Welcome to Needville Junior High! I am looking forward to being your Texas History teacher this year. To enable us both to learn and have fun doing so, students need to do what is expected of them and act responsibly. I expect my students to be good students, good listeners, and hard workers.

Materials Needed

All supplies should be brought to class every day. Organization is a must. We will have binder checks at least once every six weeks. Students are expected to keep all notes and handouts in an orderly fashion in their binders.

  • Textbooks (Each class will share a class set. If you would like your own to take home you can check one out individually. If they are lost or damaged, the replacement cost is $73.98
  • One, 1 inch three ring binder
  • One package of notebook paper (More will be needed during the year)
  • Pens/Pencils (blue or black ink only)
  • One package of subject dividers labeled as follows: Warm-ups/Vocabulary, Notes, Daily Work, Quizzes, and Tests
  • Book for Reading time (DEAR: Drop Everything and Read)

Classroom Rules

  • Follow all school expectations cited in the Student Handbook.
  • Be respectful. (Do not interrupt the speaker. Swearing, teasing, talking back or bullying will NOT be tolerated in my classroom. Treat others the way you want to be treated.)
  • Arrive to class on time. (If the student is not in class when the bell rings and the door is shut, that student will be counted as tardy – no excuses.)
  • Come to class prepared. (The student should be in their assigned seat and have the required materials ready to use by the time the tardy bell rings.)
  • Raise your hand before speaking.
  • BE POSITIVE! (No negative attitudes allowed in my classroom.)


Consequences depend on the circumstances. In accordance with Needville Junior High’s Discipline management plan at the teacher’s discretion, one or more of the following will apply.

  • Verbal Warning
  • Phone Call Home
  • Behavior Writing Assignment
  • Detention
  • Teacher Conference
  • Office Referral
  • Parent Conference

Classroom Procedures

Our classroom procedures are simply how we do things in this class. Students are expected to practice these procedures every day.

Entering and Leaving the Classroom

There is a seating chart that we will follow, and it could possibly change throughout the semester. Students are expected to:

  • Enter quietly, sit in your assigned seat, and have your materials ready when the tardy bell rings.
  • Complete your warm-up.
  • I will end the class period. The bell does not indicate when you may leave.
  • Your area must be clean before you are dismissed from my classroom.

Assignment Procedures

  • All assignments MUST be 100% completed when turned in. Otherwise they will be graded accordingly. Late work is accepted and graded accordingly.
  • Every assignment turned in must have the student’s first and last name and class period on it for full credit.

Homework Policy

  • Students will be given few actual homework assignments. If they do not finish an assignment in class, they will be expected to take it home with them, bring it back completed the next day, and turned in by the time the tardy bell rings.

Grading Policy: Refer to the policy in the student handbook.

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

Cell phones are not to be used to make or receive personal phone calls or text messages during the school day. Phones are to be left in the students’ backpacks, purses, or pockets during school hours (7:30 am – 4:00 pm) and turned off. If the student’s phone rings, or is out during school hours for any reason, the phone will be confiscated and returned to the parent/guardian at the end of the next school day and the incident will be written up on a discipline referral slip. On the 2nd offense and each subsequent offense, the cellular phone will be confiscated, discipline issued and the phone will be returned to the parent/guardian at the end of the next school day, plus a storage fee of $15.00 cash. Any electronic device will be confiscated and treated in the same manner as cell phones. This includes but is not limited to Laptop Computers, CD players, IPods, Game Boys, etc. All confiscated items are subject to search by NISD administration or their designees. From time to time, students may be allowed to use cell phones during class as a technology tool in the classroom. It is the student’s responsibility to re-store the phone in its appropriate place before leaving the classroom.

General Information

  • Please be prepared to exhibit excellence in your assignments.
  • At times, a student will struggle with a topic or a concept. This is normal and acceptable. I make every effort to help each student experience success in class. If you need help, please contact me to resolve any concerns that may arise.

Remember to check our school website and calendar for upcoming events.

Remind101 will be offered with the following code: text @2g3cg2 to the number 81010 or visit rmd.at/2g3cg2

Please feel free to contact me at or 979-793-4250. My conference is 2nd period, from 8:52-9:49.

***Please return this paper by Wednesday, August 23, 2017 for a daily grade. ***

I have read, understood, and discussed with my student the classroom policies for Coach Treece’s class.

Parent/Guardian Name (Please print.) ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______

Parent Phone Number ______

Parent Email Address ______

I have read, understood, and agree to practice the policies for Coach Treece’s class

Student Name (Please print.) ______

Student Signature ______

Throughout the school year, our class will watch certain movies that could contain some slightly unpleasant language and some historical violence. We feel that permission should be asked before your student watches any movie of that nature. If you give your approval for your student to see movies approved by NJH administration, please sign this form and return it. If it is not returned signed, your student will be given an alternate assignment. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Parent/Guardian Signature