Journal of Vascular Surgery® Publications
Submissions that do not comply with the guidelines described in the JVSInstructionfor Authors will be returned to authors for correction, delayingreview of the manuscript.This checklist is meant to help authors meet our submission guidelines. Please do not upload this checklist with your manuscript.
Please review our complete Instructions for Authors:
Each text file must be prepared using Microsoft Word.
The title must NOT: be two or more parts,be in the form of a question, restate type of article or analysis and include name of the institution.
The number of authors must conform to the submission limits listed in the Instructions for Authors.
All authors and institutions are included on the title page, and match the names entered in Editorial Manager and the Author Role form.
Corresponding author and contact information is included.
Society presentation information, if applicable, has been entered in Editorial Manager and included on the title page.
Check the Instructions for Authors to make sure that your abstract and manuscript do not exceed the word limits.
Format your abstract, structured or non-structured, according to the Instructions for Authors.
The title page, abstract, manuscript body, and references must be included in the manuscript file.
The number of references must not exceed thelimit for the submission type, which can be found in the Instructions for Authors. References must be included at the end of the manuscript file. Do not include a separate reference file.
References must be numbered in the order in which the citations appear in the manuscript and must include the names of the first 6 authors et al.
The manuscript must make reference to each figureand table, including supplemental figures and tables, and cite them in numerical order.
The number of figures and tables must not exceed the submission limit.
Figures and tables are numbered in the order they appear. Tables are labeled using Roman numerals.
Each figure must be in its own separate TIF, EPS, Word, JPEG, or PowerPoint file. PDFs are not acceptable.
Tables may be submitted in oneWord Document. Tables do not need to be separated, but must be in an editable format, i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
The resolution of each figure must be at least 300 DPI at 3inches (18 pica) wide. Once you upload your figures and build your PDF, this information can be found in the top right hand corner of the Artwork Quality Check (ACQ) results. If your image is 300 DPI or greater at 3inches wide, and it fails the AQC, you may submit your files. If your figures are less than 300DPI you must correct your files before submitting your manuscript.
Figures may be submitted in Word. The image must take up at least 3 inches of the document, and look sharp. The AQC cannot read word documents. Please disregard the AQC results in this instance.
Vascular Image submissions must designate one image as the COVER IMAGE. There may not be any text or arrows on the cover image.
Each figure and table, including supplemental figures and tables, must have a title and descriptive legend. Legends must explicitly address each figure panel if present. Legends may be submitted together in one word document.
Do NOT include a cover letter. If remarks must be made about your submission, they may be entered in the “Comments” section of the submission process.
Permission to reproduce published material, or material that is not the original work of the listed authors, is required.
A completed Application for Publication form (can be carried over from your original submission unless authorship or other information has changed) must be uploaded. This can be downloaded from the Instructions For Authors page.