MASFAA Board Report for the RMASFAA Board Meeting
March 19-20, 2010; Denver, CO
Submitted by MASFAA President, Jessie Dufner
Current 2009-2010 Board:
Past President: Judy Chapman Secretary/Treasurer: Sandy Bauman
President: Jessie Dufner Member-at-Large: Tressa Johnson
President-Elect: Loren Lancaster Member-at-Large: Lanette Clark
Vice-President: Leah Habel Associate Member: Arlene Williams
2010 Spring Conference:
MASFAA will hold our 2010 conference in Billings, MT on April 14-16, 2010. Our theme is “Keepin’ It Lean and Green.” In an attempt to cut costs at our conference, we are moving our evening awards banquet to a luncheon on Thursday and are leaving Thursday night as an open night to enjoy Billings. We are looking forward to the RMASFAA training which we will receive from Valerie Lambert. We will also hold elections for President-Elect, Vice President, Member-at-Large, and Associate Delegate.
College Goal Sunday:
Montana held College Goal Sunday on Sunday, January 31 and Wednesday, February 3. Sites had the option of participating on one or both days. In addition to the 18 sites, there were four sites that participated in College Goal Sunday through an online webinar format. This was a pilot spearheaded by Student Assistance Foundation. Overall, there were 1,039 FAFSA filers (5% increase over 2009); 1,752 family and friends attending CGS (28% increase over 2009); and 312 volunteers who participated in this year’s event. A taskforce is still meeting to determine how Montana will facilitate College Goal Sunday in 2011.
Facilitated Discussion in December:
MASFAA provided an opportunity for members to come together on December 15 and 16 at Carroll College in Helena, MT for a Facilitated Discussion Event. The first day and the morning of the second day was spent viewing archived webinars and then the group was together for the live Question and Answer webinar. There were 12 institutions/associations that participated in the event.
MASFAA Membership:
MASFAA is down in memberships for 2010. We are currently at 11 institutional members (down from 20 in 2009) and three associate members (down from 10 in 2009). The primary drop in institutional membership has been with tribal and proprietary schools. We do have a little bit of time before our conference so we might see a few additional members sign up for 2010 in order to attend the conference at a membership rate. We did take this into account when building the budget for our spring conference, especially the possibility of lower corporate support. We will continue to made adjustments to the way we budget depending on what our final 2010 membership numbers end up being.