ILAB Open House Agenda

October 20, 2007

Note about Parking: Free parking is available in the Eisenhower Parking Deck located adjacent to the Chemistry/Life Science Buildings.

8:30 AM Continental Breakfast and On Site Registration

Atrium of Chemistry Building

9:00 AM Introduction

102 Chemistry Building

Cary Supalo
Graduate Student, Pennsylvania State University
University Park, Pennsylvania

9:30 AM JAWS with Vernier Workshop

1st Floor Whitmore Lab


Walter Rohr, Education Consultant

Vernier Software and Technology, Easton, Pennsylvania

Cary Supalo, Graduate Student

Department of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University

University Park, Pennsylvania

12:00-6:00 PM


Atrium of the Chemistry Building

12:30 PM Lunch Break

Atrium of the Chemistry Building

Pizza, soda, and other snacks will be served.

1:30 PM Welcome and Introductions

102 Chemistry Building

1:40 PM Employment Opportunities for Blind Professionals

102 Chemistry Building

Nathaniel Wales, Civil Engineer

Army Core of Engineers

Stratford, Connecticut

Kristen Jocums, Attorney

Altoona, Pennsylvania

Mark Stracks, MD, President,

Psy-Vision, Altoona, Pennsylvania

2:25 PM Educators of the Blind in Science

102 Chemistry Building

Marilyn Winograd, Support Specialist

Hopewell Valley School District, Pennington, New Jersey

Alan Roth, Science Teacher

Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Indianapolis, Indiana

Dr. Lillian Rankel, Chemistry Teacher

Hopewell Valley Central High School, Pennington, New Jersey

3:10 PM Break

3:20 PM Experiences of a Blind Student in Today’s Science Classroom

102 Chemistry Building

Trevor Saunders, Senior

Hopewell Valley Central High School, Hopewell Valley, New Jersey

Jordan Richardson, Sophomore

Blaine High School, Blaine, Minnesota

3:50 PM 2007 NFB Youth Slam: Video Presentation

4:05 PM Research Opportunities in STEM Education

102 Chemistry Building

Mark Leddy, Program Director

Research in Disabilities Education

National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia

4:20 PM An enabling technology for full page refreshable Braille display and graphic display: compact electroactive polymer actuators

102 Chemistry Building

Qiming Zhang, Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering

Pennsylvania State Unversity, University Park PA

4:30 PM How New Adaptive Technologies Can Assist Blind and Low Vision Students in their Pursuit of STEM Education

102 Chemistry Building

David Pillischer, President

Sighted Electronics, Westwood, New Jersey

4:45 PM Emerging New Technologies for the Blind in Science

102 Chemistry Building

Rod Kreutter, Director of Research Instruments

Chemistry Department, Pennsylvania State University

University Park, Pennsylvania

5:00 PM Opportunities for Blind Professionals to Contribute to the STEM Fields

102 Chemistry Building

H. David Wohlers, Professor

Department of Chemistry

Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri

5:25 PM. Wrapping It Up

5:30 PM Adjournment/Refreshments

Atrium of the Chemistry Research Building

Light refreshments. Take another look at demonstration tables and technology exhibits. You also may ask presenters questions based on their presentations.

The Happy Valley Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania would like to thank our sponsors:

-Local Section, Central Pennsylvania, American Chemical Society

-Alpha Chi Sigma Chemistry Professional Fraternity: Nu Chapter

-Vernier Software and Technology

-Penn State University Chemistry Department

-Yancey Garner and Family

For more information about blindness, contact:

National Federation of the Blind

1800 Johnson Street

Baltimore, Maryland 21230

(410) 659-9314

For more information about the Independent Laboratory Access for the Blind (ILAB) project, contact:

Cary Supalo, 104 Chemistry Research Building, Box 280

University Park, PA 16802

(814) 865-6553