Longview ISD Kindergarten ELA Unit 2-1-6
Kindergarten TEKS with SpecificitiesK.5 Reading/Print Awareness. The student demonstrates knowledge of concepts of print.
K.5B Know that print moves left-to-right across the page and top-to-bottom (K-1).
Demonstrate directionality including left to right and top to bottom in printed text.
K.5C Understand that written words are separated by spaces (K-1).
• Identifies the concept of spacing between words through shared reading.
• Demonstrates one to one matching during guided reading.
K.6 Reading/Phonological Awareness. The student orally demonstrates phonological awareness (an understanding that spoken language is composed of sequences of sounds).
K.6B Identify, segment, and combine syllables within spoken words such as clapping syllables and moving manipulatives to represent syllables in words (K-1).
K.6F Segment one-syllable spoken words into individual phonemes, clearly producing beginning, medial, and final sounds (K-1).
• Segment onset and rime in spoken words (ex: cat = /c/ + /at/; bat = /b/ + /at/)
• Segment individual phonemes in spoken words (ex: cat = /c/ + /a/ + /t/
• Segment spoken words into phonemes (up to and including 3 sounds.)
K.11 Reading/Text Structures/ Literary Concepts. The student recognizes characteristics of various types of texts.
K.11B Understand simple story structure (K-1).
K.11C Distinguish fiction from nonfiction, including fact and fantasy (K-3). / K.14 Writing/Spelling/Penmanship. The student develops the foundations of writing.
K.14B Write each letter of the alphabet, both capital and lowercase (K).
K.15 Writing/Composition. The student composes original texts.
K.15B Write labels, notes, and captions for illustrations, possessions, charts, centers (K-1). / NOTES:
Word Works Lessons
Pinnell & Fountas
Week 1: PA 8, PA9, LK 6
Week 2: LK7, WSA1, WSA2,
Week 3: ELC4, ELC5, ELC6,
Week 4: PA10, PA11, LK8,
Week 5: LK9, LK10, LK11,
Estrellita Program for Bi-Lingual
Blending con “a”
Note: Last two weeks may be used to make-up missed lessons.
8/27/2007 DRAFT