KeanUniversityWelcome to GE 2024 L !!


Fall, 2007Dr. Sharon C. Snyder

Course: GE 2024 Research and TechnologyOffice: CAS-317

Section L1: M/W, 8:00-9:20 am in CAS 306Tel. (908) 737-0424 Fax. (908) 737-0375


Office Hours: M/T/W9:30-10:50 am & by appt.


ENG 1030, 1031/32, or 1033/34; or ENG 1020; or ENG 1430; CS 0412, if required through placement testing; and MATH 1000, 1001/02, or 1003/04; or MATH 1051

Required Texts

Leedy, Paul D. and Jeanne Ellis Ormrod. Practical Research: Planning and Design. 8th ed. UpperSaddleRiver: Pearson, 2005.

Recommended Resources:

Anson, Chris M. and Robert A. Schwegler. The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers. 4th ed. New York: Addison-Wesley/Longman, 2005.

Cambridge Dictionary of American English. New York: Cambridge UP, 2000.

Course Description

Introduction to the research process; preparation of a formal research paper and execution of an oral presentation with an emphasis on use of the library and of computer technology to design, investigate, and report research activities.

Course Objectives

1.Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose and process for conducting research by:

a)Reading about and discussing contemporary research topics and reports and identifying research interests

b)Formulating and focusing a research question

c)Matching research questions with strategies for addressing them

d)Explaining the stages of the research process in both objective and subjective context

e)Identifying, analyzing, and critiquing the multiple motivations for research, including personal, professional, and social contexts

f)Explaining and discussing the range of consequences that research can have

2.Explain research design and methodology by:

a)Identifying fundamental research and design methodologies

b)Comparing and contrasting research designs and methodologies in different disciplines

c)Identifying appropriate design and methodology for research in the major

3.Articulate and understanding of research tools by:

a)Listing, defining, and explaining the uses of the tools researchers may use, including technology and those available through technology

b)Comparing and contrasting different research tools, including their value and utility

c)Identifying research tools appropriate for investigating topics in the major

d)Distinguishing between library databases containing published journal articles and other Internet sources

e)Distinguishing between primary and secondary sources, identifying scholarly versus popular sources, and critically assessing sources for reliability including sources found using general databases (EBSCO Academic Search or Wilson Web Omnifile) and subject specific databases (such as ERIC or EINAHL) to gather data

f)Using the Internet to locate freely available research sources, e.g. and identifying guidelines for their evaluation

4.Apply technology to communicate research by:

a)Using MS Word to write about research

b)Using MS Excel to analyze, report, and represent data

c)Using the Internet to locate research sources; identifying guidelines for evaluating reliable Internet sites

d)Using MS PowerPoint to present research

e)Using Internet-based communication tools, such as e-mail and Web-Board, to post and discuss projects

5.Participate in a research project by:

a)Analyzing a completed research study as a means of understanding the research process

b)Individually preparing a formal paper based on library and Internet research that summarizes, integrates, and presents source material in a well-referenced and substantiated document following a prescribed format and sequence of writing:

(1)Plan a research paper and formulate a problem

(2)Search for literature materials

(3)Develop an outline for the research paper

(4)Connect ideas in a draft paper

(5)Engage in peer review of the research paper

(6)Revise and edit the final draft

6.Understand diversity issues by:

a)Describing disciplinary and multidisciplinary perspectives on the research process and projects studied

b)Articulating diverse perspectives that contribute to the research process and to the interpretation of results through examination of variables such as gender, race, religion, age, ethnicity and sexual orientation

c)Evaluating and critiquing in a professional manner the oral presentations of other students according to a pre-defined set of criteria established by the instructor

7.Express values by:

a)Initiating focused research that can lead to answerable questions

b)Identifying the reproducibility and reliability of research results, their interpretation, and their range of validity and application

c)Actively expanding everyday learning through improved research skills

d)Adhering to University standards of academic integrity in research

e)Critically assessing research sources for bias by evaluating substantiated argument and the reliability of results

Course Requirements


Attendance and punctuality are expected in all sessions. Please contact me if you have a problem.


An in-class written response to readings will be done during the first 10 minutes of each class for which readings are assigned. This is to ensure completion of readings for the assigned day.


Your grade will be based on the following components:

10%Class participation, including online participation, peer reviews, & tutorial sessions (if required)

10%Timely submission of assignments

10%Daily written questions at the beginning of class, based on the readings

60%Major project: Research

12%Statement of the Research Problem

12%Review of the Literature/Sources with Citations

12%Design of the Methodology & Data Collection Instruments

12%Report on the Resulting Data (Data Analysis)

12%Evaluation of/Implications of the Study

10%Final Power Point Presentation

If tutoring is required by your professor, attendance at all scheduled tutoring sessions will be counted toward your grade in the following manner: As part of participation.

There are two cases in which failure in the course is automatic. These are:

  1. Papers and research projects submitted at the end of the course, without 1st and 2nd drafts having been submitted as scheduled earlier in the course, will not be accepted or graded. This will result in failure in the course.
  1. Plagiarism or academic dishonesty in any form will result in failure in the course. Refer to the KeanUniversity policy on Academic Integrity.

Important Dates

Sept. 6Classes begin

Sept. 12Last day to withdraw with 100% refund

Sept. 19Last day to withdraw with a 75% refund

Sept. 26Last day to withdraw with a 50% refund

Oct. 8Columbus Day – State holiday, University closed

Nov. 1Last day to withdraw with a WD grade

Nov. 22-25Thanksgiving recess

Dec. 22Classes end

This course is great fun – very stimulating intellectually.

I hope you enjoy the journey!