Joint Academic/Student Services
Joint Meeting Minutes
March 15, 2006
Present: D. Bertch, M. Collins, D. Kabat, D. Konopa, B. Lay, M. McCall, R. Miller, V. Muse,
C. Orr, J. Taylor, N. Woods
1 Approval of Minutes – The minutes of the February 22, 2006 meeting were approved as submitted.
2 E-CAR’s Update – R. Miller
a) E-CARS is scheduled to rollout summer 2006. Roger will attend the March 17 Department Chairs Committee and will meet with the Committee on Instructional Matters to provide further information about e-cars.
3 Batch Cancellation Review
a) R. Miller reported on the batch cancellation project and discussed the categories for review. This committee is co-chaired by Carol Mallinson and Roger Miller and includes Karroll Mckay, Sue Newington, Carol Heeter, Dennis Bertch, Mike McCall, Lori Evans, Heidi Stevens-Ratti, Mimi Johnson, and Karen Visser.
b) Colleges to be contacted to learn what they do regarding batch cancellations are Grand Rapids C.C., Glenn Oaks C.C., Kellogg C.C., Lansing C.C., Macomb C.C.,Schoolcraft C.C., Washtenaw C.C., Henry Ford C.C., Southwestern Michigan College, Lake Michigan College., and Jackson C.C.
4 Scholarship Information Distribution
a) Roger distributed a list of KVCC Foundation Managed Scholarships for 2004/2005 as of March 8, 2006.
b) A scholarship information guide is available on the internet.
c) Financial Aid does identify eligible candidates and notifies them of their eligibility but encourages everyone to promote the many scholarships available.
5 Other
a) N. Woods noted that she emailed the Retention and Transitional Education Assessment Report for review and asked that any suggestions/comments be sent to her no later than March 22.
b) Arcadia is conducting their mid-semester reality check March 15 & 16.
c) D. Konopa noted that he will be retiring the end of April.
d) J. Taylor will be attending the community college deans’ in-service for fiscal year 2006-2007 on March 16 in Lansing.
e) Heard that effective fall 2006, tuition will be $61 for in-district, $100 for out of district, and $136 for out of state.
f) “Project Challenge” is scheduled for April 12.
g) N. Woods will be giving a presentation on March 17 on her 2005 trip to China.
h) Heard that the schedule has gone to the printer and is also online. A postcard has been sent to students currently enrolled and enrolled-within-the-last-semester in lieu of mailing the class schedule and will tell them that the schedule is online and will be available on campus on March 22.
i) B. Lay reported various folks from Ferris, including their president, will be visiting KVCC on June 8. A tentative agenda was reviewed. More information will be shared as it becomes available.
j) Next Meeting: April 19, 2006 – Anna Whitten Hall
6 Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol Orr