Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 2nd July 2014 at 3.30pm
Present: Nick Sharp, Karen Morris, Tim Atkin, Jill Sweetman, Jenny Goddard, Ariadna Domingo Garcia, Julia Adair looking after children
Apologies: Sara Owen
(78) Minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 30th April, be received.
(79) Matters Arising
School Expenditure on playground
Karen has been researching the cost of updating the playground by removing some of the lines on one of the netball courts and adding a road track, alphabet line, target practise etc. It was agreed that the PTA would fund half the cost and the other half would be funded by the school. Karen to go ahead and book the work for end July/August if possible. The cost to the PTA will be approx.. £2500-3000.
Minute’s secretary
A minute’s secretary is still needed. As an officer role it is a constitutional requirement and needs to be fulfilled.
(80) Treasurers Report
Jenny reported net income of £1162.92 in the period between 14/5/14 and 2/7/14. However, as several invoices still need to be paid this will be reduced to £617.92. Good earnings were made at the Spring Fair (£462.02) and Benyounes Concert (£413 approx). Thanks to Paul for organising the concert, in addition to the successful concert the children enjoyed the Quartet during the day. The income from the concert will be used to buy music equipment etc.
A donation to the Arnside Christmas Party was made. The 100 Club continues to tick along thanks to Julia Walker. Julia will be looking for new members in September. Nick supplied Jenny with the invoice for school trips that the PTA has agreed to contribute to, this is for £2000 and can be paid before the final Treasurer’s Report for the year.
(81) Non-Fundraising Issues
Year 6 Yearbook
Nick reported that this has been completed and will shortly forward the invoice. It was agreed that Yr6 will be asked for a £3 contribution and the PTA would fund the remainder (£2.70)
School Meals
Nick reported that there had been no developments since the last letter was sent out. The County Council are obliged to provide the meals, but are struggling to cope as lots of schools in the Cumbria area do not provide school meals on site. Negotiations are ongoing.
Future events and fundraising
(81) Arnside Fun Day
Sunday 13th July will be Arnside Fun Day and the PTA was asked if they would like 1-2 stalls again. No-one present was sure if this had been organised. Jenny to check with Sara, Catherine and Vicky who talked about a nearly new toys stall at the last meeting.
(82) School Performance
To be held on Wed 9 July 1.30-3.00 and Thurs 10 July 7.30-9.00. Jill Sweetman agreed to organise a volunteer chart for refreshments. Jenny to speak to Sara/Vicky about sending a letter out for cake donations.
(83) End of Term Fun
To be held on Thurs 17 July 3.30 – 5.00. As above refreshments needed, just drinks and crisps. Jill agreed to make the volunteer chart for both events (school performance and end of term fun)
(84) List of school events requiring PTA support 2014/15
It was agreed to put a calendar of events together next year to help planning. Nick said that he would sit down with Sara after the inset day in September and provide all the information to create the calendar.
(85) Westmorland Show
Nick recently booked another stand at the County Show on Thur 11 Sept in the Learning for Life Marquee. The school organises artwork for the stand. Just need someone to volunteer to set up the stand. Need to find out who did this last year (Catherine Crossman?) andvsee if they would be happy to do it again.
(86) Change of Bank Account
It was agreed that Jenny should go ahead and change over bank accounts to Natwest who have a special bank account for clubs and societies. Jenny, Sara and Jill will be signatories. The new account enables internet banking and a debit card (which Jenny will keep in the school office). Natwest is also in Milnthorpe.
(86) Date and time of next meeting
After the AGM on 24th September 2014
Please note all PTA meeting minutes and Treasurer Reports can also be found on the school’s web site