General Information

What it is: This course is intended to be a college level study of human anatomy and physiology. We will cover what you covered in Biology I human anatomy, but in more depth. The course will consist of lectures, lab work, individual and group studies. Many of the lectures, though drawn from your text, will be supplemented with handouts and/or other reading information contained in the lecture notes. You will have multiple opportunities to do some critical thinking and problem solving. Keep in mind that you are responsible for your own learning. You will get out of this class exactly what you put into it. If you are looking for a class that will teach you lots of interesting stuff about your body including “where it is”, “how it works” and “what happens when things go wrong”, then this class is for you!

What it is not: This course is not a primer for medical school. You will still have to take anatomy and physiology in college and again in medical school. On the other hand, it is not an “easy, blow-off” elective. If you are looking for an “easy A”, this class is not for you!!

Class Notebook

You should keep a separate notebook for all the class work and lab work done in this class. It is recommended that you use a 3-ring binder so loose leaf paper can be added to, or removed from it.


Your grades will be computed on a point system with major grades counting 60% of your average and minor grades counting 40% of your average. For example:

Major Grades – 400 earned points/500 possible points = 80 x 60% = 48

Minor Grades – 210 earned points/300 possible points = 70 x 40% = 28

Grade Improvement

Assignments are due on the assigned due date. Minor grades may be turned in one day late with a 50% penalty. Major projects will be accepted up to three days late with a 10% deduction each day. After the third day, the project grade will be a zero. Exam corrections are offered to anyone wishing to improve their test score. Test correction times will be announced after each exam. Students have one hour (either in 2 morning sessions or one after school session) to complete test corrections. (See handout for test correction instructions.)


You will need to bring pen, paper, and textbook to class each day. In addition, throughout the year, you will need graph paper, map pencils, and a box of gloves (preferably non-latex/polyvinyl) for dissection. Gloves can be purchased at any drugstore. One box will be sufficient unless you are careless.

Other Stuff

*Yes - We will be dissecting cats this year beginning in the spring, and then on and off for the remainder of the

second semester. If you have an aversion to strong odors, you might want to invest in some disposable


*No – You may not take your cat home to study with – parents have a problem with finding cat parts lying around

the house…but feel free to bring your camera or video recorder.

*Yes – You may contact me at any time you find yourself in need: 7:30 am – 3:00 pm at 832-484-5302. I can be reached 24/7 at

*Yes – I have a website on which I usually post notes and (sometimes) worksheets and labs. You can get to the

website The password for downloading materials is


***You will be required to study hard some of the time, have fun most of the time, and laugh at Mrs. Moore’s jokes all of the time. I look forward to having a productive, exciting, interesting, educational (had to throw that in to make it look good…), relaxed, and most of all, fun year!