KAAMCO Cargo Operations Committee Meeting

Minutes – January 28, 2016

Rich Burkhardt, Chairman of the KAAMCO Operations Committee, opened the meeting which was held at the Port Authority, JFK Bldg. 14, at 10:00 AM and made the following comments:

Chair Persons and Team leaders were introduced.

Rich reminded all attendees of future events; August 4th Fishing Trip and December 2nd Holiday Party.

Rich then introduced Joel Ditkowsky, past president of the JFK Brokers and Freight Forwarders Association. Joel advised that flyers were available on the front table with information regarding JFK informational meetings at Russo’s on the Bay. He would like the ground handling companies and the Brokers Assn. to work together to solve any apparent issues. He informed all that he is open to suggestions to improve customer service at JFK. He is available 24/7 (516) 250-0588 cell. His goals are simple; to make JFK Airport the best incargo operations.

CBP – Bob Redes was in attendance representing CBP. Bob advised Susan Mitchel has retired. The new temporary Port Director is Casey Owen Durst. Contact information remains the same. He also informed the group that ACE is improving. Messages are good and the split messages should now be working also. With regard to filers for reporting entry side, ACE may be a problem for non-traditional carriers. A Pipeline is to be sent out with processes. Hoverboards (Lithium Battery Powered Vehicles) – seven shipments have been seized for counterfeit batteries which have the potential for causing fires. They are working with FAA. Please keep awareness keen regarding these counterfeit batteries. CBP, PA & TSA have a task force which are looking for proper IDs and are issuing chase violations. IDs need CBP holograms. Bob also announced that there are quarterly meetings at Bldg. 77 which are focused on ACE.

Rich introduced Tom Kelliher. Tom is associated with Metro Urgent Medical Care of Queens. He is the Director of New Business and had a slide presentation on this new facility available to all. Its location is at JFK Plazas, Bldg. 125, Jamaica,N Y 11430. This is an urgent care facility and an alternative to going to an emergency room. It has state of the art equipment and offers Lab Testing, Digital X-Ray and so much more. Itis an in-network facility for most major health insurances. They also treat most illnesses and injuries including colds, flus, asthma, rashes, cuts and bruises. It is a 24/7 facility on airport and therefore very convenient. Several attendees at the meeting stated they had already used the facility with complete satisfaction. They all stated that the personnel were friendly and the service was fast, efficient and competent. Tom provided brochures which show an additional location in Brooklyn and many more services for the airport community.

TSA – advised of an insider threat – its high profile so TSA and PA are conducting random playbook screen of cargo employees. Please advise your employees to comply. They are also checking security levels on badges. Federal Air Marshalls are increasing patrols in cargo areas using Hercules with canine teams. As an outreach program, they are asking us all to reach out to security companies to increase awareness in the field.

Fish & Wildlife – no attendee

FDA – no attendee

PA Police – no attendee

CDC – no attendee

USDA – no attendee

FAA – Anthony Affissio gave us an update on the 49CFR regarding new regulations on Hoverboards. This concerns the safety and testing on the batteries. It has become an issue. Additionally, it has been found that the shipper has been classifying UN3480 and UN3491 incorrectly. Refuse if not properly reported. On April 1st lithium batteries are forbidden in built units or pallets. Anthony stated there is no lead time or grace periods. He also wanted us all to know that Monika Borsey is retiring as of today. Rich Burkhardt noted that during Monika’s career in the aviation industry, she logged in 28 years with American Airlines and wished her good luck in the future. Should you ever need to contact Monika, she may be reached at or by cell 347-463-1990.

PA – Andre Garcia was in attendance for KimDickie. He spoke regarding the insider threat and told us about the PA and TSA launching a “This is my airport” campaign. Posters and 3-fold pamphlets are available. One part of the plan is to reduce access points. Post R is first up. Monitoring has begun and access will be granted at other posts. Playbook – SIDA challenges will help increase awareness and show an increased presence. Again, employees must comply with these challenges by the TSA or PA by contract staff. There was mention of the lengthy delays in receiving new IDs from CBP. Port Authority said the process is about 14days. E-Badging will improve this when it its implemented next year. CBP Global Enrollment which will update status every 24 hours, is partially the reason for the delay.

Joe Clabby reminds everyone that there is a Chamber of Commerce luncheon at the Cradle of Aviation. Joe also spoke about Smart Tech; it’s a tool used by his employees that give them real time help in many situations when they may need information or guidance immediately.

Pete DeBenigno spoke about trucking trends. President Obama recently signed a bill allocating 3.5 billion dollars for new roads but failed to require truck drivers to have backround checks as required by airport employees.

Rich Burkhardt advises that the next meeting to be held February 25,2016 and invites everyone to enjoy cake with Monika Borsey and wish her well as she retires from the FAA.

Thank you all for attending and for your valuable ideas and information.