Homework/Mahi Kainga Week 6– The Kamahi Syndicate
Due in Monday19thMarch. Have you signed up for Study Centre yet?
Basic Facts
Sumdog (Level up if it is getting too easy). Your child has a log in, if they don’t see your classroom teacher
Get your parents to test you on some timetables!
Do your basic facts sheet, get your parents to test you. Beat the teacher on Friday, if you can!!!!!
Refer to our website for links for practice.
Census NZ
Make sure that you check in with your whanau/family about completing the census online, do some of it with them. Tell your family what you have been learning about in regards to the census.
K.O.R.A.U values
Choose ONE of our school values and show us how you used that value out of school. Your evidence will look like: 1. Writing what you did and who was involved, 2. Drawing a picture to show it OR taking a photo. 3. Write how you felt and how the other person/people felt. QUALITY WORK, we are expecting to see more than 2 sentences for this.
Design a poster that shows all the good and important reasons of walking, biking or scootering to school. Your evidence will be in clearly shown in your homework book. Remember to make it ‘eye-catching’ for others. You will then have the choice of publishing your poster and enter the Movin March competition.
You can upload your powerpoints onto our school Sharepoint, saves having to bring in USBs!
1) go to Student Site 2) Find your class and click on that 3) locate your folder in your class 4) click on your folder and upload a picture or document.
Your child should be reading every night. Your child can choose a book from school to take home to read it is up to them to take it home and bring it back.
Remember to fill out the reading log everynight and get an adult to sign it.
Please test your child every night. They will be tested every Monday ?
You all have spelling words now, it is up to you to take responsibility to learn them and take them home. You will be tested either on a Friday or a Monday. / Reminders
Room 15 have swimming at Stokes Valley Pool for the next two weeks. All students are expected to participate in these swimming lessons.
Year 6s are expected to completeat least 7/10 weekly homework.
Room 15: 6/10 / Just for fun:TWO WEEKS TO COMPLETE
Due 19th March. (Optional for ALL!)
  1. Can you create a rap that includes ALL of our K.O.R.A.U values? (you can UNITE for this one!)
  2. Create a safety video about Movin March on how to use roads safely, biking safely or scootering safely.

Kamahi Syndicate Years 4-6 Craig, Luana & Liz Mahi Kainga.