Volunteer: ______

Position: ______Team: ______

Coordinator: ______Date: ______

1. Doyoufeelthatyouhaveagoodunderstandingofthefollowing:

□Keeping Children Safe Policy□The KCS Code of Conduct

□Safety for children□Your role in maintaining safe relationships

□Your role in delivering safe programs□Policies & Procedures

□Your role in maintaining boundaries and reporting concerns

Next discussion date: ______


2. Tellmeaboutyourexperiencewith your volunteer role duringthepast year.

3. Whatelementsoftheroleinterestyouthemost?

4. Whatelementsoftheroleinterestyoutheleast?

5. Whataresomeofyourachievementsinyourrole?

6. Whatpartsoftheroledoyoufindparticularlyeasyordifficult?

7. Whatsortsoftrainingorsupportwouldbeofbenefittoyouinthenextyear?

8. Reflection:Bothyouandyourcoordinatorconsiderandrateyourselvesintheareaslistedbelow.Discussyourratings.


Howwouldyourateyourself / the volunteer inthefollowingarea? / Volunteer / Coordinator / Support action plan
(if needed)
Communication skills with program participants; if applicable, with children and parents
Awareness of development and needs and issues of vulnerable people and children
Creating a participant-focused program which encourages people, including children, to provide feedback
Working with policiesandprocedures

1. Goalsetting:Whatwouldyouliketoachieveinthenext12months?

2. Whatsupportdoyouneedtoachievethisgoal?

3. Furthercoordinatorcomments:

4. Furthervolunteercomments:

5. Have you any suggestions for improving our work with children and/or vulnerable adults:

Volunteersignature: ______Date: _____ / _____ /

Coordinatorsignature: ______Date: _____ / _____ /

Volunteer Declaration


 / Yes /  / No / I agree to abide by the KCS Code of Conduct of this congregation and have signed it
 / Yes /  / No / I understand the importance of declaring to the Church Council any history of abusing or neglecting a child or vulnerable person.
 / Yes /  / No / Are you aware of any issue or reason that may affect the decision by Church Council to allow you to continue to work with children or vulnerable adults? If yes, please specify.
 / Yes /  / No / My Working with Children Check/Registration is up to date and I have submitted my details to the Church Council.
Name: / Date: / / / /


Pleaseensure thatthevolunteerreceivesacopyof any agreed action plan. Return allformstothechurchcouncilsecretaryforsecurestorage.Thedateof thisinterviewis to be recordedontheRegister of workers.