Supplementary Bachelor of Physiotherapy III (Third) Year Annual Examination 2013-14

Course Code: BPT306 Paper ID: 0113135

Clinical Orthopaedics

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70 Max Marks: 75

Note: Attempt the questions as per instructions Q. No. 1 is compulsory.

1. Choose the correct alternative: (1x10=10)

i) Which gene is responsible for ankylosis spondylitis:

a) HLA-B-28 b) HLA-B-37

c) HLA-B-27 d) HLA-C-27

ii) Range of motion is measured by:

a) Inch Tape b) Ruler

c) Goniometer d) All the above

iii) Swan neck deformity is present in:

a) Osteoarthritis

b) Rheumatoid arthritis

c) Ankylosis spondylitis

d) Multiple sclerosis

iv) In painful arc syndrome pain is present in:

a) O-180 degree

b) 40-90 degree

c) 60-120 degree

d) 60-90 degree

v) Pott’s fracture present in:

a) Ankle b) Spine

c) Shoulder d) Neck

vi) Cross union present in fracture of:

a) Tibia and Fibula b) Radius and Ulna

c) MCP and DIP d) Tarsal and Metatarsal

vii) Pulled elbow present in:

a) Adults b) Children

c) Elders d) Paralysis

viii) Trendelenberg sign present due to weakness of:

a) Gluteus maximus

b) Gluteus medius and minimus

c) Quadriceps

d) Hamstring

ix) Fusion of bone is:

a) Osteotomy b) Arthrodesis

c) Arthroplasty d) Arthroscopy

x) Rickets occur due to deficiency of:

a) Vit. A b) Vit. B

c) Vit. D d) Vit. K

2. Write short notes on any six of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (6x5=30)

a) Types of fracture

b) Torticollis

c) Sprain

d) Piriformis Syndrome

e) Tennis elbow

f) Osteosarcoma


h) ERB’s Palsy

i) Osteopososis

3. Attempt any two of the following. (2 x 15 = 30)

a) Describe types, clinical features, pathophysiology and treatment of adhesive capsulitis in detail.

b) Explain types, clinical features, pathology, X-ray findings and treatment of osteoarthritis.

c) Explain causes, indications and contraindications and level of upper and lower limb amputation.