Kalk Bay and St James SRA NPC

Minutes of Directors Meeting

14January2015 / St James Retirement Hotel

In attendance: Jim Russell,Tony Trimmel,Bert Stafford, Alti Stephen,Karl Leinberger, Andy Paige, Dave D’alton, Kenneth McClarty, Joanne McClarty

Management Team members attending:Gail Daniels, Judy Herbert, Tim Conibear

Apologies:Su Birch

This was the first meeting of directors since election of members of the Board at the Special General Meeting on 1 December 2014.


The necessary quorum being present the chairman declared the meeting duly constituted


The notice of the meeting was waived as all the directors had acknowledged actual receipt of the notice convening the meeting and had waived notice of the meeting.

Agenda item / Action Party / Date
1. / Minutes of previous meeting
2 / Review of Agreed Actions
See below
3. / Corporate
Election of Office Bearers and Meetings
The following persons were elected unanimously to the following positions:
Chairman of the Board: Jim Russell
Vice-Chairman of the Board: Bert Stafford
Executive Officer under the Finance Agreement: Jim Russell
It was agreed that David Just would be requested to take on the position of Company Secretary
It was also agreed that the board meetings would be held on the second Monday of each month and that Management Team members would be welcome to attend, as well as any property owner for the first half hour.
Allocation of Portfolios
It was agreed to allocate the supervision of the SRA’s portfolio of key activities as follows:
Corporate: Jim Russell
Public Safety: Bert Stafford, Tony Trimmel and Kenneth McClarty
Cleansing and Environmental Upgrade: Andy Paige (with Judy Herbert)
Finance: Alti Stephen and Karl Leinberger
Social Upliftment: Joanne McGilvray, Jim Russell (with Tim Conibear)
Communication: Joanne McGilvray (with Su Birch)
4. / Finance
Gail Daniels reported actual expenditure of R362,757 as at the end of December. This represent about 31% of the annual budget and 61% of the YTD budget. About 83% of the monthly budget had been spent in December.
Gail explained that a number of budget items need to be reallocated as some budget items had been significantly overspent, for example media and marketing.
Action: Finance Portfolio to meet with Gail and recommend appropriate reallocations for board approval.
Cash on hand as at end December was R274,720. This is likely to increase as currently the usual monthly spend is about R85,000 against a budgeted amount of R112,000.
Action: Karl to propose an appropriate money market investment into which surplus funds should be placed. / Finance Portfolio/SRA Manager
Karl Leinberger / 09/02
5. / SRA Manager’s Report
Gail Daniels reported as follows:
Andy and Judy were thanked for their efforts in helping to keep the SRA clean and tidy over the holiday season. Carlisle and Edward of the cleaning team had also done a great job in St James.
Positive feed-back had been received from property owners, apart from a few who had requested action on private property.
The illegal dumping problem in St James appears to have ceased.
Garbage bin pickers, dog litter and refuse collection times remain issues to be resolved and will be followed up.
Andy Paige commented on the following two issues:
  • Litter collection from restaurants: Because of the greater volume and less frequent collection times, litter is sitting on the street for too long as is a problem. Restaurant owners should be spoken to to improve frequency of collection and general hygiene. Tony Trimmel commented that this issue had been reported to the Health Inspector. It appeared that Cape To Cuba and the Money Tree were the main offenders.
  • Litter in the Railway corridor. He felt that passing trains makes it too dangerous to send our cleaners into this area and that PRASA should be approached to take action.
Action: SRAManager to contact Health Inspector on restaurant litter issue.
Action: SRAManager to contact PRASA on issue of litter in Railway corridor.
Public Safety:
  • This had been a bad holiday season as far as crime is concerned. Nevertheless, the positives had outweighed the negatives over the holiday season. Although some complaints had been received, these were outnumbered by positive feed-back.
  • Joint sting operations had been conducted by MM and SAPS.
  • MM now have a centralized administration function which is assisting their efficiency.
  • A further meeting had been held on more security cameras and a report on this had been sent to board members.
  • Daily patrol reports from MM confirm that a lot of deterrence had been achieved, for example in preventing ATM scams, car break-ins, pick pockets, particularly during the day. This indicates that patrols are needed during day time as well as during the night.
  • Efforts were being made to put daily reports into good order so that crime statistics can be produced.
/ SRA Manager
SRA Manager / 09/02
6. / Portfolio Reports
Public Safety
Bert Stafford said the greatly improved public safety initiatives in respect of the harbor beach should be noted.
Tony Trimmel reported that:
  • As a result of months of pre-planning, much better crowd control, law enforcement and litter collection was achieved over the holiday period with the assistance of the City’s Metro Police, Marine Law Enforcement, SAPS Muizenberg, Monwabisi Life Guards and the Shark Spotters Team.
  • Huge quantities of alcohol had been confiscated and fines issued.
  • A crime and anti-vagrancy operation had recently been conducted by the Railway Police in respect of the Railway corridor.
  • 25 security and cleaning workers had been allocated to the area by the Expanded Works Programme. During the period 27 December to 4 January they cleaned the harbor beach every morning and collected about 1000 bags of litter. The Haven Night Shelter also assisted with litter collection in the St James area.
  • It is hoped that activities by the EWP team will continue until the Easter week-end.
  • Marine Law Enforcement had two rubber ducks in operation in the harbor to ensure safer bathing.
  • Life guards from Monwabisi saved 5 people fromdrowning.
  • The Shark Spotters team also assisted with cleaning of the harbor beach.
  • Additional security had also been provided by the Chrysallis Foundation.
  • SAPS had provided and manned a mobile trailor, which resulted in a much improved visible police presence. This was a great service and several arrests had been made in St John’s Road. Those arrested had been responsible for most of the car break-ins.
  • Theft from motor vehicles was still rampant, but most were being committed by two or three individuals
Action: Itwasagreed that letters should be written to the Peoples Post and the False Bay Echo to report these successes and letters of thanks should be sent to each organization or department that provided exceptional service over the holiday period.
Action: Dave D’alton to push for final signature of the agreement with DAFF whereby the Council will take over control of the harbor beach. Jim to approach Horst Kleinschmidt for his assistance.
Tony also reported that although the provision and state of the public toilets was much improved on last year, they were still inadequate and Portaloos should be provided next year.
In regard to the chaotic parking problem, we should approach the Simonstown community to discuss their approach to the issue.
A traffic controller is required at the entrance to the harbor on busy days.
Agreed: Aftersix months of SRA operations, it was now appropriate to conduct an in depth review of Public Safety issues, problems and priorities. The Public Safety Portfolio plus Joanne and Judy and other interested parties from the community will conduct such a review and present their findings and recommendations to a meeting to be held on 2 February. Steve Herbert will facilitate these meetings. All board members are to send their comments and inputs to this working team as soon as possible.
Nothing to add to Manager’s report.
Social Upliftment
Jim reported that most street kids were from Capricorn Park and their begging creates a vicious cycle of dependency with no beneficial outcome.
Tim reported that efforts were being made to get them to join his initiative in Muizenberg where they receive soup and bread.
Action: Tim to organize notices appealing for money not to be given to beggars and instead donations should be given to a fund for their benefit.
Agreed: SRA social worker should attend Police Forum meetings.
A weekly news flash will be sent out as well as a longer monthly newsletter. / SRA Manager
Dave D’alton, Jim Russell
Public Safety Portfolio/All
Tim Conibear
Social Worker
SRA Manager / ASAP
7. / Next Meeting
Wednesday 9 February at 19h30 at the St James Retirement Hotel