The Healing Codes07.10.20081

Thursday Night Q&AKaye Palenchar

Kaye Palenchar: This is The Healing Codes Question and Answer teleconference. My name is Kaye Palenchar. On behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd services, LLC and The Healing Codes family I want to welcome you to this call.

Tonight is July 10, 2008. Everything on this call is being recorded and the recording will be available as a download from our website:

We like to support our clients in several different ways. This call is one of those ways. The Healing Codes package is available. When you have that I strongly suggest you avail yourself of the coaching that is involved with that package. That’s really our highest level of personal support. I think you’ll be really blessed by making yourself open to that and taking advantage of it.

We have an area on our website called the Clients Only area. There you can post questions and read what others have posted. There is a user name and password for that. I’ll give you those real quickly. The only issue is that you should be a client to go in there. Those of you who are not yet clients, I’d appreciate that you respect that boundary. User name: healingcodes Password: 12days

Tonight we’ll ask any of you who are uncertain about any part of The Healing Codes process to ask questions. Those of you who are new please jump right in with anything you would like to understand better right off the bat. We know that when you have questions it slows down your progress. We don’t want progress slowed for any reason like that.

Our official disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deal with issues of the heart. It is on these issues that we focus our attention.

Anyone who has any question to begin with, we’d be glad to start there.

Participant: Would you repeat the website and password?

Kaye Palenchar: User name: healingcodes Password: 12days That is for the Clients Only area on website. Is there any other question about something I didn’t make clear there?

Again, my name is Kaye Palenchar and I welcome you to the call this evening. Usually Tom Costello, our lead coach, coach trainer is on this call with you on Thursday evenings. He is not available this evening and asked me to please talk with you and make a place for you to ask questions, help each other and talk about your experience with The Healing Codes.

I will say again that as you come onto the call you are automatically muted. To un-mute yourself and speak press *1. I would appreciate if you are not going to speak for a while that you press *1 again to mute yourself so that others can speak without being interrupted. Then we won’t have background noise.

Somebody said that they were new to The Healing Codes. Can that person speak to me?

Participant: I haven’t gotten mine yet. My girlfriend is on the line. She’s in Oregon.

Kaye Palenchar: What is your name?

Participant: My name is Martha from Detroit and Gladys from Oregon.

Kaye Palenchar: Welcome Martha and Gladys both. We’re glad to have you with us this evening. You’ve just ordered The Healing Codes and you haven’t yet received them?

Participant: Gladys has already received hers.

Participant: (Gladys) Yes. I have them.

Kaye Palenchar: Did you do a 3-way with Gladys? Is that how you did that?

Participant: I have unlimited calling so I called you first and then I called her.

Kaye Palenchar: Good for all of you. Glad to have you on. Are there any questions or anything you’d like to say at this point regarding what you’ve heard or seen so far? Why did you think it was a good idea to get The Healing Codes? What led you to them?

Participant: Actually I haven’t gotten started on it. I called Gladys and told her about it. The reason being we were into healing any way. When I tuned into The Healing Codes I started pulsing right along with what I was reading to Gladys. I just felt the pulsing sensation going through my body. I kept telling here there was something about this. I don’t know how I got to that website. Honest to God I don’t.

Kaye Palenchar: Maybe that’s exactly how.

Participant: The thing is I’m often draw to different things. I was drawn to it and so I immediately called Gladys and told her about it. We both got very excited. She ordered it. She doesn’t have long distance so I wanted to get her on the call so we both could listen.

Kaye Palenchar: It sounds like you’re a good team. It will be interesting to hear from you as you experience this new system. It sounds like you are really in touch with things so it will be interesting to hear what you have to say.

Participant: Gladys did have questions….

Participant: (Gladys) Not at this point. I told Martha that the pulsing that she felt when she was reading about it is right on. That’s what I feel when I’m doing The Healing Codes.

Kaye Palenchar: You consider that an affirmative confirmation that you are on the right track? All right. Good.

Is there anyone else who would like to un-mute themselves by pressing *1 and come right on to the call and ask any questions?

Participant: (Allison) I’m not new. I was kind of wanting some advice you think I should be using or possibly even a Custom Code if you are doing those tonight.

Kaye Palenchar: Yes, I’ll be glad to.

Participant: There is a great deal of negativity, paranoid type negativity and just some anger type things that just flare up with some members of my family. It’s actually mostly with my adult children who, with the exception of one, don’t live at home. We’ve always been close. It’s just little silly things. For the past little while it seems things have been popping up out of nowhere, just crazy things.

Maybe I’m more sensitive than I should be to things like that, but to me it’s really important that we maintain peace and civilized communication and harmony and that kind of thing. Sometimes we have communication breakdowns. I’m one to want to talk things out. It doesn’t happen a lot of times. I know they have stress and problems but I’m wondering what you would suggest that I should be focusing on or how I should go about helping us all out here.

Not just for me specifically, but a Code that could reach out there and help them deal with it before they just flare up. What I’ve been working on for this effort in particular with The Healing Codes is the Unhealthy Beliefs and Unforgiveness. Then Peace, because we definitely need peace.

Kaye Palenchar: As you were talking I was testing a little bit. I got that Unforgiveness is right on. I got Patience.

Participant: I’ve got two of them that are not speaking to each other.

Kaye Palenchar: One thing I want to say is we can’t force anybody to do anything. Particularly as parents, my experience is that the more I want something the more it is likely to be rejected, particularly if I’m pushy about it.

I’m thinking that a very quiet, on your own part, doing Unforgiveness and Patience may be a good combination for you. I know you want the whole group to come around, but the first things that’s going to have to happen is you’re going to have to be patient with the whole process.

Participant: I missed some of what you said.

Kaye Palenchar: I’m saying the first things that has to happen is you have to have patience with the process. Not only is this for you, but for the group also. I think you’ll notice a difference.

I’d like to share a phrase that I really, really appreciate and have used as a prayer a lot. That is: “I would speak what is precious and not what is worthless.” That’s been really, really valuable to me in relationship to my children in particular, but with a lot of people, too. What is precious is not just what is precious to me, but what would be precious to them. What really is precious, not just what I would like to be important.

That’s been a part of my prayer. I offer that up if you would like to proceed with that on your own. It’s a portion of scripture but I can’t tell you where it’s from right now. Jeremiah I think, somewhere. That’s my suggestion. Do you want to speak more about it? Is there something more we can do for you?

Participant: I guess just your advice. I appreciate that. I will definitely include that in my prayers. Of course I do pray about this. Would your advice be that I just need to continue on with the Codes for those categories and include Patience as well?

Kaye Palenchar: Yes. Come from as loving a place as you can. There will be reaction. Every time someone in a relationship moves everybody else has to move just to keep their balance. I learned that from dancing. You’ll find that everyone will have to move in some way. Now it might make them uncomfortable and they might move in ways that you hadn’t expected or are not comfortable to the group, but it will find its own. It will move to a different level and then there will be other things to work on.

It would be wonderful if we could just go from the step we’re on right to where we want to go, but the path isn’t usually that way.

Participant: Alright.

Kaye Palenchar: Thank you, Allison. Is there someone else who has a question or observation? Could someone tell me what they’ve experienced in the last week using The Healing Codes? Hit *1 to un-mute yourselves. We have several people on the call so I’d really appreciate you coming out and speaking with me.

Participant: (Gail) Hi Kaye. One of the things I want to say I’ve been experiencing after the ignorance of over a year of not knowing this was going on, the conference calls. I am in love with the conference calls. I am listening to as many as I can and being a participant on them. They are making a huge difference. What I learn, I share in my teaching. That also is making a huge difference for people.

I am very inspired by the people who conduct or are willing to give their time to us to be on the conference calls.

Kaye Palenchar: Thank you, Gail.

Participant: They are definitely making a difference.

Kaye Palenchar: Thank you. Can you tell me, are you listening to the Cutting Edge call on Wednesday with Dr. Alex, Dr. Ben and Ken Johnston?

Participant: Yes. Yesterday! Yes. Today I want to ask for a Custom Code but I have a whole new way of asking for it. When Ken gave us the three questions: What’s working? What’s not working? What is next for us to do if we choose nightly or weekly? The minute I use the “What’s working” the places where I’ve had difficulty with gratitude, it disappeared.

I can name endless amounts of things that are working. I saw, much to my chagrin which he gently pointed out, that the “What’s not working?” had really taken over my focus. So what I realized “what’s not working” is my focus and my judgment of what I perceive as not working. What I can do about that is shift my focus. I actually have some issues with my eyes about focus. It got that far to come into my physical body. So I’m just really excited about this.

The other thing that was so exciting yesterday in the conference call was Dr. Alex speaking about the heart always being present with all senses activated, if I heard this correctly, and in the moment and it is active with everything it has experienced past and present. It doesn’t know the difference between past and present. How powerful that is. I’ve shared that with a number of people.

I have numbers of people very interested in The Healing Codes because of what I’m learning?

Kaye Palenchar: Are you an affiliate?

Participant: What is an affiliate? I have The Healing Codes and I do them.

Kaye Palenchar: By Affiliate I mean one who is referred to as sending someone to buy the Codes. You can get an Affiliate fee for that.

Participant: I have talked to a lot of people but no one has actually acted yet.

Kaye Palenchar: I’m going to go to The Healing Codes website here and see if I can find the right…

Participant: My having the Codes is a little unique.

Kaye Palenchar: Dr. Ben was talking and I got him on the recording I bet. Down on the right hand on the website,, in the list under Expectations there is a heading that says “Affiliate Program”. If you are talking to a lot of people about this and there’s an opportunity that they might get involved, then you can benefit from that.

Participant: I don’t have a computer as yet.

Kaye Palenchar: Okay. This is information for others who might be able to take advantage of it now or for you to note for later. Great. I’m really glad that you’re …

Participant: I love learning. I have a request for a Custom Code if that’s appropriate.

Kaye Palenchar: We can do that.

Participant: What I’m seeing that is not working is I have this area of life where I’m currently unemployed which has never happened before. I’ve mentioned on, unfortunately, unemployment benefits through mediation, a check. That, I’ve got The Healing Codes for the waiting. Most everybody feels that’s definitely going to come and is getting close.

The thing is that at this time in my life, at 65 – I’ve been super production oriented and have all these awards. This has happened to me and I know that the action I need to do is write a book that they are waiting to publish. That goes against every survival way of being from all previous parts of my life. To sit down and write when most of me feels like, “I’ve got to get out there and look for work”! I know that is not correct. I know what I want to achieve through the writing is to be published. I have someone ready to edit and publish it. The head of the Outstanding People in the World in Maine at the college said they would do this. I want to do that to get on the speaking circuit which I have many awards in speaking.

But, not about – my own personal life.

Kaye Palenchar: You just got an “ah-ha” just now. So your Code needs to be…. Tell me what your Code needs to be now with this new “ah-ha”?

Participant: My Code needs to be, I just coached somebody into this, that I need to allow myself to be known intimately in the world and do what I love which is teach and be on the speaking circuit. I always …. The thing that is new is that it’s about me.

Kaye Palenchar: Alright. Okay. (Kaye tests and gives Code.) (Cutting out problem on the line.) Any other questions?

Participant: Thank you so much.

Kaye Palenchar: You’re welcome. I’m glad you spoke to yourself and coached yourself as you were going there. That’s wonderful. It’s so neat to be on this end of the line and hear that happening. People do it all the time.

Participant: Many blessings. Thank you so much, Kaye. I will mute out now.

Kaye Palenchar: Somebody else on? Is there another special request for a Code this evening? Would someone else like to tell what their experience has been this week, or what it hasn’t been and what the problem might be? You can hit *1.

Participant: (Beth Ann) I’d like to give a little testimonial and request a Code. Last Thursday Night on this call I asked Tom for a Code regarding clutter clearing. I just have a lot of it to do that I’ve procrastinated about for a long time. On the 4th of July I did the Code maybe for 20 minutes or so with Q2 and Q Codes. I could not believe how easy it was for me to clear clutter. It was astonishing.

I used The Truth Technique with it. It was like having a personal organizer with me the whole way. It was better than a professional organizer because this was a divine personal organizer telling me what to keep and what to throw away and what to give away. It was so exquisite. I’m very grateful. I still have more work to do with the Code. I’ve done the Code on two days before I did clutter clearing and it’s made a world of difference.

Tom had advised me to make it a game. I didn’t even have to. It was so easy, it glided so magnificently as a result of doing the Codes and using The Truth Technique that it was more work to have to make it a game. It was already so easy and delightful.

I’m just shocked and delightedly so.

Kaye Palenchar: So you had categories kind of like those guys on TV show you how to cut your clutter. You put stuff in different piles or whatever. Is that what you did?

Participant: Yes, uh-ha. It was easy to throw away stuff I might have been clutching about before. It was clear exactly what to do with things. I sort of had a feeling why it was good to get rid of things and why I should keep things. I got ideas as I did this stuff as to how organize and what to move into the space once I got everything cleared out. It was just wonderful.

I would like a Code if it’s possible to do one without revealing very much about it?