November, 1999 IEEE P802.15-99-126

IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title / Kauai meeting minutes for 802.15 Working Group
Date Submitted / 12 November, 1999
Source / [Local Area Systems Division]
[Intermec ]
[Cedar Rapids, IA] / Voice:[+1.319.369.3593]
Re: / [If this is a proposed revision, cite the original document.]
Abstract / 802.15 Working Group meeting minutes from the Kaua’i Plenary session.
Purpose / Official record of all IEEE 802.15 Working Group committee sessions during IEEE 802 Plenary session. Document numbers following the topic reference the presentation submission.
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

1:11Chair, Bob Heile, called working group to order.

First action was to do a roll call. Reviewed objectives for this meeting and 802.15 policies.

1:30Chair reviewed the agenda. ( IEEE 802.15-99/105r0)

Changed to r2 to delay the motion to submit the TG1 draft to WG letter ballot #1 till Thursday. Motion to approve this modified agenda was made by Ivan Reede and seconded by Bruce Kraemer. Motion was carried by unanimous consent.

1:33WG Secretary (Pat Kinney) reviewed Santa Rosa meeting minutes (IEEE 802.15-99/095r0)

Motion to approve meeting minutes was made by Bruce Kraemer and seconded Kurt Fischer, 18/0/1.

1:42WG Chair reported Monday’s ExCom meeting activities.

Noted that 802.15’s report to the Excom centered upon the coexistence issue, Steve Shellhammer will go into more detail when he presents the SG activities. Rule change status focused on letter ballot rules versus electronic ballots. In year 2000, Vic Hayes will step down as chair for 802.11.

1:50WG Vice Chair (Ian Gifford) reported on liaison activities. (IEEE 802.15-99/124r0)

2:02TG Chair (Ian Gifford) reported on the TG1 activities and plans (IEEE 802.15-99/123r0)

2:08Steve Shellhammer reported on coexistence SG activities for (IEEE802.15-99/121r0)

2:16Bruce Kraemer reported on Marketing Committee activities (IEEE802.15-99/108r2)

2:22Lou Dellaverson made a presentation on WATM and BRAN (IEEE802.15-99/???)

Comment: As to BRAN, BRAN had issues with SIG wishing to maintain control e.g. issues with error corrections. Europe added additional bandwidth at 5 GHz for broad band wireless communications. This new spectrum is located between 5.47 and 5.725 GHz.

Question: Has MMAC defined a protocol yet? Answer: No. Question: Answer: We have adopted a single PHY with slots 54 bytes long determined by which convergence layer is sitting on top. Has HiperLan/1 gone anywhere? Answer: Two companies are working on product developments. How does this fit into a Bluetooth network. PAN needs a gateway to WAN networks.

2:57WG chair reviewed agenda for the joint 802.11/802.15 meeting slated for Wednesday. (IEEE802.15-99/105r2)

Motion to approve this agenda was made by Bruce Kraemer and seconded by Mike McInnis, passed with unanimous consent.

3:00WG chair reviewed old and new business.

3:04Motion to adjourn to subgroups. Bruce seconded by Peter

Wednesday, November 10, 1999802.11 & 802.15 Joint Meeting

1:04Meeting called to order by 802.11 Chair (Vic Hayes) and 802.15 Chair (Bob Heile)

1:05Roll Call

1:10Document List update

802.11: 99/261 is last document number assigned

802.15: 99/142 is last document number assigned


802.11 chair announced the resolution of a MIB issue with 802.11 (IEEE 802.11-99/243-r1)

Standards on CDs will be available at 2:00PM

1:18Minutes from Santa Rosa

Hearing no comments motion to approve 802.11 minutes by Stuart Kerry, seconded by Al Petrick, passed 24/0/1.

Hearing no comments motion to approve 802.15 minutes by Bruce Kraemer, seconded by Ian Gifford passed, 18/0/0

1:24Approval of Agenda

Comment(SS): change the reference to Interoperability to read Coexistence, change was done.

Motion to approve agenda:

802.11 made by Al Petrick, seconded by Stuart Kerry, no discussion, passed 30/0/0

802.15 made by Bruce Kraemer, seconded by Mike McInnis, no discussion, passed 19/0/0

1:28 Old business

Liaison officers:

802.11 to 802.15Peter Murray, Stuart Kerry, Bruce Kraemer

802.15 to 802.11Mike McInnis, Allen Heberlein

1:30Liaison report by 802.15 WG Vice-Chair, Ian Gifford (IEEE 802.15-99/124r0), and Task Group report (IEEE 802.15-99/123r0), and Marketing Committee report (IEEE 802.15 –99/122r0)

Comment (VH): need to update slide 18 reference to TGa and TGb to show that they are approved standards

1:52802.11 SG regulatory issues Dennis Kuwara

RF lighting : no new status

2.4 GHz NPRM:

114 comments, 14 with supporting data. Letter to the FCC addressing IEEE position is being drafted by 802.11(IEEE802.11-99/231). Comment was made as to the ambiguity as to the 2nd paragraph. It should reference DS. Comment was made that this letter should be assigned an 802.15 document number.

5 GHz World Wide:

SG is still in working

US position to US SG8a/9b

WRC 2002

UK, RA comments:

SG feels need for coexistence with Hiperlan 1 and Hiperlan 2

Recommends ETSI/IEEE coexistence meeting

Reply to UK RA RFC

2:16Venue for May

2000 interim in Seattle presentation by Mike McInnis

802.15 WG chair conducted a straw poll for Seattle attendance: 46 with 2 ambivalent

802.15 WG chair conducted a straw poll for September Interim Memphis attendance 38 with 6 ambivalent

802.11 WG chair conducted a straw poll for January interim Israel attendance was 34 attending, 24 not attending, with 6 ambivalent

2:22Report on 802.15 Coexistence SG by Steve Shellhammer (IEEE802.15-99/121r1)

802.11 conducted a straw poll asking should the SG to become a TG in 802.15 with proposed voting scheme? (Yes/no/abstain) 19/0/9

802.11 conducted a straw poll should this Study Group become a TAG? Results were (y/n/a): 0/16/7

802.11 conducted a straw poll asking in-favor of recommendation of the attendance credit procedure to 802.11 and 802.15. Results were (yes/no/abstain) 25/0/6

Motion to approve the separation of the subsequent letter ballot output from the 802.15 coexistence task group to both 802.11 and 802.15 voting members and for both groups to agree before sending to Excom

802.11: moved by Stuart Kerry, seconded by Peter Murray. Motion passed 21/0/0

802.15: moved by Pat Kinney, seconded by Peter Murray. Motion passed by 14/0/0

3:00New Business

Santa Rosa financial statement review

Motion to approve financial statement

802.11: motion made by Worstell, seconded by Kerry. Motion passed 23/0/0

802.15: motion made by Ian Gifford seconded by Mike McInnis. Motion passed 12/0/1

Motion to purchase from the interim Santa Rosa meeting using surplus funds, 6 walkie-talkies for 802.11 and 802.15 use.

802.11: made by Kerry, seconded by Worstell. Passed: 24/0/2

802.15: made by Kraemer, seconded by Gifford. Passed: 9/0/1

Motion to combine the voting procedure for the joint 802.11 and 802.15 into one combined vote, providing a quorum is present for both groups, otherwise it is a recommendations back to each group. Those that are voting members of both groups may only vote once per motion.

802.11: Stuart Kerry moved, Al Petrick seconded. Failed: 6/12/13

802.15: not so moved, motion failed

3:15Joint session adjourned

Wednesday, November 10, 1999802.15 Working Group Meeting

3:35Chair of 802.15 Working Group called the meeting to order

Request to modify agenda to omit the SG report since it was just presented at the joint meeting. Bruce moved the motion, Ian seconded it. Hearing no objections, the motion passed by unanimous consent.

3:39TG1 report by Ian Gifford, TG1 chair (IEEE802.15-99/144r0)

Motion to submit the contents of document IEEE P802.15/D0.6 to Sponsor Ballot [default recirculation ballot];, available via:

Ian Gifford moved this motion, Tom Siep seconded it, the motion passed 19/0/2.

3:53MC report by Bruce Kraemer, MC chair (IEEE802.15-99/140r1)

Motion that the charter of the 802.15 Marketing committee be extended to the March ’00 Plenary.

Bruce Kraemer moved this motion, Ivan seconded. Motion passed 21/0/0.

Motion that 802.15 request the IEEE to immediately proceed with trademark registration of WPAN and WPANs

Bruce Kraemer moved this motion, Ian Gifford seconded. Bruce moved to amend the previous motion to include wording “and to release this trademarking for general use without fees”, Ivan seconded this motion. Tom Siep commented that he was against this motion to amend. Todor Cooklev commented that this motion to amend might be illegal due to trademark laws. The motion to amend failed, 1/11/9. Bruce Kraemer agreed to a friendly amendment to add the term “ExCom” after IEEE. Following no discussion the motion was voted. The motion carried by 15/2/4.

Motion that the 802.15 chair be empowered to proceed with additional trademark and URL recommendations to ExCom that are relevant to 802.15.

Bruce Kraemer moved this motion, Ivan Reede seconded. Tim Blaney voiced his opposition to this amendment because it is too open and gives the WG chair responsibility that the Market Committee should have. As a friendly amendment, the motion was modified to add the phrase ”that are approved by the Advisory Counsel”. This motion to amend passed 15/1/4.

4:18Call for interest on high end WPAN

Motion was made to form a study group with the charter of drafting a PAR and 5 Criteria for a High Rate WPAN which will have a fallback mode fully compliant with the proposed Task Group 1 draft standard.

Moved by Kurt Fischer, seconded by Steve Torp, following no discussion the vote was taken. This motion passed 16/0/4.

Motion was made by Ivan Reede to amend the previous motion with the words “within 802.15”, Allen Heberlein seconded this motion, following no discussion, the motion passed 18/0/4.

Motion was made to name Jim Allen as the acting chair of the high rate study group. The motion was moved by Ivan Reede, seconded by Jim Allen. This motion passed 19/0/2.

4:25802.15 WG meeting was adjourned

Thursday, November 11, 1999802.15 Working Group Meeting

3:32WGChair called the 802.15 Working Group to order

Chair reviewed the agenda. Motion to approve the agenda was made by Ivan Reede and seconded by Bruce Kraemer. Hearing no objections the agenda was passed by unanimous consent.

Chair reviewed the document update and the status of the submissions on the flash cards.

The TG1 chair had no further status to report, and the MC chair had no further status to report. The SG chair requested support for the coexistence efforts.

3:39Objectives for next 802.15 meeting in Tel-Aviv.

TG: First priority for the TG group will be ballot comment resolution.

Coexistence SG: Submissions on coexistence model and submissions on coexistence mechanism.

HR ad-hoc: Review PAR and 5 criteria; review other programs like HomeRF, and review a call for applications.

3:43New business

Excom meeting announcement

PAR approval for to form 802.15.2 (Task Group for coexistence)

Recommendation for trademark process

Approval to form 802.15 HR SG

Review of WG accomplishments (IEEE802.15-99/146r0)

Motion: Move that the 802.15 Working Group recommend to the 802 executive committee that it proceed with trademark registration of WPAN and WPANs through the IEEE. Moved by Bruce Kraemer, seconded by Ivan Reede. Following no discussion the motion passed 18/0/1.

Chair reviewed the Motion: To approve the formation of a Study Group within 802.15 to develop a PAR, for submission to the SEC by the March 2000 Plenary, on a High Rate WPAN that will have a fall back mode fully compliant with the proposed Task Group 1 draft standard.

Motion to empower the Interim Meeting to be held January 10-14, 2000 in Tel-Aviv to act on behalf of the Working Group as if it were a Plenary Meeting. Moved by Tom Siep and seconded by Ian Gifford. Hearing no further discussion the vote was taken, 16/0/5, motion passed.

4:08WG Chair adjourned this session of 802.15

SubmissionPage 1Local Area Systems Division, Intermec