The Attachment to the Instruction No. 39/2011

of the President of the Poznań University of Economics of July 25, 2011


I.  Basic definitions

References – an author’s short explanatory notes referring to indicated words, phrases or parts of the text. They indicate the origin of specific data, views or quotations. They may also criticize, explain, illustrate or provide detailed justification (apart from the main text) of the key point of the work. Citing other people’s thoughts in their original form or paraphrasing them without providing references is considered to be the violation of law and is regarded as plagiarism.

Bibliographic notes – notes which indicate the sources and works used by an author; they include bibliographic descriptions of the documents from which the information or citations used in the text come.

Bibliographic description – an ordered set of data about a document (book, paper, etc.), used for its identification.

Bibliography – an ordered list of documents (books, journal articles, etc.) selected according to specified criteria. It is compiled upon some common principles and serves specific information purposes.

End-of-work bibliography – a list of documents (printed and electronic) used by an author in the preparation of his/her work. It includes bibliographic descriptions of cited or related works, arranged in a specified order.

II.  Bibliographic notes in the Harvard system of referencing

1.  In the Harvard system of referencing, bibliographic notes are briefly cited within the text without providing the full bibliographic description of the source at the bottom of specific pages (precise and full bibliographic descriptions are given in the end-of-work bibliography).

Attention! Other references, e.g. the polemic ones, are traditionally given at the bottom of a specific page.

2.  In the Harvard system of referencing, you put bibliographic notes directly after the quotation or in another place which requires providing sources in the form of short bibliographic information – by supplying in square brackets:

the author’s name, or: co-authors’, editor’s or the first words of the title of the source (in the case of joint publications with no editor’s name given),

date of publication,

or, if necessary, the number of page or pages (depending on the context), to which the author of the work refers.


Despite the government’s optimism, it seems that public support for the reform is consistently diminishing [Kowalski 1999].

A strategic group is the group of firms in an industry following the same or a similar

strategy along the strategic dimensions [Porter 2006, p. 197].

In the contemporary market, mainly because of its dynamics, it is becoming increasingly important to anticipate change and use change to reach a competitive advantage [Albarran 2004, pp. 291-307].

A short description of the most interesting solutions is presented below [Europa 2010].

Reconstructing and summing up the research in this field [ Luka konkurencyjna 2002, pp. 11-17], it may be pointed out that an analytical scheme is a research tool which – in simple terms – identifies the relevant features or variables that describe a given phenomenon, process or a specific theoretical category, or which – from a more complex perspective – apart from identifying variables, specifies the area.

According to Słownik ekonomii PWN [Black 2008, p. 32], business is a general term which describes all forms of economic activity (industrial, professional and commercial) aimed at making a profit.

3.  If you refer to a few publications, cite all sources in the same brackets, placing them in order of publication date (earliest first). Separate the references using a semicolon.


One of the most dynamically developing study fields is a growing body of literature on coastal tourism [Wall 1971; Gormsen 1981; Pearce 1985; Smith 1992].

4.  The way in which you provide bibliographic information in a reference depends on the context: if the sentence or paragraph after which you should place a reference clearly indicates the author of the source (the author’s name is part of the statement), put only the year in brackets, and, if necessary, the page number.


According to Becker [1990], economic theory puts emphasis on rationality which refers to the whole market rather than to individual households.

M. Obrębalski [1998, p. 25] takes the view that the creation of the positive image of a city, county or district requires “undertaking comprehensive action aimed at strengthening the identity of a given territorial unit in its neighbourhood.”

5.  If there are two authors of the publication, give both, using the conjunction “and”.


The above data should also be taken into consideration while evaluating the innovativeness of an enterprise [Kwiatkowski and Wasilewski 1998, pp. 43-45].

Do the same if there are three authors. Put the conjunction ‘and’ before the last name.


Innovations do not need to be copied and assimilated [Lachowski, Szambelańczyk and Woźniak 2009, pp. 67-71].

6.  If there are more than three authors, cite only the first followed by ‘et al’ (which means ‘and others’).


At the same time, it was emphasized that conclusions drawn on the basis of these models should translate into decisions made at the microeconomic level [Fujita et al. 1999].

Thus, networks are often seen as the third possible form of coordinating business activity, next to the market and hierarchy [Thompson et al. 1993, pp. 1-19], particularly as an intermediate form between the market and hierarchy [Thorelli 1986; Jarillo 1998].

7.  If some of the works referred to in the publication have authors of the same name and the same publication date, they should be distinguished by adding the initials of the authors’ first names.


[Nowak A. 2003; Nowak W. 2003]

8.  If an author has published more documents in the same year, distinguish between them by adding lowercase letters (with no space), e.g. 1991a, 1991b; use the same symbols in the end-of-work bibliography.


Mäki [2007a] has clearly shown that economics imperialism, just like the above-mentioned process of the unification of theory within economics, may be methodologically justified as the implementation of the ideal concept of the unification of science (the unity of science) known from natural sciences [Strawiński 1997, Mäki 2001].

As it seems that almost everything has been said about the conditions and prospects of the economic growth – also in Poland [Płowiec et al. 2001; Kołodko 2002a, 2002b; Owsiak et al. 2002; Noga 2004] – it is worth reconsidering some aspects of this key phenomenon for the functioning and development of a society.

9.  If you are giving a direct quotation, you should put it in quotation marks; you also need to include the page number.


Even the most impulsive of shoppers “do not give in to every spontaneous buying demand” [Rook and Fisher 1995, p. 306].

You should also include the page number when you do not give a direct quotation, but you describe another author’s thought using your own words. It is not necessary, though.

10.  If you refer to a work you did not read, which is cited in the work you read, you cannot cite the author of the former publication, but you should acknowledge the work you actually have.


According to Shapiro [as cited by Bellenger, Robertson and Hirschmann 1978, p. 15], “there is no such thing as a group of impulse products, as almost everything may become an object of impulse buying for a specific consumer.”

11.  If you want to include several different citations in one set of brackets, they should be arranged in chronological order or in another order, depending on the context. They should be separated by a semi-colon.


Although the process and main results of economics imperialism have been described in a number of studies [Tullock and McKenzie 1975; Stigler 1984; Hirschleifer 1985; Lazear 2000; Bowmaker 2005], except for two works [Fine 1999; Amadae 2003], there are no publications which would make an effort to analyse the historical background of this phenomenon [Mäki 2007a, p. 4].

If you need to cite works of a few authors and they were published in different years, in order to avoid repeating the same name with each successive date in the same brackets, you should arrange works chronologically within the same author.


For most of that period, until the 1980s, this influence was unilateral – economics imitated, paraphrased or absorbed various elements of “hard” sciences: their research methods and standards, scientific results, related philosophical views, etc. [Mirowski 1989, 2002; Wentraub 2002; Hands 2006].

12.  If you cite studies, reports, statistical data compiled by organisations, institutions, etc., and their authors (editors) are not specified, provide the name of the issuing body.


We are witnessing dynamic changes as regards healthcare and personal hygiene – prices of these goods and services in 2009, as provided by the Main Statistical Office (GUS - Główny Urząd Statystyczny), were higher than a year before [GUS 2010].

Most observers and opinion-forming bodies believe that an era of exceptionally low real interest rates is now over [International Financial Statistics 2006].

III. End-of-work bibliography in the Harvard system of referencing

1.  The end-of-work bibliography in the Harvard lists only those sources that an author cited in his/her work.

2.  The cited document is the main source of data included in the bibliographic description. Whenever possible, elements of a bibliographical reference should be taken from the title page of the publication or its equivalent (e.g. the label of an audio document, etc.). If there is no title page or its equivalent in the document, it is acceptable to provide necessary data from another source, such as a book cover or packaging. In case of electronic documents, it is the screen which displays the title that serves as the main source of reference. If there is no such screen, you may use data from the attached documentation or packaging.

3.  Bibliographic descriptions are arranged alphabetically by author or by publication title (if there is no author/editor/issuing body); individual references should not be numbered.

4.  The first element of an individual bibliographic description is the author’s name and initial of his/her first name. It is followed by the year of publication, and then by other elements of a description.

5.  Works of one author are arranged by date of publication, from the earliest to the most recent one.


Dobrzyńska, T., 1991, …

Dobrzyńska, T., 1996a, …

Dobrzyńska, T., 1996b, …

Dobrzyńska, T., 2003, …

If two works of the same author were published in the same year, you should provide them in alphabetical order by title.


Dobrzyńska, T., 1996a, Granice …

Dobrzyńska, T., 1996b, Wskaźniki …

6.  If the same person is the author or the first co-author of several documents (and thus a few bibliographic descriptions in the reference list begin with the same name), you should first provide the works this author wrote on his/her own, and then supply the ones he/she contributed to as a co-author.


Nowak, T., 2001, …

Nowak, T., Kowalski, T., 1998, …

7.  In case of collective works, you should provide the editor’s or editors’ surname followed by the abbreviation “ed.” or “eds.” (“red.” for Polish publications).


Gawron, I. (red.), 1996, Kodeks postepowania cywilnego, Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej, Poznań.

Dowgiałło, Z. (red.), 1998, Słownik ekonomiczny przedsiębiorcy, Poltext, Warszawa.

8.  In case of works published abroad, you need to provide the abbreviation of terms such as editor, edition, number, volume, etc., in the language of the publication.


Description of a publication written in Polish / Description of a publication written in English / Description of a publication written in German / Description of a publication written in French
Editor / red. / ed. or eds. (if there are two or more editors) / Red. / red.
Edition / wyd.2
wyd.3 / 2nd ed.
3rd ed.
4th ed., etc. / 2 Aufl.
3 Aufl. / 2e éd.
3e éd.
Volume / vol. / vol. / Vol. / vol.
Number / nr / no. / Nr. / No

9.  A bibliographic description of a book – required elements of a description.

author’s name, initial of first name,

year of publication,

title of the work. subtitle (italicised, words in the title and subtitle in the English language, except for conjunctions and prepositions, begin with uppercase letters),

translator’s name,

number of edition (it is provided when it is other than the first, Arabic numerals are used),

publishing house,

place of publication.


Reference / Bibliography
One author / [Fedorowicz 1994] / Fedorowicz, Z., 1994, Podstawy teorii finansów, Poltext, Warszawa.
Two authors / [Bien and Sokół 1998] / Bien, W., Sokół, H., 1998, Ocena sytuacji finansowej banku komercyjnego, Difin, Warszawa.
Three authors / [Ostasiewicz, Rusnak
and Siedlecka 2006] / Ostasiewicz, S., Rusnak, Z., Siedlecka, Z., 2006, Statystyka. Elementy teorii i zadania, wyd. 6 popr., Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego, Wrocław.
More than three authors / [Cooper et al. 1993] / Copper, C., Fletcher, J., Gilbert, D., Wanhill, S., 1993, Tourism Principles and Practice Pitman Publishing, Springer, Berlin.
Translation / [Stiglitz and Charlton 2006] / Stiglitz, J.E., Charlton, A., 2006, Fair Trade. Szansa dla wszystkich, tłum. A. Szeworski, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.
No author (or editor) / [Networking Essentials Plus 2009] / Networking Essentials Plus, 2009, Microsoft Press, Redmond, Washington.

If you cannot establish the date of publication on the basis of the source, use the copyright date, the date of printout or the expected date of publication instead.


Reference / Bibliography
Copyright / [Wróblewski 2005] / Wróblewski, P., cop. 2005, Zarządzanie projektami informatycznymi, Helion, Gliwice.
Expected date of publication / [Banachowicz, Nowak
and Starkowski 1994] / Banachowicz, E., Nowak, J., Starkowski, M.T., ca 1994, Franchising, czyli Klucz do przyszłości, Business Press, Warszawa.
Printout / [Wodarski 2010] / Wodarski, K., printout 2010, Zarządzanie ryzykiem w procesie planowania strategicznego w górnictwie węgla kamiennego, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice.

10.  A bibliographic description of a collective work (an edited work) – required elements of a description: