Itchen Abbas Primary School
Overview of Learning for Spring 2 2018
Please note that children in both year groups will be encouraged to learn by following their interests, rather than through planned topics, with adults supporting their developing skills and challenging children to achieve planned learning objectives through a combination of adult-led, adult supported and child initiated activities.Older squirrels will be working on the National curriculum expectations for year 1.
Starting points for learningThis half term the children will learn that Cyril (our class mascot)is waiting for the arrival a parcel. This will lead us into discussing the imminent arrival of Spring and signs that Spring is on the way.We will explore the theme of New Life as seen in nature and will observe the growth of plants and animals in our local area.
Our texts will focus on caterpillars/butterflies and we will write instructions for their care as we watch our own caterpillars develop. We will also enjoy writing stories in the style of The Very Hungry caterpillar. / Science
We will be exploring seasonal changes through our senses as we go on ‘welly walks’ within the school grounds and in the local area.The children will be learning about animals and will be able to label their body parts and group them according to their type.
We willcontinue to develop a thorough understanding of number recognition,place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication as well as exploring shape and measurement and the passing of time becoming more able to work with confidence when faced with mathematical problems and puzzles. / Music
We will use percussion instruments and singing to support the themes in our learning. We will continue to follow and use simple annotation to perform music and to record what we hear when listening to the music of composers.
We will develop an understanding of the countries and location of the UK and we will learn about the history of the RSPCA and how their work has impacted on the welfare of animals in the UK. / Art / DT
We will be look closely at nature to make observational drawings and accurate representations of what we see.
We will explore mechanisms that we can use to make a moving butterfly.
We will continue to develop an understanding of simple algorithms to plan a desired outcome as the children become more confident with simple computing skills and use technology to support their learning. / PE / Games
In PE we will focus onkeeping fit and exercise activities.
We will also be working with the sports coaches to practise a range of sporting skills.
We will work on the theme of Relationships-valuing difference.
The learning value we will focus on is ‘Growth Mindset’with an emphasis on being reflective. / RE
We will explore the concept of ‘Symbols of New Life’.