Teacher Name: Ms. Margie Shafer-BellamyRoom #C217

Voice Mail (623) 376-3217

Course Title: French 3-4

Course Description:

Our course builds communication as an authentic exchange of information and opinion. In “authentic exchange” students are using their own thoughts to communicate in real life situations for a true communicative purpose. Our program is organized around the principles that just as meaning and purpose drive all language use, so too shall they drive language learning. As the student progresses through our four-year program he/she will develop increasingly higher level thinking skills along with the more complex grammatical structures needed to express sophisticated ideas. This course is aligned with Arizona College and Career Ready Standards and national standards and supports the school wide efforts to increase student achievement.

Course Objectives:

By the time the student completes this course of study, the student will be able to:

1. initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one in groups and teacher-led) with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly

(9-10 SL 1). Topics and situations will include:

describe people, places and things in the francophone world

narrate events in the past.

express opinions

ask for and give information

2. understand native French speakers via videos, podcasts, etc.

3. writeinformative or explanatory texts to examine and convey ideas, concepts and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

(9-10 W 2) This could include letters, blogs and creative short stories.

4. readtarget language texts to determine a central idea of a text, and provide an objective summary of the text. (9-10 R 1.2) This could include French poetry, short articles, brochures and other forms of authentic French writing.


Because we are becoming a technology rich campus, we are expanding the use of technology as a learning tool. Electronic devices will be increasingly integrated into the curriculum to reinforce critical thinking, collaboration, and cognitive engagement. I will designate during which activities students may use an electronic device, and I will explain how the device should be used appropriately. If a violation of the stipulated use occurs, consequences will be enforced in accordance with the Mountain Ridge Student Handbook. While we strive to maintain a safe environment, Mountain Ridge is not responsible for lost or stolen devices brought from home.

The French 3-4 textbook along with homework and practice activities are available online. Students are encouraged to access their required course materials anywhere the internet is available including our MRHS Media Center and our computer lab offering extended hours each week


18 Week Grade:

/ Semester Grade: / A = 90%-100% / Percentages are
Participation – 25% / 18 weeks – 80% / B = 80%-89% / Rounded up
Projects – 10% / Final Exam – 20% / C = 70%- 79%
Homework – 25% / D = 60% - 69%
Tests/Quizzes – 40% / F = below 60%

The student will ONLY be awarded points for homework that is entirely complete. This is to ensure that the student attempts all assignments to the best of his or her ability and seeks out help as needed. Late work is not accepted for points. There are no extra credit opportunities.

A student may retake a unit exam on which he or she received a “D” or “F” within two weeks of the original test date. The two exam grades will be averaged to determine the final grade.

Report Cards

In an effort to conserve resources and harness the capacity of our electronic grade reporting program (PowerSchool) district schools will no longer print hard copies of report cards unless requested by individual parents. To request a hard copy of your student’s report card, please contact the front office at 623-376-3000. To receive your PowerSchool login, please stop into the office with a valid photo ID.

Power School Online Access:

Grades and attendance may be accessed 24 hours a day online with your Power School access code. Access codes are available in the Administration office Monday – Friday 7:00 – 3:30. You must provide picture ID to be issued a code. You may check student progress regularly on the PowerSchool site using the same login for one or more students. For Mountain Ridge parents or guardians without home computer access, a computer with guest log-in capability is available in the Counseling Conference Room.

Academic Assistance:

In addition to the Academic Prep times built into our schedule each week, additional assistance or tutoring is provided on a weekly basis in the library and individually by instructors. Those dates and times will be posted in my classroom and/or on my website. I also encourage your son or daughter to write down my availability (which may vary from week to week) in their Mountain Ridge planner (provided by the school) so that you too are aware of my weekly availability.

Make-up and Long-term Project Policies:

Students must check the make-up files after an absence for information on missed work, tests, or quizzes. One day is given to make up work (including tests and quizzes) for each day with an excused absence. Any student swept and wanting credit for an assignment missed must turn in the assignment the same day that they are swept. Every student is also responsible for getting the next day’s assignment on the day that he/she is swept.

Long-term enrichment projects are 10% of the semester grade and late projects are NOT accepted. If a student has an emergency, someone must turn it in for him/her. If he/she is turning the project in to the office, he/she must have the office assistant date stamp it.

Excused and Unexcused Absences:

Work or tests missed because of an unexcused absence may be turned in, but will not be awarded points.

Assignments and tests missed due to an excused absence can be made up in the time period specified by the make-up policy.

Suggested Supplies:

pen, pencil, paper, notebook and a French/English dictionary to use in class and at home

Ms. Margie Shafer-BellamyFrench 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 (circle your class) 2014-2015

Please sign and return this sheet – this is your 1st homework assignment.

I have read this syllabus and understand what is expected in French class.

Student Name (PRINT) ______Period ______

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent or Guardian Name (PRINT) ______

Parent or Guardian Signature ______Date ______

  • I would like to be added to the teacher email distribution list in order to receive updates, important information and tidbits. The email address(es) at which I prefer to receive class information is listed below: (Please print)
  • I would prefer to not be on the teacher email distribution list.

*Email addresses are deleted after each school year. Please include your address again even if your student was in my class previously.

Video Procedures and Clearance Form Grades 8-12World Language

Videos, films and other recorded materials are an integral part of the world language class curriculum.

My son or daughter has my permission to view or listen to the following video and audio resources in the target language during the 2014-2015 school year:

  • G and PG rated materials in the target language
  • Clips of recorded conversations in the target language
  • Recorded music in the target language
  • Ancillary online resources in the target language
  • Appropriately rated (TVPG or lower) television clips in the target language
  • Movies or videoswhichmightbeviewed (selected clips or in theirentirety) thisyear: Cyrano de Bergerac, Jean de Florette, Manon de la source, Le château de ma mere, La gloire de mon père, Au revoir les enfants, L’argent de poche, Les choristes, Le roi lion, Trouver Nemo, Ratatouille, La Belle et la Bête, Les parapluies de Cherbourg, Marie Antoinette

Videos, films and other taped materials rated PG or PG13 (parental guidance) may be viewed at school, but they must be:

  • An integral part of the class curriculum.
  • Approved by administrator prior to viewing.
  • Approved by parent/guardian.
  • Each student must have a signed “Video Procedures and Clearance Form” on file, noting permission for each PG or PG 13 video.

______has my permission to view the aforementioned materials during

(Print Student’s Name) the 2014-2015 school year per the above mentioned guidelines.


(Parent or Guardian Signature)Date