K-20 Education Network Consortium

Meeting Minutes – November 12, 2013

1:31 – 2:50 PM

Voting members present:

·  OSPI – Peter Tamayo

·  OCIO – Bill Schrier, proxy for Michael DeAngelo

·  ESD Representative – Jeff Andrews

·  UW KOCO – Roland Rivera, proxy for Clare Donahue

·  SBCTC – Jason Aguero, proxy for Michael Scroggins

·  WSL – Gary Bortel

Voting members absent:

·  Council of Presidents

Others Present:

·  OSPI – Dennis Small

·  SBCTC – Kenn Nied, Marcus Royster

·  WSU – Richard Eisenman

·  UW – Noah Pitzer

·  Pacific Northwest GigaPOP – Doug Mah

·  K-20 Staff – Tom Carroll, Amanda Carroll, Michael Evans

1. Call to Order/Introductions. Chairman Peter Tamayo called the meeting to order at 1:31 PM.

2. Consent Agenda. The consent agenda consisted of the following items:

·  Minutes from the August 13, 2013 Meeting

·  KOCO Operations Update

It was moved and seconded that the consent agenda be approved by the Consortium. Approved unanimously.

3. K-20 2013-2015 Budget Update & SAO Performance Audit Report. Tom Carroll told the group the cash balance for the K-20 revolving fund as of 9/30/2013 was $9,851,601 and added that the second allotment from the general fund will take place in August of 2014. Tom indicated the network is currently on track to have just over $500,000 left at the end of the current biennium. Tom briefed the group on the K-20 information included in the October 2013 draft version of the Annual Performance Audit Progress Report from the State Auditor’s Office. Tom noted that a new interagency agreement is being finalized between OFM/K-20 and the SBCTC for ongoing K-20 services provided by SBCTC.

4. K-12 Districts Leaving K-20 Update. Dennis Small explained to the group that 280 out of 295 school districts remain on the K-20 network and commented the good news is that several districts who considered leaving have decided to remain on the network. Dennis reported that the feedback regarding the new pricing model has been very positive. The group discussed the importance of ensuring that districts choosing to leave the network do not retain their ability to schedule or host K-20 video conferences and it was confirmed that this policy is already being followed.

5. 40 Gbps Project & KOCO Transition Update. Roland told the group K-20 is now using the new 40G backbone and pointed out that the transition to this new environment is a major accomplishment. Tom Carroll pointed out that because of the move away from the shared architecture of the old 10G backbone, K-20 now has almost 10 times the capacity for double the cost of the approximately 4G previously available to the network on a much more modern architecture with the pricing locked in for eight years. Tom and Roland explained the evolution of the network architecture will continue as additional opportunities to consolidate and integrated services are pursued. Roland commented that the story of the recent network improvements and the public/private partnerships that maintain it needs to be documented and shared and Tom Carroll pointed out that a technology service provider such as Juniper Networks may be willing to help with packaging and telling the story. Roland mentioned some additional work is being completed to move the remaining TDM circuits off the CTS Tellabs equipment in Seattle and Spokane.

6. K-12 RITU Update. Dennis Small told the Consortium one of the requests from the K-12 RITU group was to receive more communication about K-20 and explained he has already provided updates via video conferencing for regional meetings at five of the nine ESDs. The second item Dennis mentioned is the creation of an advisory group within K-12 for K-20 related issues and he explained discussion about the draft charter for that group was on the agenda for the 11/13/2013 meeting of the K-12 TWG. Dennis told the group the statewide E-rate training on 11/19/2013 at ESD113 will be addressing a fairly broad audience, including some people who are taking on E-rate responsibilities after K-12 educational technology funding was cut from the most recent state budget. Dennis mentioned the group identified a need for additional RITU training around the state and he pointed out that a lot of the required training can be provided by people within the existing RITU membership. Dennis explained there is also a lot of discussion within the RITU group regarding current or emerging needs for technology services within the K-12 community.

7. Roundtable Comments/Sector Updates. Dennis Small told the group OSPI had 90% participation in the recent Speedtest network connectivity testing initiative. Peter Tamayo mentioned the OSPI feedback on the FCC request for response to proposed E-rate rulemaking was submitted recently. Bill Schrier asked about the status of CTS obtaining connectivity from UW and Roland explained they are on an OC192 provided for CTS by the Pacific Northwest GigaPOP and UW.

8. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 PM.