West C;are Learning Network

Meeting 18th September VTOS 11.00 – 12.30


Mike Ryan, Kala Maloney, Michael Donelan, Rita McCarthy, Jimmy Fitzpatrick, Breda O’Driscoll, Aoibhan Haverty, Frank Benson, Ann Knox, Viv Rooney


Sue Targett


MikeAutumn Programme – numbers are slow

Community education has a number of courses

Tuition hours left –Community & voluntary

KalaCABES up and started

Monday & Wednesday Margaret going to Ennis

Amanda - E-learning & BTEI

Shorter taster sessions

5 or 6 people moved on to different courses

RitaTwo Cert courses full

Hotel & Catering really good response

Horticulture Tutor/coordinator Mike Gleeson

Computer all levels filling up

Digital Photography – evening or Saturday

Local History – starting end of October will email a brochure

Women’s Studies big response

Michael Tuesday day for West Clare

Supporting all adult Ed. Programmes

Available to meet people from the public drop in or ideally make an appointment – funding from guidance service

Study Skills with Kala & BTEI class

Factual Information re: Social Care, Community Care - where to go after level 5, very helpful towards further qualifications

Clareguidance.ie Ann will put a link to it.

BredaEquality Training running in Kilrush/Kilkee. Exploration of Clare Fora is a published document and on the website.

Viv Supporting 3 women’s Groups with classes. Older people training/classes continuing. English conversation two classes per week. Polish and Irish conversation requested.

Jimmy Tuesday and Thursday in the office but can be contacted anytime on mobile. Lone parents and long-term unemployed if there is a shortfall of funds sometimes there is up to €4000.00 available. Social Welfare don’t stand-alone the vision is they will be partners e.g. 70% from VEC and top up SW. Accreditation will become a must and can progress.

Aoibhan VEC will also be a partner and will top up. Receiver of education is in a better place to progress. Unemployment could be a huge problem if you qualify for a means test. Try to deal with every case on an individual basis.

AnnWorking with Mary Flanagan developing an approved Active Citizenship 3 days face to face and 2 days on line.

FrankUp and running, recruiting done great interest about 50 for 25 places. Vandelleur Walled Gardens looking for strong men.

Tarfgetting New Groups

Literacy Awareness outside Supervalu to advertise CR&WS, explain and talk to

people face to face. If anybody wants their leaflets distributed they can be left with

Kala for Friday.

Community Education – trying to ensure education is as close as possible to people in

rural villages – getting the laptops out there if needed and when they are in schools let

the children use them. Rita will look into getting computers into the schools back


Men group in Labasheeda – doing what they are interested in.

Motorbike Maintenance – looking for funding

Build a programme – uncertified

Personal effectiveness – communication – restoration

12 weeks introduction to getting used participating and other students

VTOS – commitment to the programme – will give a room – looking for a tutor.

Trips Away – Learning Experience

Huge boost for confidence

Each trip will have a specific reason

Great learning – applying for passports eating out

Creative writing course – poets & writers – art groups – all positive long-term results

Approach Frances from the library to come along to the network meeting

Younger lads are very hard to hold and motivate

Get in touch with Caroline Egan re: Lyon programme

Dads & Lads course – football training

Get in touch with Richard Collins

Brothers of Charity opening their workshop

If a target group Jimmy Fitzpatrick can assist

ESOL - Kilrush - Monday& Wednesday

Kilkee – Tuesday


Ann wrote to Mary Kett

No response from Breda Naughton

FETAC Assessments – Training in Ennis Teacher Centre

DES funded programmes only allowed to attend.

Lobbying letter will be drafted and each organisation will be asked to sent it on as

lobby action.


6000 hits 2006

14000 hits 2007

Conference in Woodstock details on website

Date for next meeting 4th December 2007 at 11.00 VTOS building and on to the Golf

Club for lunch.



New Groups

West Clare Countywide Plan

Wrap up Equal in put

New Agenda