Contract Position
Kawartha Heritage Conservancy (KHC) is a dynamic new land trust with a geographic area of interest that encompasses the City of Kawartha Lakes, Peterborough County and portions of the Region of Durham and the Counties of Northumberland, Hastings and Haliburton. KHC¹s mandate is to identify, conserve and restore the natural environment and heritage sites of the Kawartha region, including sites of ecological, scientific, scenic, open space, historic, architectural or archaeological interest. Further objects include cooperation with individuals, organizations, government agencies, conservation authorities and others having similar aims and to encourage them in their activities. To this end KHC is initiating a Professional Advisors Program which will inform, train and support such advisors in land and finance related businesses about new provincial conservation easement legislation, Ecogift income tax measures, reforms to property tax incentives, changed provincial planning policies, and the emergence of a network of land trusts throughout Ontario and specifically the services of KHC.
KHC is seeking a motivated, energetic individual for the position of Communications and Outreach Co-ordinator who will be based in Peterborough. The successful candidate will have experience in land trust operations and coordinating outreach programs. Reporting to the KHC Board, the individual will:
Develop briefing information ( Powerpoint presentations on CD; brochures and video displays) on the following: land trusts and what they can do (land securement through ownership or easements); income tax advantages associated with Ecogifts; other tax advantages related to charitable giving and bequests of money and land for conservation; tools and best practices for conservation planning; property tax incentive programs for conservation land and heritage buildings;
contact professional advisors in the field (e.g. lawyers, accountants, financial advisors, appraisers, real estate agents and planners) with the objective of describing these conservation initiatives and how they can be integrated into their clients¹ plans if they purchase ecologically sensitive sites;
prepare workshops, displays, and presentations for the professional community and present at key professional forums and public meetings;
set up an ongoing advisory service between KHC, the general public and the professional service sector to describe changes in the barriers and incentives to conservation;
establish a web based Conservation Buyer Program designed to match prospective land owners who share a commitment to conservation with priority lands that contribute to a regional natural heritage system;
pursue other research initiatives and community, government and financial partnerships as directed by the Board.
Knowledge Skills:
Familiarity with environmental issues, land use planning and land trust operations
Proficient with computers, email, Internet and communications software
Experience in event planning
Strong writing and oral communication skills
Must be a strategic thinker and committed to conservation issues
Must be a leader who collaborates and communicates openly
Must be self-confident with an independent work style
Must be willing to take responsibility, to go the extra mile to find and
implement creative solutions.
This is a one year contract position with a salary commensurate with experienceŠbase $30,000.
Please submit a resume with detailed information about your qualifications and
experience and the names of three references and their contact information to:
Barbara Heidenreich
Chair, Kawartha Heritage Conservancy
Resumes and references will be accepted until November 29, 2002, but not
later. Please do not send resumes and references by mail or by fax. Only
electronic applications will be accepted.
We will verify receipt of all applications by email.
Short-listed applicants will be notified for an interview as soon as
possible after the deadline