Keeping your Information Secure
If you choose to print out any information from your record, it is also your responsibility to keep this secure. If you are at all worried about keeping your printed copies safe, we recommend that you do not make copies at all.
Detailed Coded Record Access can only be requested from your SystmOne Online Account once you have logged in. Once submitted, your request will be passed to your GP for approval which may take up to 14 days. We will write to you once a decision regarding detailed record access has been made.
It will be your responsibility to keep your login details and password safe and secure. If you know or suspect that your record has been accessed by someone that you have not agreed should see it, then you should change your password immediately. If you are unable to do this for any reason, you should contact the Practice so they can remove online access until you are able to reset your password.
Once you have accessed your record online, if you do have any queries or concerns about any of the information this contains, please contact the Surgery and a member of staff will be happy to explain this to you. Please be aware that it may not be possible to deal with your enquiry over the telephone, and we may ask you to make an appointment to come into the Surgery to discuss this further.
Further information about Patient Online can be found at or the Surgery staff will be happy to help.
Detailed Coded Record Access
Brook Street, Mitcheldean
Gloucestershire GL17 0AU
Tel: 01594 542270
Main Fax: 01594 544897
Dispensary Fax: 01594 545325
23.03.16 V1
Detailed Coded Record Access allows patients to view more of their Medical Record online via their SystmOnline Account. This will enable patients to see more of the information that is contained within their medical record in coded form, such as diagnoses, test results, signs and symptoms (such as coughing, headache, etc) but excludes letters, documents and any free text entries.
You can look at your records whenever you choose to, without needing to print them. Online records are up to date and more secure than a printed paper record which could get lost or seen by others.
Patients who have long-term conditions, eg, diabetes, hypertension or coronary heart disease, have found that looking at their test results online helps them make positive changes to improve their health. They can see if their condition is improving or getting worse by looking at past test results.
You can look at your records before your appointment to see if there is anything you need to discuss with the Doctor or Nurse. This could be your test results, illnesses you have had in the past or any new information added to your records. This would help you discuss any concerns you may have and help you benefit more from your appointment.
Sometimes when you see your Doctor, you are given a lot of information which you may not be able to remember later. You may also want further information once you have had time to think about what was said. You can look at your online records after your appointment to make sure you understand what your Doctor or Nurse has said.
One of the most useful things patients have found is that you can make sure your medical information is accurate. For example, you will be able to let your Doctor know if you have an allergy to a medicine and it is not recorded.
Before you go on holiday, you can check if your vaccinations are up to date without having to contact the Surgery.
Your medical record is designed to be used by Health Professionals to ensure you receive the best possible care. Some of the information within your record may be highly technical, written by specialists and not easily understood. If you find anything difficult to understand, please contact the Surgery and a member of staff will be happy to help. You should, however, consider the following:
Abnormal Test Results
When viewing your records, you may see your test results before your Doctor has spoken to you about them, so you may be worried or unsure as to what you need to do next. This may be when you cannot contact the Surgery, or when your Surgery is closed, for example, at the weekends or on a bank holiday. This means that you will need to wait until you can speak to the Doctor on the telephone or for an appointment to become available.
Incorrect Information
Information in your medical records may be incorrect. If you find something that you think is not right, please contact the Surgery. The Staff will be able to answer your questions and set things right when needed. Please bear in mind that you cannot change the record yourself.
Forgotten or Upsetting Information
There may be information in your records that you did not know what there or that you had forgotten about, such as an illness or an upsetting incident. If you see anything that you did not know about that worries you, you should contact the Surgery and they will discuss this with you.
Information about Someone Else
If you see someone else’s information in your record, please log out immediately and let the Surgery know as soon as possible.
If you feel you are being pressurised into revealing details from your patient record to someone else against your will, please contact the Surgery immediately and we will arrange for your access to be revoked.