“ConvictingThose Who Contradict”

Dates / Speaker / Topic
1 / SUN / 7-Dec / Trevor Bowen / Introduction - Bible Study, Unity
2 / WED / 10-Dec / Gary Boyd / Islam 1
3 / SUN / 14-Dec / Gary Boyd / Islam 2
4 / WED / 17-Dec / Trevor Bowen / Instrumental Music
5 / SUN / 21-Dec / Jerry Curry / Premillennialism 1
6 / WED / 24-Dec / Jerry Curry / Premillennialism 2
7 / SUN / 28-Dec / Jerry Curry / Premillennialism 3
8 / WED / 31-Dec / Eric Patterson / Relativism, Pluralism, and Humanism 1
9 / SUN / 4-Jan / Eric Patterson / Relativism, Pluralism, and Humanism 2
10 / SUN / 11-Jan / Eric Patterson / Relativism, Pluralism, and Humanism 3
11 / WED / 14-Jan / Greg Steele / Mormonism 1
12 / SUN / 18-Jan / Greg Steele / Mormonism 2
13 / WED / 21-Jan / Tracy Moyers / Institutionalism and the Social Gospel 1
14 / SUN / 25-Jan / Tracy Moyers / Institutionalism and the Social Gospel 2
15 / WED / 28-Jan / Matt Davis / Emotionalism and the “Non-Traditional” Christian 1
16 / SUN / 1-Feb / Matt Davis / Emotionalism and the “Non-Traditional” Christian 2
17 / SUN / 8-Feb / Scott Abernathy / Methodist denomination 1
18 / WED / 11-Feb / Scott Abernathy / Methodist denomination 2
19 / SUN / 15-Feb / Brent Horne / Women as Public Leaders in the Church
20 / WED / 18-Feb / Trevor Bowen / Calvinism 1
21 / SUN / 22-Feb / Trevor Bowen / Calvinism 2
22 / WED / 25-Feb / Trevor Bowen / Salvation by Faith Only

Possible Additional Topics

  • Abuses related to the Holy Spirit: Modern Miracles and Inspiration
  • Catholicism
  • Distinction between Old and New Testaments
  • Deity of Christ, and Jehovah's Witnesses
  • Any other prominent denomination, religion, or false doctrine…
  • What would you like to study?

Lesson 1 – Bible Study and Christian Unity


One need not look far to see a religious world that is splintered into thousands of belief systems and sects. Reasons for people accepting the current division can be categorized into 2 groups: Failed Motivation and Erroneous Standard. Please consider the following questions and consider how you would answer a neighbor, friend, co-worker, or relative, who reasons as follows.


Please answer each of the following “real world” objections by presenting a persuading “case”, complete with the most powerful Bible passages you can find. (Choose 1 or 2 verses.)

  1. First, for yourself, what should be the goal of any Bible study or spiritual discussion with those of opposing view?
  1. How would you answer? “But, I am already a Christian!” “Why should I study with you?”
  2. How would you answer? “We should agree to disagree!”
  3. How would you answer? “I don’t argue about religion!”
  4. How would you answer? “One church is as good as another…”
  5. What is wrong with the following religious standards?
  6. “I feel this is right!”
  7. “My church is built on traditions developed over hundreds of years.”
  8. “We should follow the example of our parents and forefathers.”
  9. “All Christians believe this!”
  1. How would you answer? “As long as you are doing your best, God does not care.”
  2. How would you answer? “We should follow the Holy Spirit (our conscience?), not just the Bible.”
  3. How would you answer? “God is so infinite; how can finite mortals understand the will of God?” “Words, written by men, cannot contain the infinite mind of God!”
  4. How would you answer? “That is your interpretation!”
  5. Lastly, what should be our standard for today?
  6. Bonus: How should we study with someone else (attitudes, approach, technique, etc.)?
  7. Feedback: What other explanations, excuses, or answers have you heard or observed for religious division?
  8. Feedback: What other topics would you like to study that are not on the syllabus?

“Convicting Those Who Contradict” - 1