Justification for Attending

Continue to Learn at BTME 2018

What does Continue to Learn offer?

ü  Education selected by BIGGA members to target relevant subject areas

ü  250 hours of education

o  25 Workshops

o  18 Focus On sessions

o  3 Conferences

o  19 Seminars

o  8 Career Development sessions

o  3 Partner events

o  30 events are free of charge to BIGGA Members

ü  Targeted Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities

ü  Trainers are leaders in their field

ü  Learn from your peers

ü  Update skills

ü  Learn new skills

ü  Network with fellow professionals and industry specialists

ü  Value for money

Who is Continue to Learn for?

ü  Course Managers / Head Greenkeepers

ü  Deputies and First Assistant Greenkeepers

ü  Assistants and Greenkeepers

ü  Golf Club Managers / Secretaries

ü  Golf Club Committee Members

ü  Golf Club Owners and Operators

How can I add value to attending Continue to Learn at BTME 2018?

ü  Attend the BTME exhibition showcasing 100+ exhibitors

ü  Secure special “Show Offers”

ü  View the latest products and innovations

ü  Network with fellow professionals and industry specialists

How can I convince my club?

Provide a plan for the week including:

ü  Education events

o  Why you want to attend the education events?

o  What you expect to learn?

o  How will you apply this learning?

o  How will attending the education event benefit your employer?

o  How will it benefit you?

o  How will it benefit the rest of the greenkeeping team?

o  Use a Booking Bundle to reduce costs

o  Look for early bird accommodation offers

o  Book public transport early to secure the lowest price

ü  Exhibition

o  Identify exhibitors to visit

o  Provide reasons why they are key contacts

o  How can they benefit current or future projects at your club?

ü  Networking

o  Identify current challenges or projects that you wish to discuss with peers

o  Identify ideal opportunities for networking e.g. BIGGA events, Exhibitor events

ü  Invite your club management team to attend with you

Download a draft justification letter here (Word format)