Justification Thoughts for Using a Battery Shell
As a team and taking into account the Mechanical Targets laid forward in the initial meeting for desires of the submarine, we wanted a battery setup that was easy to use and easy to change. We wanted to provide the WSU team with a setup where the battery was separate from circuit for many reasons. Two of these reasons are to ensure that a battery failure (explosion) would be shielded from the circuitry and to allow for the battery to be quickly changed, should it be the only thing that needed to be changed. The lithium polymer batteries have a risk of overheating and should they overheat could very easily explode, this inconvenience will be negated with a pressure release setup to protect the circuits.
Benefits of A Square, Acrylic Shell
· Clear Walls
o Can see inside the enclosure and see any problems
· Stackable
· Rugged
· Orientation Insensitive
· No Obstructions on the Exterior
o Won’t get caught on anything, smooth
· Small
o Fits in with goal of small, light sub
· Cartridge function
o Removable and Replaceable with ease
Ideas / AdvantagesInternal Sealing Force / Smooth Sides
External Sealing / Smaller
Tube Hull / Smaller
Square Hull / Won’t roll in sub dock