Technology & Information Literacy

Adapted from Computer Skills for Information Problem Solving: Learning and Teaching

Technology in Context (March 1996) Michael B. Eisenberg and Doug Johnson.

Task Definition / §  Students will define their task by using email, online discussion groups, desktop conferencing, computer brainstorming and other online communication methods to connect with teachers and to facilitate cooperative activities among groups.
§  Students will identify information needed in order to complete their task by using desktop conferencing, email, computer brainstorming and idea generating software to generate topics and problems, to facilitate cooperative activities among groups, and to define or refine the information problem or task.
Information Seeking / §  Students brainstorm all possible sources for data gathering, including databases, CD-ROM resources, Internet and other electronic resources, then identify and apply specific criteria for evaluating these electronic resources in relation to their information task.
§  Students will select the best electronic sources, then use organizing software such as Inspiration, Encarta Researcher, Word or Excel to help them plan and organize information problem-solving tasks.
and Access / §  Students will locate and use appropriate resources available through the school library, the wide area network, and the Internet and will know who to ask for help accessing this information.
§  Students will be able to locate reference materials, contact experts, conduct surveys, and use search tools for services within their chosen electronic sources.
Use of Information / §  Students will be able to engage with information gathered by connecting and operating the computer technology needed to access information as well as being able to view, download, and open documents and programs from sources.
§  Students will be able to extract, analyze and transfer relevant information from an electronic source to a word processing, publishing, spreadsheet, database, graphic organizer or multimedia program, including citation references.
Synthesis / §  Students will organize information from multiple sources by using word processing, graphic organizer, database management, spreadsheets and desktop publishing software to create text documents or by using presentation software to create multimedia productions.
§  Students will distribute information by publishing to the World Wide Web, using email, or presenting their printed or electronic publications.
Evaluation / §  Students will judge the efficiency of their process by evaluating and editing presentations, considering copyright, checking compliance of email and Internet etiquette, and by evaluating their compliance of electronic acceptable use policies.
§  Students will judge the effectiveness and impact of their product by communicating with teachers and peers via email, listservs, and newsgroups and by continuously throughout the process reflecting on their use of electronic resources and tools.