Applications are invited for the following posts with last date of receipt on or before 31/08/09. The date of determining eligibility of all candidates in every respect shall be the normal closing date, prescribed for receipt of application viz. 31/08/09.

1) Pilot :- Four Posts ( One SC, One ST, Two OBC ): Rs.14500-350-18700, Age: Below 35 yrs., Qualification: i) Certificate of competency as Master of a Foreign Going ship granted under M.S.Act, 1958. ii) Experience as Chief Officer on foreign going ship or as Executive officer in Navy.

2) Marine Engineer :- Three Posts ( One OBC, Two UR): Rs.14500-350-18700 for those with MOT 1st Class combined certificate. (Rs.100/- less for those with MOT 1st Class Single Certificate), Rs.10750-300-16750 for those with MOT 2nd Class Certificate. (Special pay of Rs.100/- for those with MOT 2nd class Combined Certificate holders) Age: Below 40 yrs., Qualification: i) First OR Second Class BOT / MOT certificate of competency as Marine Engineer (Motor) OR combined.

3) Assistant Engineer.(Dredger / Tug):- One Post for ST: Rs.8600-250-14600 Age: Below 40 yrs., Qualification: i) Should have Engineer's certificate of competency issued under I.S.V., Act, 1917 OR Four years regular apprenticeship in Marine Engineering workshop recognized by the Ministry of Transport with 2 years experience as watch keeping Engineering in ocean going vessels OR 4 years experience as Engine Room artificer or in higher post in the Indian Navy with 2 yrs. experience as watch keeping engineer on ocean going vessels.

4) Assistant Electrical Engineer (Floating Craft):- One Post (Reserved for ST): Rs.8600-250-14600, Age: Below 40 yrs., Qualification: i) Degree OR Diploma in Electrical Engineering. ii) Experience in maintenance of Marine Electrical installation for a period of 3 yrs. in case of Degree holder and 5 yrs. in case of Diploma holders OR should have worked as Chief Electrical Artificer in Indian Navy. In deserving cases, relaxation in experience will be given at the discretion of Administration.

5) Jr.Engineer (Electrical):- Five Posts ( One SC, One ST, Three UR ): Rs.5500-200-6100-220-11380, Age: Below 28 yrs., Qualification: Degree in Electrical Engineering OR Diploma in Electrical Engineering with 3 yrs. experience.

6) Jr.Engineer (Civil) :- Two Posts for SC : Rs.5500-200-6100-220-11380, Age: 18-28 yrs., Qualification: Degree in Civil Engineering OR Diploma in Civil Engineering with 3 yrs. experience.


7) Jr.Engineer (Mechanical) :- Two Posts (Un-reserved) : Rs.5500-200-6100-220-11380, Age: 18-25 yrs., Qualification: Degree in Mechanical Engineering OR Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with 3 yrs., experience.

8) Driver Ist class(Marine Craft) :- Four posts (Three SC, One ST) : Rs.5000-150-5450-200-10850, Age: Below 40 yrs., Qualification: First Class Driver's certificate of Inland Steam or Diesel Vessels.

9) Nurse:- Two Posts (Unreserved): Rs.4640-140-5760-170-9500, Age: Below 30 yrs., Qualification: Diploma in Nursing.

10) Nurse (Auxiliary) :- One Post (Unreserved): Rs.4640-140-5760-170-9500, Age: Below 30 yrs., Qualification: Possess Certificate of Auxiliary Nurse - Midwife

11) Health Visitor-cum-Midwife :- One Post (Unreserved) Rs.4640-140-5760-170-9500, Age: Below 30 yrs., Qualification: Should possess certificate of Midwife and Health visitor. Practical experience preferable..

12) Surveying Recorder :- One Post (Unreserved) Rs.5000-150-5450-200-10850, Age: 25-35 yrs., Qualification: i) Matriculation, ii) Should have adequate experience in hydrographic survey department in taking sextant angles and plotting fixes station pointer. iii) Should be conversant with the reduction of soundings to the datum and preperation of working sheet for the surveyor. iv) Should have knowledge of hand lead marking and taking sounding by lead Preferential Qualifications: i) Diploma in Civil Engg., ii) Knowledge and experience of Chain surveying and leveling.

13) Fireman :- Seven Posts (Three UR, Three OBC, One Ex.servicemen) Rs.3900-90-4260-100-6860, Age: 18-25 yrs., Qualification: i) MiddleSchoolStandardPass, ii) Should be physically fit to withstand strenuous exercise. iii) Physical Standard Height: 5'5" Weight: 110 lbs. Chest: Normal 32" Expanded 34" Preferential: Must be familiar with the use and maintenance of first aid fire fighting appliances and fire engines. (2) Must know the elementary principles of fighting fire involving different types of store, such as petrol, ammunition, textiles and substances where use of water is restricted. (3) Must know the drill employed in operating Fire trailor pump, hydrants and should be able to carry out the task allotted to any member of the crew.

14) Marine Khalasi :- Twenty Six Posts ( Eight UR, Four SC, Seven OBC, Two ST, Five Ex.servicemen) Rs.3700-60-4180-75-5830, Age: 18-25 yrs., Qualification: Should possess strong physique and know swimming.



Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 yrs in case of SC/ST candidates and 3 yrs. for OBC candidates and the period of service rendered in defence plus three years for ex-serviceman candidates. Other benefits will be admissible as per rules.

Applications preferably typewritten, giving full particulars regarding post applied for, name of candidate, address, nationality, religion, whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC, date of birth, educational qualification and experience, with Two recent passport size photograph and one duly affixed thereon and accompanied by attested copies of all such certificates and crossed postal order / DD of Rs.100/- (Sr.No.1 to 4) and Rs.20/- (Sr.No.5 to 14) payable to "KANDLA PORT TRUST, GANDHIDHAM, KUTCH" should be made so as to reach the SECRETARY, KANDLA PORT TRUST, POST BOX NO.50, GANDHIDHAM, KUTCH, PIN 370 201, GUJARAT, not later than the closing date i.e. 31/08/09( Monday ). Candidates already in Government service or in Public Sector Undertakings must apply through proper channel. SC/ST candidates need not pay the prescribed fee. SC/ST candidates, if called for suitability test and / or interview will be paid 1st class (Sr.No.1 & 2) and 2nd class (Sr.No.3 to 14) to and fro railway fare by the shortest route as per rules, provided they are not in Government service. Prescribed qualifications are minimum and mere possession of same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. Based on the response to the advertisement, if felt necessary by the organization the applications received will be shortlisted for calling interview on the basis of their merit in academic qualifications and / or in suitability test for the post as may be conducted. 95% marks for written test / physical endurance as per requirement of post and 5% for interview ( except for Class-I post) is prescribed for selection of posts.

Website: Tel.(02836)220010 / 231854.

Registered Post


The Secretary,


Post Box No. 50,

Gandhidham – Kachchh.

PIN – 370 201.

Sub : Application for the post of :______.

Respected Sir,

With reference to your advertisement published in “KUTCH MITRA” of 04th July, 2009 for the post of ______, I beg to submit my application for one of the same, my particulars are as under :-

1. Name in full:______

2. Address:______


3. Date of Birth :______

4. Religion:______

5. Caste/Category:______

6. Nationality:______

7. Languages known: ______

8. Physical Standard :1. Height : ______feet

2. Weight : ______k.g.,

3. Chest : Normal -______Inch, For the post of Fireman only.

Expanded – ______Inch

9. Know Swimming?:YES / NO | For the post of Marine Khalasi only

10. DD / crossed Postal Order No. ______of dated ______

Note:- (SC/ST candidates need not pay the prescribed fee.)


Sr.No. / Educational
Qualification / Name of Board / University / School / Passing
year / Percentage /
Class obtained

12. EXPERIENCE (If any) :-______


If I am selected for the above post, I assure you Sir that I shall try my superior to satisfy you with my good conduct and hard work with utmost sincerity.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully,

Date: ______

Place: ______(______)

Encls:- (Attested Copies)Signature of applicant

  1. Birth proof
  2. Age proof
  3. Caste / Category proof
  4. Educational Certificates

5.DD / crossed Postal Order (if any)