The regular meeting of the River Ridge Board of Education was called to order by President Bill Mergen on Wednesday, January 9, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. Roll call was taken with the following members present:
Karla IrishTish Burmeister Kerri Schier Lea Breuer Bill Mergen Bob Mathre Chad Breuer
Also present were District Administrator Lee Pritzl, Business Manager Carol Harris and staff members Shawn Chatfield and Deb Martin.
Lea Breuer presented proof of posting showing notice of the meeting posted on January 4, 2013, at 1:07 p.m. at the River Ridge High School and Middle School and the post offices in Bagley, Bloomington, Glen Haven, Mt. Hope and Patch Grove. The motion was made by Tish Burmeister and seconded by Bob Mathre to approve the posting. On a voice vote, the motion carried.
There were no appearances.
The motion was made by Karla Irish and seconded by Kerri Schier to approve the December 12, 2012, Regular and Closed Meeting Minutes. On a voice vote, the motion carried.
The following General Fund expenditures were reviewed: Dennis Baumann, 90.00; Janet A. Block, 163.17; Emil E. Bohringer Jr., 42.74; Jeffery J Clausen, 60.00; Christopher Earle, 139.86; Nancy Fassbinder, 13.00; Robert Ferraro, 90.00; Ryan Fox, 139.86; Angela George, 21.00; Jeffery L. Graewin, 162.62; Carol A. Harris, 56.89; Clay Koenig, 132.09; Tracy L. Krueger, 55.00; Rodney Lewis, 66.05; Sandra C. Mergen, 139.86; Virginia Neeley, 132.60; Patch Grove Postmaster, 73.04; Pecatonica High School, 65.00; Barbara Ploessl, 6.00; Logan Prochaska, 139.86; Ryan Reilly, 60.00; Scott Reilly, 40.00; Nicole Schonhoff, 145.41; Daniel T. Sedgwick, 60.00; Ronald J. Sedgwick, 40.00; Kory Stalsberg, 145.41; Joel Stieber, 55.00; Kerry Thornton, 357.42; Richard Wachter, 60.00; Westby School District, 150.00; Wade Winkers, 192.03; A.T. & T., 30.76; American Time & Signal Co., 87.70; B.L. Murray Inc., 56.79; Bloomington Stop & Go, 9.34; Blue Note Band Instrument Repair, 139.00; Boscobel Refrigeration & Electric Inc., 207.50; Busch Music, 320.00; C.D.W. Government Inc., 1,200.34; C.E.S.A. #3, 439.93; Capital Newspapers, 123.50; Dependable Solutions, 3,976.94; Earthgrains/Sara Lee Bakery Group, 188.57; Fishnick Dairy, 179.08; Follett Library Services, 29.69; Follett Software Company, 2,727.52; G.F.C. Leasing, 40.68; Gordon Flesch Company Inc., 1,199.91; GTM Sportswear, 600.00; Harder Corp., 688.55; Hermsen’s Inc., 878.87; Highsmith Education Station, 17.30; Hobart Service, 230.42; Honeywell Inc., 105.81; Howe Printing Company Inc., 63.70; Infomart Inc., 40.00; Inpath Devices, 1,540.85; J.W. Pepper & Son Inc., 56.99; Johnson Block & Company, 1,650.00; Kepharts Music Center Inc., 55.30; LBS Automotive Services LLC, 7.79; Mas Bakery, 321.00; Morris Newspaper Corp. of WI, 132.23; National Mississippi River, 75.00; New Horizons Supply Co-op, 140.89; Okey’s Market, 24.20; Patch Grove Postmaster, 1,065.75; Piggly Wiggly PDC, 16.40; Prairie Farms Dairy, 3,325.69; Price Equipment Sales Inc., 94.45; River Ridge HS Pupil Act, 263.45; River Ridge MS Pupil Act, 5.00; S.N.A., 42.25; S.S.E. Music, 173.50; School Specialty Inc., 268.52; Sharp Electronics Corporation, 157.70; Specialized Data Systems Inc., 170.00; Sysco Baraboo LLC, 6,555.34; T.D.S. Telecom Inc., 1,328.35; Telesolutions Consultants LLC, 2,711.71; Tierney Brothers Inc., 358.75; Town & Country Sanitation, 425.00; W.A.R.C.O. Transportation Inc., 55,322.82; W.A.S.B. Inc., 66.00; WE Energies, 3,750.78; Yeomans Inc., 12.95; Scholastic Inc., 72.42; Woodworkers Supply Inc., 100.09; A.F.L.A.C. 484.82; A.F.L.A.C. Group, 1,451.87; Ameritas, 168.00; Capital Bank & Trust, 80.00; Citizens Bank, 28,124.86; Clare Bank, 1,950.00; Edward Jones Investments, 100.00; Employee Flexible Benefit Account, 1,426.94; Employee Insurance Fund, 140,939.54; Horace Mann Companies, 80.58; Horace Mann Life Insurance Companies, 1,908.22; Minnesota Life Insurance Company, 1,328.20; Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue, 6,505.13; Gordon Flesch Company Inc., 69.03; Prairie Catholic Schools, 300.00; Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., 113.05; Jeff Thornton, 1,140.48; Ameritas, 168.00; Capital Bank & Trust, 80.00; Citizens Bank, 27,551.94; Clare Bank, 1,950.00; Edward Jones Investments, 100.00; Employee Flexible Benefit Account, 1,089.44; Employee Insurance Fund, 3,463.91; Horace Mann Life Insurance Company, 1,908.22; Jefferson Pilot Life Ins. Company, 107.00; Madison National Life, 1,862.25; National Insurance Co. of WI, 1,183.12; W.E.A.C., 700.97; Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue, 6,342.33; Wisconsin Retirement System, 29,543.84; Alliant Energy/WPL, 5,572.66; Amazon/GECRB, 714.54; Thomas R. Block, 60.00; Jeffery J. Clausen, 40.00; Carol A. Harris, 49.12; Lancaster School District, 120.00; Mink Plumbing Heating & Electric LLC, 1,159.16; Pitney Bowes Corp, 359.10; Lee Pritzl, 390.55; Andy Riechers, 90.00; River Ridge Petty Cash, 2.35; River Ridge Special Checking, 154.82; David Timmerman, 55.00; U.S. Cellular, 203.55; Steve Williamson, 80.00; Cardmember Services, 810.01; Carl Orr, 60.00; Piggly Wiggly PDC, 34.39; Wal-Mart Community, 663.46; Wal-Mart Community BRC, 133.56.
The following General Fund revenues were reviewed: C.E.S.A. #3, 628.00; State of Wisconsin, 839,262.00; State of Wisconsin, 12,527.68; State of Wisconsin, 2,436.18; State of Wisconsin, 41,110.69; State of Wisconsin, 500.00; River Ridge Reading Wolf Pack, 50.00; Con Agra Foods, 31.14; Cooks, 24.06; R.R.A.P.T., 198.72; River Ridge HS Pupil Activity, 13,703.22; State of Wisconsin, 35,474.00; U.S. Dept. of Education, 2,640.41; General Mills, 1,245.60; Benefit Plan Administrators, 1,000.00; West End Salvage, 371.10; Cooks, 84.29; River Ridge Reading Wolf Pack, 50.00; State of Wisconsin, 13,378.84; State of Wisconsin, 4,170.72; State of Wisconsin, 10,102.99; Citizens Bank, 17.54; Citizens Bank, 52.28; Anchor Bank, 2.09; BMO Harris Bank, 0.91; Clare Bank, 38.99; People’s State Bank, 15.50; People’s State Bank, 28.46.
The following Insurance Fund expenditures were reviewed: Benefit Plan Administrators, 13,482.77; Benefit Plan Administrators, 108.08; Benefit Plan Administrators, 7,576.10; Benefit Plan Administrators, 1,296.00; Benefit Plan Administrators, 12,044.86; Benefit Plan Administrators, 1,125.03; Benefit Plan Administrators, 5,092.32.
The following Insurance Fund revenues were reviewed: Benefit Plan Administrators, 3,276.58; Bardon Insurance Group, 13,997.17; Joe Devlin, 463.92; Linda Havemeier, 945.00; Barbara O’Leary, 158.00; David Breuer, 1,908.00; Sandra Johnson, 157.00; Bardon Insurance Group, 563.27; River Ridge School District, 140,939.54; Lisa Breuer, 732.70; River Ridge School District, 3,463.91; People’s State Bank, 39.00; Clare Bank, 0.67.
The following Debt Fund revenues were reviewed: People’s State Bank, 3.66.
The following Scholarship Fund revenues were reviewed: People’s State Bank, 19.56; Clare Bank, 14.91; Anchor Bank, 11.30; Citizens Bank, 4.19; Clare Bank, 0.92; People’s State Bank, 1.02; People’s State Bank, 0.19.
The motion was made by Kerri Schier and seconded by Chad Breuer to approve the Consent Agenda, which included the following items:
A. The Finance Committee Report was presented by committee member Carol Harris. The General Fund was up $429,000. The Insurance Fund ended the month at $247,000 which was an increase of approximately $125,000. Tish Burmeister presented the list of gifts and grants to be accepted by the board. General Mills Box Tops for Education donated 1245.60 to be split according to pupil count over the elementary, middle and high schools for educational needs; RRAP donated $198.72 for the fourth grade field trip transportation to Cannons and Redcoats; Benefit Plan Administrators Company donated $1,000 toward the Run the Ridge Fitness Trail; Karen and Terry Page donated $150 toward the payment to the 2012 Timberwolf Scholarship recipient; River Ridge Music Boosters donated $506.78 toward the music trip transportation to the Overture Center in Madison in October; an anonymous donation of $500 toward the payment to the 2012 recipients of the Above and Beyond Scholarship; Martin Schwartz Funeral Homes, Inc. donated $50 to the River Ridge Reading Wolf Pack RIF (Reading is Fun) program.
B. The Buildings and Grounds Committee report was given by Bill Mergen. The Buildings and Grounds Committee met with ADG via Skype on January 9. ADG presented preliminary information from the walk-throughs that were conducted at both sites. Preliminary results indicated that certain areas of the HVAC system at the middle school will be looked at further. The boiler at the middle school is also beyond its life expectancy. ADG indicated that at the high school, the HVAC system needs better air flow in certain areas. They are also looking to have air quality studies done at both sites. ADG will be compiling the preliminary information and will have a full report this spring. The committee also heard from Mr. Pritzl regarding the hail damage to the roof at the Patch Grove site. They have received quotes from contractors and the district will be contacting the insurance company in the near future.
C. The Policy Committee indicated that they have reviewed the policies in sections 300, 400 and 500. They will be making further recommendations regarding which policies need further review.
D. There were no employment recommendations.
E. There were no employment resignations.
On a voice vote, the motion carried.
A. Mr. Pritzl completed his review of the open enrollments out of the districts. The staff made contact or attempted to make contact with those that are open enrolling out of the district. Mr. Pritzl is comfortable with the results of this review and feels the results of the study are fair and accurate.
B. Mr. Pritzl gave a Safety Committee update. They are looking at the long-term safety plan and the crisis plan. Neither of the buildings is designed for safety. Security and access are issues that need to be addressed. The committee is looking at what the logistics are if a crisis plan has to be implemented. Another issue that needs addressing is the reunification process if a crisis were to occur.
C. Mr. Pritzl and the board reviewed the superintendent evaluation tool and will be using the Likert Scale with the 5–1 rating scale.
D. Mr. Pritzl updated the board regarding registration. Registration is currently ongoing. They have accelerated the registration process to study the possibility of moving the 7th and 8th grade to form a 7-12 secondary education structure.
E. Carol Harris gave the update on the Insurance Task Force. The 12 members met on December 17. The task force is currently working with the TPA that the district uses. Marc Paulson from BPA will be giving a presentation on different options on Monday, January 14, at 4:00 p.m.
F. The motion was made by Kerri Schier and seconded by Lea Breuer to approve the administrative contract for Carol Harris pending changes to her contract to reflect the indirect compensation section as to follow and match the language in the Employee Handbook regarding insurance premiums. On a roll call vote, the following voted yes:
Karla IrishTish Burmeister Kerri Schier Lea Breuer Bill Mergen Bob Mathre Chad Breuer
The following voted no: none. The motion carried.
The motion was made by Chad Breuer and seconded by Bob Mathre to approve the administrative contract for Rodney Lewis pending the changes to his contract to reflect in the “Benefits” section, Items 6 and 8 as to follow and match the language in the Employee Handbook regarding insurance premiums. On a roll call vote, the following voted yes:
Karla IrishTish Burmeister Kerri Schier Lea Breuer Bill Mergen Bob Mathre Chad Breuer
The following voted no: none. The motion carried.
The motion was made by Kerri Schier and seconded by Tish Burmeister to approve the administrative contract for Amy Mezera pending the changes to her contract to reflect in the “Benefits” section, Items 6 and 8 as to follow and match the language in the Employee Handbook regarding insurance premiums. On a roll call vote, the following voted yes:
Karla IrishTish Burmeister Kerri Schier Lea Breuer Bill Mergen Bob Mathre Chad Breuer
The following voted no: none. The motion carried.
G. The motion was made by Chad Breuer and seconded by Bob Mathre to approve the Support Staff Seniority List dated January 8, 2013, as presented. On a voice vote, the motion carried.
The motion was made by Karla Irish and seconded by Tish Burmeister to approve the Professional Staff Seniority List dated January 8, 2013, as presented. On a voice vote, the motion carried
- The upcoming board meeting schedule is listed below:
- The Finance Committee Meeting will be held on February 11 at 5:15 p.m.
- The district calendar meeting will be held on January 10 at 3:30 p.m.
- The Insurance Task Force meeting will be held January 14 at 4:00 p.m.
- The February regular board meeting will be held February 11 at 6:00 p.m.
- The Buildings and Grounds Committee will meet on February 11 at 4:00 p.m. ADG will be available during this meeting.
- The State School Board Convention will be held January 22-25.
B. Future board meetings items will include the consideration of a possible two-year school calendar, retirement information and board discussion regarding upcoming administrator evaluation.
C. The motion was made by Tish Burmeister and seconded by Bob Mathre to adjourn. On a voice vote, the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Lea L. Breuer, Clerk