Kalamazoo Law Enforcement Advisory Committee Meeting


The Groves Room A1025

April 26, 2013

Members present: Scott Coy (WMU PD), Dale Hinz (MSP Paw Paw), Tom Martin (South Haven PD), Lynn Reid (MCOLES), Jeff Shouldice (KVCC), John Steele (MCOLES), Mike Logghe (MCOLES), Larry Belen (KVCC), Jim Taylor (KVCC), Stacey Randolph (KDPS), Bob Kirk (VBCSO) and Jennifer Woodstock (KVCC)

Called to order by Larry Belen at 2:12pm.

Welcome and Introductions

Introductions were made.

No changes made to minutes from last meeting.

LEN Update

Jeff Shouldice stated enrollment is down for the winter semester. Same issues with the same problems as reported in prior meetings. Seems as though students have no self-control or proper etiquette of behaving in classroom and could reflect to work place. Trying to determine proper way to discipline and continue to teach without disruption to others.

Would like to make academy more visible and make students aware of program that are considering pursuing a Criminal Justice degree.

Larry Belen stated during last academy they had an EFE shadowing program and allowed those who were shadowing to participate in some of the events such as defense tactics and they seemed to really enjoy it.

UPDATE ON 79TH ACADEMY – Placement Update

Larry reported that the 79th Academy graduated 29 students and all but six have been employed. The 78th Academy has a 100% placement.


Larry stated orientation count is down but feels the reason is because information is on the website. There are about a dozen applications that have been turned in at this point. Western Michigan University has nineteen students applying to attend the academy

80th Cadet Interviews

Larry Belen reported that some of the applications are at background and looking for people to sit through interviews. Larry will be contacting each agency for volunteers to assist in half day interviews.


John Steele reported that Active Firearm Standards, Subject Control Standards, Legal Update and EVO are in the process of being updated. MCOLES is involved with strategic planning.

Grand Valley State University was approved by MCOLES to host a Military Police academy June 1, 2013. Larry Belen stated that he had one person so far to attend the MCOLES Physical Fitness Testing to attend this program. To enter into the M.P. academy they must pass the exit standards of a regular academy. More information is available on the MCOLES website.


Nothing to report at this time


Dale Hinz reported that MSP had graduation about one month ago and getting ready to start another academy in June 2013. MSP is having a lot of turnover and hiring information will come out in June 2013.

Scott Coy reported that WMU Police Department is expecting to send an officer to the 80th Academy

Larry Belen reported MCOLES require the academies to hold 594 hours of training whereas KVCC Police Academy has 735 hours of instruction during the sixteen week program.

Next meeting the committee will go over renewing and new appointment process as many Advisory board members’ terms are coming to an end and need to be updated.

Larry Belen asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting, with Jim Taylor motioned with Jeff Shouldice seconding.

Meeting adjourned 3:05pm

Next meeting will be held September 27, 2013