Kaslo Logger Sports Tree Falling Rules
- There will be fourteenfalling trees in total.
- There will be two awarded trees. One for last years’ event winner. One for last years “Logger of the Day”.
- Competitors who enter the tree falling will draw for the available trees. The number they draw will be their tree number. Some competitors may not get a tree if there are more competitors than there are trees. Late entries will not be accepted in this event if there are fourteen competitors entered by the 15th.
- There will be three heats of four and one heat of two competitors.
- Competitors must supply their own saws, leg, ear, face and head protection. All personal protective equipment must be CSA or ANSI approved and in good condition.
- Competitors must wear and use their PPE properly while falling. Example: failure to not lower your face screen and or leave your ear muffs “up” will result in disqualification.
- Saws must be “bush” saws (no racing saws) with working chain breaks, chain catchers, and throttle interlocks.
- The competitor will start by standing at the base of his or her tree and on the word go will start their saw (chain breaks must be on when starting the saw) and fall their tree. Time will stop when the tree hits the ground.
- Undercuts must be relatively “clean” (can use either conventional or humbolt), and at least three inches deep.
- Backcuts must not be lower than the undercut union at any point.
- Back-barring (using a pushing chain) will not be allowed.
- There must be a complete hinge for the holding wood (no cut off holding wood).
- The object is to hit a peg at a given distance (30 ft) in front of the tree. The competitor who hits the peg with the tree on its initial fall in the quickest time will be the winner.The remaining place getters will be the ones who score the lowest cumulative points of time in seconds plus distance in inches.Trees will be measured for distance from the outer diameter of the tree and the nearest point to the peg. Trees will be measured from where they end up (stop bouncing, rolling), not from where they hit the ground. Trees that do not hit the peg on the way down but roll or bounce onto or into the peg will receive a 1 for distance.
- There will be a 60 second time limit for the falling of the tree.
- The decision(s) of the judge will be final.