Katherine L. Hatfield
Communication Studies Department 818 N. 46th St. Apt 3
2500 California Plaza Omaha, NE 68132 Creighton University
Omaha, NE 68178
(office) 402-280-2530 (cell) 402-415-1929
(fax) 402-280-2143
Doctor of Philosophy, Ohio University, Communication Studies
Primary Area: Rhetorical Studies
Secondary Area: Philosophy of Social Theory
Conferment Date: March 2006
Title: A Culture of Terror Rises Out of the Dust: A Rhetorical Analysis of
Iconic Imagery in the Aftermath of 9/11
Dissertation Committee: Dr. Raymie McKerrow, Director
Dr. Jeffrey St. John
Dr. Gregory Shephard
Dr. Julie White
Master of Art, Central Michigan University, Interpersonal and Public Communication
Primary Area: Interpersonal Communication
Secondary Area: Family Communication
Graduation: May 2002
Title: Family systems in crisis: Use of approach and avoidance coping strategies to maintain family functioning during chronic illness.
Thesis Committee: Dr. Nancy Buerkel-Rothfuss, Director
Dr. Peter Ross
Dr. Pamela Gray
Bachelor of Applied Art, Central Michigan University, Interpersonal and Public Communication
Primary Concentration: Interpersonal Communication
Secondary Concentration: Political Science
Graduation: December 2000
Teaching Experience
RSP 101 Ratio Studiorum: Culture of Collegiate Life
Creighton University
COM 321 Persuasion
Creighton University
COM 495 Special Topic in Communication: Political Communication and U.S. Campaigns
Creighton University
COM 492 Independent Readings: Political Communication
Creighton University
COM 312 Mass Media and Modern Culture
Creighton University
COM 380 History and Criticism of Film
Creighton University
COM 352 Advanced Presentational Forms
Creighton University
COM 152 Principles of Communication Competence
Creighton University
COM 201 Introduction to Debate and Forensics
Creighton University
COM 301 Intermediate Debate and Forensics
Creighton University
INCO 103 Public Speaking
Ohio University
INCO 117/217 Beginning/Advanced Forensics
Ohio University
INCO 215 Argumentation and Debate
Ohio University
COMS 342 Communication and Persuasion
Ohio University
SDA 101 Introduction to Interpersonal and Public Communication
Central Michigan University
IPC 495A Fundamentals in Group Facilitation
Central Michigan University
SDA 795 Seminar: Teaching College Speech (Graduate Course)
Central Michigan University
Assistant Basic Course Director
Teaching Interests
Persuasion Communication Theory Small Group Communication Communication and Leadership Rhetorical Theory/Criticism Interpersonal Communication
Public Speaking Argumentation and Advocacy
Coaching Experience
▫ Assistant Director of Forensics, Creighton University- 2005 - 2008
Director of Individual Events Team
▫ Assistant Director of Forensics, Ohio University - Fall 2002 - Spring 2005
2004-05 Season: Directed Individual Events Team
▫ Assistant Forensic Coach, Central Michigan University - Fall 2000 - Spring 2002
▫ Shepherd High School Forensic Coach, Shepherd High School - Spring 2001
Administrative Experience
2005-Present Assistant Director of Forensics, Creighton University
Responsibilities: Inform competitors of rules, regulations and procedures associated with competition in Speech and Debate activities; advise and counsel undergraduate students; work with a coaching staff; hold individual coaching hours; edit speech manuscripts; travel with team to various locations around the country; work with a budget; develop team cohesion activities; and assist in tournament planning and execution.
2002-2005 Assistant Director of Forensics, Ohio University
Responsibilities: Inform competitors of rules, regulations and procedures associated with competition in Speech and Debate Activities; advise and counsel undergraduate students; work with a coaching staff; hold individual coaching hours; edit speech manuscripts; travel with team to various locations around the country; work with a budget; develop team cohesion activities; and assist in tournament planning and execution.
During 2003-04 competitive season, I worked to re-build a program that had recently graduated nearly all active members. I was able to jointly design and implement new program policies and activities in an attempt to assure future growth of the program.
During the 2004-05 competitive season, I have been working jointly with the Director of Debate to continue growth and sustainability of a transitioning forensic program.
2001-2002 Assistant Basic Course Director, Central Michigan University
Responsibilities: Informed graduate students of course and department regulations and procedures; advised and counseled graduate students; designed and chaired workshops and staff meetings; co-designed and ran a three-week training seminar for graduate/teaching assistants; scheduled for the Basic Speech Communication courses; edited and developed the course
supplement and syllabus, oversaw exams and trained incoming teaching assistants for their classroom experiences
2000-2002 Assistant Forensic Coach, Central Michigan University
Responsibilities: Informed competitors of rules, regulations and procedures associated with competition in Speech and Debate Activities; advised and counseled undergraduate students; worked with a coaching staff; held individual coaching hours; edited speech manuscripts; traveled with team to various locations around the country; worked with a budget; developed team cohesion activities; and assisted in tournament planning and execution.
Creative and Scholarly Activity
Current Projects and/or Under Review:
Hatfield, K. L. (submitted). Exploring narratives of identity and inclusion for
Bug chasers in the gay community. Submitted to the Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual, and Transgender Division of the National Communication
Association to be presented in San Diego. (November 2008).
Hatfield, K. L. (submitted). (Re)envisioning Terror: A rhetorical analysis of
iconic images of terror in the United States post 9/11. Submitted to the
Visual Communication Division of the National Communication
Association to be presented in San Diego (November 2008).
Hatfield, K. L. (under review). Falling Towers, emerging iconography: A rhetorical analysis of Twin Tower images after 9/11. Submitted to Texas Speech Communication Journal, 2008.
McBride, M.C. & Hatfield, K. L. (in progress). When the visual masks the verbal: Competing representations of fairytale and feminism in Pink’s ‘U + Ur Hand.’
Hatfield, K.L., Hinck, A., & Birkholt, M.J. (In Press). Seeing the Visual in Argumentation: A Rhetorical Analysis of UNICEF Belgium’s Smurf PSA as a Site of Visual Argumentation. Argumentation and Advocacy, ?, (?), ??-??.
Hatfield, K.L., Schafer, K. A., & Stroup, K. (2005). A Dialogic Approach to Combating Hate Speech on College Campuses. The Atlantic Journal of Communication, 13, (1), 41-55.
Jowi, D. & Hatfield, K. L. (2004). Topic Selection. In P. Royse, D. Novak, & B. S. Titsworth (Eds.), Fundamentals of Public Communication: COMS 103 (2nd Ed.). Plymouth, MI: Hayden McNeil.
Harter, L. M., Kirby, E. L., Hatfield, K. L., & Kuhlman, K. N. (2004). From spectators of public affairs to agents of social change: Engaging students in the Basic Course through service-learning. Basic Communication Course Annual, 16, 165-194.
Yerby, J. & Hatfield, K. L. (2001). (Eds). SDA 101: A student companion. Hayden-McNeil Publications, Plymouth, MI.
Hatfield, K. L. (1998). Service learning in forensics: An undergraduate’s perspective. National Forensic Journal, 16, (1&2), 44-52.
Competitively Selected Papers:
McBride, M. C. & Hatfield, K. L. (2007). Hollywood Feminism:
(Re)structuring gender through competing verbal and visual messages in
Pink videos. Paper presented to the Organization for the Study of
Communication, Language, and Gender. Omaha, NE.
Hatfield, K. L. (2007). In the trenches: An argument for critical cultural scholarship in HIV/AIDS. Paper accepted by the Rhetorical Theory and Criticism Division of the Central States Communication Association meeting in Minneapolis, MN.
Hinck, A. & Hatfield, K. L. (2006). Seeing the visual in argument: A
Rhetorical Analysis of UNICEF Belgium’s Smurf PSA as a site of visual argument. Paper accepted by the Argumentation and Forensics Division for the 2007 National Communication Association meeting in San Antonio, TX.
Hatfield, K. L. (2006). Falling Towers, emerging iconography: A rhetorical analysis of Twin Tower images after 9/11. Paper accepted by the Visual Communication Division for the 2007 National Communication Association meeting in San Antonio, TX.
Hatfield, K. L. (2005). Living with and dying with/(from) AIDS: Globalizing the rhetorical understanding of HIV/AIDS in Africa and the United States. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Boston, MA.
Hatfield, K. L. (2005). (Top 3 Paper) Rising out of the dust: A rhetorical analysis of iconic imagery in a 9/11 culture of terror. Paper accepted to the annual meeting of the Central States Communication Association, Indianapolis, IN-Spring 2006.
Hatfield, K. L. (2004). A quest for belonging: Exploring the story of the bug
chasing phenomenon. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Competitively Selected Papers/Panels:
Hatfield, K. L. (2006). From Terror to Tapping: A discussion of President Bush’s rhetorical strategies since 9/11 and America’s response. Panel submitted and accepted to the Political Communication Division of the Central States Communication Association meeting in Minneapolis, MN.
Hatfield, K. L. (2006). One Nation Under God: Religion in American Culture.
Panel accepted and presented to the Rhetorical Theory and Criticism Division for the 2007 National Communication Association meeting in San Antonio, TX (Paper Presenter)
Novak, D. R. & Hatfield, K. L. (2005). Group persuasive performances: Current
issues and public speaking. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Central States Communication Association, Kansas City, MO.
Hatfield, K. L. (2004). Terrorism in the public sphere: A critical response to
pragmatist democratic theory. Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Hatfield, K. L. (2004). President George W. Bush's post 9/11 rhetoric and terrorism: A Foucaultian analysis of the American public (space). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Central States Communication Association, Cleveland, OH.
Hatfield, K. L. (2003). Re-examining Public Sphere Theory: Making sense of how terrorism disrupts the American public sphere. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Speech Communication Association of Ohio, Otterbein College, OH.
Hatfield, K. L. (2003). Blurring the boundaries of work and family: Understanding the tensions of work and family in the context of a family run business. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Miami, FL.
Hatfield, K. L. (2002). My father, my hero: Coping with my father’s illness. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Hatfield, K. L. (2002). Be a “Stand-Out”: An argument for innovation diffusion in forensic activities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Hatfield, K.L. & Schafer, K. (2001). Hate speech: Various languages of difference. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Atlanta, GA.
Hatfield, K.L. (1999). Oprah Winfrey’s Book of the Month Club: A rhetorical analysis of prudence in action. Paper presented at the annual Rhetorical Criticism Conference at California State University at Hayword, Hayword, CA.
Hatfield, K.L. (1999). Managing the paradox of boundaries: Negotiating the tension between one’s identity as a student and a team member. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Hatfield, K.L. (1999). Oprah Winfrey’s Book of the Month Club: A rhetorical analysis of prudence in action. Paper presented at the annual Student Research and Creative Endeavors Exhibition at Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI
Hatfield, K.L. (1998). Service learning in forensics: An undergraduate’s perspective. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Invited Respondent for Competitive Papers/Panels:
Respondent, (2007). Competitive Paper Panel in the Rhetorical Theory and Criticism Division of the Central States Communication Association Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN. Theme: Visual Rhetoric
Scholarship of Teaching/Coaching:
▫ 1st Place Overall Combined Team Sweepstakes at Longview Community
College Central States Invitational Tournament. (2007). Top 10% Finish
▫ 3rd Place Overal Combined Team Sweepstakes at The Ohio State University
and Otterbein College Invitational Tournaments. (2007). Top 10% Finish
▫ 1st Place Team Sweepstakes at the United States Air Force Invitational
Tournament. (2007). Top 10% Finish
▫ 2nd Place Overall Team Sweepstakes at the Webster University Invitational
Tournament. (2007). Top 10% Finish
▫ 1st Place Overall Team Sweepstakes at the Concordia University Sun & Sleet
Invitational Tournament. (2007). Top 10% Finish
▫ 12th Place Team Sweepstakes (Open Division) at the National Forensic
Association National Tournament. (2007). Top 10% Finish
▫ Quarter-Finalist, Rhetorical Criticism at the 2007 National Forensic Association
National Tournament. Top 20 % Finish
▫ Quarter-Finalist, Persuasive Speaking at the 2007 National Forensic Association
National Tournament. Top 20% Finish
▫ 2007 Overall Team Sweepstakes Nebraska State Champions
▫ Student Presentation at National Communication Association. (A. Hinck)
▫ Third Place Team Sweepstakes Finish at the 2006 Otterbein Frolic Some More
Invitational Tournament.
▫ Quarter-Finalist, Informative Speaking at the 2006 National Forensic Association National Tournament (S. Hinrichs)
▫ Quarter-Finalist, Extemporaneous Speaking at the 2006 National Forensic Association National Tournament (D. Reeker)
▫ 9th Place Team Sweepstakes Award in President’s II Division at the 2006 National Forensic Association National Tournament
▫ 2nd Place Individual Events Team Sweepstakes Sleet and Sun Invitational at Concordia University (2006). Top 10% finish.
▫ 2nd Place Individual Events Team Sweepstakes Sleet and Sun Invitational hosted by Asuza Pacific University (2006). Top 10% finish.
▫ Tournament Champions- Overall Combined Team Sweepstakes- Sleet and Sun Invitational at Concordia University (2006). Top 10% finish.
▫ Tournament Champions- University of Nebraska, Lincoln Invitational (2006). Top 10% finish.
▫ NIFA State Champion (2006). Prose Interpretation- Molly McCartney
▫ NIFA State Champion (2006). Program of Oral Interpretation- Molly McCartney
▫ NIFA State Champion (2006). After Dinner Speaking- Molly McCartney
▫ NIFA State Champion (2006). Informative Speaking- Sarah Hinrichs
▫ 2nd Place Individual Events Team Sweepstakes- NIFA 2006
▫ Tournament Champions- Overall Combined Team Sweepstakes- NIFA 2006
▫ 2nd Place Overall Combined Team Sweepstakes at the Truman State University Show Me Invitational (2005). Top 10% finish.
▫ 2nd Place Team Sweepstakes at the Doane College Invitational Tournament (2005). Top 10% finish.
Professional Memberships
▫ Member, National Communication Association, 1998-Present
▫ Member, Central States Communication Association, 2000-Present
▫ Member, Speech Communication Association of Ohio, 2002-2005
▫ Member, National Forensic Association, 1995-Present
▫ Member, Nebraska Intercollegiate Forensic Association, 2005-Present
▫ Member, Michigan Intercollegiate Forensic Association, 1995-2002
Professional Service
Departmental Service
▫ Department Course Development Committee (COM 111), Fall/Spring 2007-08