Week 12 DATES
Week 13 DATES
Week 14 DATES
Week 15 DATES
Week 16 DATES
Week 17 DATES