JUST Publications in 2005
1) Ababneh, M. M., and T. Degefa. 2005. Ultrasonic assessment of puerperal uterine involution in balady goats. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A: Physiology Pathology Clinical Medicine 52, (5): 244-248.
2) Abachi, H., I. A. Ajwa, T. Alameldin, J. M. Alghazo, H. R. Arabnia, M. Ceberio, Z. Chen, et al. 2005. Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on scientific computing, CSC'05: Foreword. Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Scientific Computing, CSC'05.
3) Abdel-Jabbar, N. M., R. Y. Jumah, and M. Q. Al-Haj Ali. 2005. State estimation and state feedback control for continuous fluidized bed dryers. Journal of Food Engineering 70, (2): 197-203.
4) Abo-Qudais, S., and H. Abu-Qdais. 2005. Perceptions and attitudes of individuals exposed to traffic noise in working places. Building and Environment 40, (6): 778-787.
5) Abo-Qudais, S., and A. Alhiary. 2005. Effect of traffic characteristics and road geometric parameters on developed traffic noise levels. Canadian Acoustics - Acoustique Canadienne 33, (1): 43-50.
6) Abo-Qudais, S., and M. W. Mulqi. 2005. New chemical antistripping additives for bituminous mixtures. Journal of ASTM International 2, (8): 87-97.
7) Abo-Qudais, S., and H. A. Qdais. 2005. Performance evaluation of vehicles emissions prediction models. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 7, (4): 279-284.
8) Abo-Qudais, S., and A. Suleiman. 2005. Monitoring fatigue famage and crack healing by ultrasound wave velocity. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 20, (2): 125-145.
9) Abo-Qudais, S. A. 2005. Effect of concrete mixing parameters on propagation of ultrasonic waves. Construction and Building Materials 19, (4): 257-263.
10) Abo-Shehada, M. N. 2005. Incidence of chrysomya bezziana screw-worm myiasis in saudi arabia, 1999/2000. Veterinary Record 156, (11): 354-356.
11) Abu Alhaija, E. S. J., and S. N. Al-Khateeb. 2005. Attractiveness ratings of anterior open bites and reverse overjets using the aesthetic component of the index of orthodontic treatment need. European journal of orthodontics 27, (2): 134-139.
12) Abu Alhaija, E. S. J., S. N. Al-Khateeb, and K. S. Al-Nimri. 2005. Prevalence of malocclusion in 13-15 year-old north jordanian school children. Community dental health 22, (4): 266-271.
13) Abu Alhaija, E. S. J., K. S. Al-Nimri, and S. N. Al-Khateeb. 2005. Self-perception of malocclusion among north jordanian school children. European journal of orthodontics 27, (3): 292-295.
14) Abu Allhaija, E. S., and S. N. Al-Khateebb. 2005. Uvulo-glosso-pharyngeal dimensions in different anteroposterior skeletal patterns. Angle Orthodontist 75, (6): 1012-1018.
15) Abu-Arabi, M., and Y. Zurigat. 2005. Year-round comparative study of three types of solar desalination units. Desalination 172, (2): 137-143.
16) Abu-Ashour, J. 2005. A survey of the jordanian public perception toward the consumption of crops irrigated by treated wastewater. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2005, : GC-330-1-GC-330-4.
17) Abu-Ashour, J., and M. Abu-Zreig. 2005. Effect of interstitial velocity on the adsorption of bacteria onto soil. Adsorption Science and Technology 23, (7): 535-542.
18) Abu-Hijleh, B. A. K., and W. A. Massarwehy. 2005. Privatization of the electricty sector in jordan: A case study of on-site power generation. Series on Energy and Power Systems: 341-345.
19) Abushaikha, L., and A. Oweis. 2005. Labour pain experience and intensity: A jordanian perspective. International journal of nursing practice 11, (1): 33-38.
20) Abu-Zanat, M. M. W., and N. Samarah. 2005. Physical and chemical treatments for enhancing seed germination of oldman saltbush (atriplex nummularia). African Journal of Range and Forage Science 22, (2): 141-145.
21) Al Ajlouni, S., A. Shorman, and A. S. Daoud. 2005. The efficacy and side effects of topiramate on refractory epilepsy in infants and young children: A multi-center clinical trial. Seizure 14, (7): 459-463.
22) Al Ghour, S., K. Zoubi, and A. Fora. 2005. Semihomogeneous topological spaces. Publicationes Mathematicae 67, (1-2): 131-143.
23) Al Quran, F. A. M. 2005. A clinical evaluation of the clinical remount procedure. Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 6, (1): 048-055.
24) Al Salameh, M. S., and S. M. Makki. 2005. Full-vectorial finite element solution to open waveguide problems using adaptive perfectly matched layers. COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 24, (4): 1213-1229.
25) Al-Abed, N., F. Abdulla, and A. Abu Khyarah. 2005. GIS-hydrological models for managing water resources in the zarqa river basin. Environmental Geology 47, (3): 405-411.
26) Al-Ajlouni, A., A. A. Valerie, C. D. Nunes, M. Pillinger, A. M. Santos, J. Zhao, C. C. Romão, I. S. Goncalves, and F. E. Kühn. 2005. Kinetics of cyclooctene epoxidation with tert-butyl hydroperoxide in the presence of [MoO2X2L]-type catalysts (L = bidentate lewis base). European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry(9): 1716-1723.
27) Al-Ajlouni, A. M. 2005. Indigo dyes as indicators for oxidation reactions: Competition kinetic studies. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 37, (9): 532-537.
28) Al-Alami, J. R., S. M. Tanner, M. K. Tayeh, A. de la Chapelle, and H. El-Shanti. 2005. Homozygous AMN mutation in hereditary selective intestinal malabsorption of vitamin B12 in jordan. Saudi medical journal 26, (7): 1061-1064.
29) Alali, F., and A. El-Alali. 2005. LC-MS analysis of corms of colchicum hierosolymitanum (colchicaceae). Acta Pharmaceutica Turcica 47, (2): 143-150.
30) Alali, F. Q., T. El-Elimat, C. Li, A. Qandil, A. Alkofahi, K. Tawaha, J. P. Burgess, et al. 2005. New colchicinoids from a native jordanian meadow saffron, colchicum brachyphyllum: Isolation of the first naturally occurring dextrorotatory colchicinoid. Journal of natural products 68, (2): 173-178.
31) Al-Ali, M. N. 2005. Communicating messages of solidarity, promotion and pride in death announcements genre in jordanian newspapers. Discourse and Society 16, (1): 5-31.
32) Al-Asheh, S., and F. Banat. 2005. Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibrium of acetone + methanol system in the presence of calcium bromide. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 50, (6): 1789-1793.
33) Al-Asheh, S., F. Banat, and A. Masad. 2005. Use of activated oil shale for the removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol from aqueous solutions. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 40, (2): 211-221.
34) Al-Asheh, S., and F. Bischof. 2005. On the reduction of ammonia from the waste of alpine houses. Adsorption Science and Technology 23, (1): 47-56.
35) Alata, M., M. A. Al-Nimr, and Y. Qaroush. 2005. Developing a multipurpose sun tracking system using fuzzy control. Energy Conversion and Management 46, (7-8): 1229-1245.
36) Alawneh, A. S. 2005. Modelling load-displacement response of driven piles in cohesionless soils under tensile loading. Computers and Geotechnics 32, (8): 578-586.
37) Albiss, B. A. 2005. Thick films of superconducting YBCO as magnetic sensors. Superconductor Science and Technology 18, (9): 1222-1226.
38) Albsoul-Younes, A., R. Tayyem, and N. Najib. 2005. Variable omeprazole kinetics in healthy jordanian adults. Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition 26, (5): 183-188.
39) Aldoss, T. K., M. A. Al-Nimr, and A. F. Khadrawi. 2005. Effect of the local acceleration term on the MHD transient free convection flow over a vertical plate. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow 15, (3): 296-305.
40) Al-Ghazawi, Z., I. Saadoun, and A. Al-Shak'ah. 2005. Selection of bacteria and plant seeds for potential use in the remediation of diesel contaminated soils. Journal of Basic Microbiology 45, (4): 251-256.
41) Al-Ghazo, M. A., K. E. Bani-Hani, and Z. O. Amarin. 2005. Tuberculous epididymitis and fertility in north jordan. Saudi medical journal 26, (8): 1212-1215.
42) Al-Ghazo, M. A., I. F. Ghalayini, and I. I. Matalka. 2005. Ultrasound-guided transrectal extended prostate biopsy: A prospective study. Asian Journal of Andrology 7, (2): 165-169.
43) Al-Hassan, M. A., and S. M. Omran. 2005. The effects of health beliefs on health care-seeking decisions of jordanian patients with myocardial infarction symptoms. International journal of nursing practice 11, (1): 13-20.
44) Al-Hiyasat, A. S., and H. Darmani. 2005. The effects of recasting on the cytotoxicity of base metal alloys. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 93, (2): 158-163.
45) Al-Hiyasat, A. S., H. Darmani, and M. M. Milhem. 2005. Cytotoxicity evaluation of dental resin composites and their flowable derivatives. Clinical oral investigations 9, (1): 21-25.
46) Al-Huniti, N. S., and M. A. Al-Nimr. 2005. Dynamic thermoelastic response of a heated thin composite plate using the dual-phase-lag heat conduction model. Heat Transfer Engineering 26, (9): 41-49.
47) Al-Jarrah, O. M., and A. Muhsen. 2005. Reducing control latency in distributed shared-memory multiprocessor systems using fuzzy logic prediction. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 25, (1): 12-23.
48) Al-Jundi, S. H., H. Al-Waeili, and K. Khairalah. 2005. Knowledge and attitude of jordanian school health teachers with regards to emergency management of dental trauma. Dental Traumatology 21, (4): 183-187.
49) Al-Khaled, K. 2005. Numerical approximations for population growth models. Applied Mathematics and Computation 160, (3): 865-873.
50) ———2005. Numerical solutions of the laplace's equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation 170, (2): 1271-1283.
51) Al-Khaled, K., S. Momani, and A. Alawneh. 2005. Approximate wave solutions for generalized benjamin-bona-mahony-burgers equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 171, (1): 281-292.
52) Al-Khateeb, H. M., B. G. Birdsey, and T. J. Gay. 2005. Angular momentum partitioning and the subshell multipole moments in impulsively excited argon ions. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71, (3): 1-15.
53) Al-Khateeb, S., K. Al-Nimri, and E. Abu Alhaija. 2005. Factors affecting coronal fracture of anterior teeth in north jordanian children. Dental Traumatology 21, (1): 26-28.
54) Allawzi, M. A., M. K. Abu-Arabi, and F. A. Al-Taher. 2005. Parametric study on the batch leaching process of jojoba oil. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 107, (7-8): 469-475.
55) Al-Majali, A. M. 2005. Seroepidemiology of caprine brucellosis in jordan. Small Ruminant Research 58, (1): 13-18.
56) Almasri, N. M., and M. Al Hamad. 2005. Immunohistochemical evaluation of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 and estrogen and progesterone receptors in breast carcinoma in jordan. Breast cancer research : BCR. 7, (5): R598-604.
57) Almasri, N. M., J. Al-Alami, and M. Faza. 2005. Bcl-2 gene rearrangement in jordanian follicular and diffuse large B-cell lymphomas. Saudi medical journal 26, (2): 251-255.
58) Al-Momani, F. A., and A. M. Massadeh. 2005. Effect of different heavy-metal concentrations on drosophila melanogaster larval growth and development. Biological trace element research 108, (1-3): 271-277.
59) Al-Natour, M. Q., and M. N. Abo-Shehada. 2005. Sero-prevalence of avian influenza among broiler-breeder flocks in jordan. Preventive veterinary medicine 70, (1-2): 45-50.
60) Al-Natour, M. Q., and K. M. Alshawabkeh. 2005. Using varying levels of formic acid to limit growth of salmonella gallinarum in contaminated broiler feed. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 18, (3): 390-395.
61) Al-Nimr, M. A., T. K. Aldoss, and M. M. Abuzaid. 2005. Effect of the macroscopic local inertial term on the non-newtonian free-convection flow in channels filled with porous materials. Journal of Porous Media 8, (4): 421-430.
62) Al-Nimr, M. A., M. A. Hader, and V. A. Hammoudeh. 2005. Examination of the thermal equilibrium assumption in the microscopic parabolic heat conduction model under the effect of two types of heating sources. Heat Transfer Engineering 26, (2): 75-80.
63) Al-Nimri, K., and T. Gharaibeh. 2005. Space conditions and dental and occlusal features in patients with palatally impacted maxillary canines: An aetiological study. European journal of orthodontics 27, (5): 461-465.
64) Al-Omari, M. A., and Z. N. Al-Dwairi. 2005. Compliance with infection control programs in private dental clinics in jordan. Journal of dental education 69, (6): 693-698.
65) Al-Omari, Q. D., and A. A. -H Hamasha. 2005. Gender-specific oral health attitudes and behavior among dental students in jordan. Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 6, (1): 107-114.
66) Alomari, Q. D., and Y. F. Mansour. 2005. Effect of LED curing modes on cusp deflection and hardness of composite restorations. Operative dentistry 30, (6): 684-689.
67) Al-Omari, R., F. Shidaifat, and M. Dardaka. 2005. Castration induced changes in dog prostate gland associated with diminished activin and activin receptor expression. Life Sciences 77, (22): 2752-2759.
68) Al-Omari, W. M. 2005. Perceived sources of stress within a dental educational environment. Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 6, (4): 64-74.
69) Al-Omiri, M., R. A. Hantash, and A. Al-Wahadni. 2005. Satisfaction with dental implants: A literature review. Implant dentistry 14, (4): 399-408.
70) Al-Otum, H. A., and M. S. Ibbini. 2005. Low-bit-rate color image encoder using an adaptive morphological pyramid decomposition. Journal of Electronic Imaging 14, (3): 1-12.
71) Al-Qudah, A. A., C. A. Mitchell, P. A. Biagioni, and D. L. Hussey. 2005. Thermographic investigation of contemporary resin-containing dental materials. Journal of dentistry 33, (7): 593-602.
72) Al-Rawashdeh, N. A. F. 2005. Interactions of nabumetone with γ-cyclodextrin studied by fluorescence measurements. Journal of Inclusion Phenomena 51, (1): 27-32.
73) Al-Rawashdeh, N. A. F., and A. K. Maayta. 2005. Cationic surfactant as corrosion inhibitor for aluminum in acidic and basic solutions. Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials 52, (3): 160-166.
74) Alrefaei, M. H. 2005. A simulated annealing applied for optimizing a voice-multihop radio network. Applied Mathematics and Computation 167, (1): 496-507.
75) Alrefaei, M. H., and A. J. Alawneh. 2005. Solution quality of random search methods for discrete stochastic optimization. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 68, (2): 115-125.
76) Alrefaei, M. H., and S. Andradóttir. 2005. Discrete stochastic optimization using variants of the stochastic ruler method. Naval Research Logistics 52, (4): 344-360.
77) Al-Rimawi, H. S., M. F. Jallad, Z. O. Amarin, and B. R. Obeidat. 2005. Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal function in adolescent females with beta-thalassemia major. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 90, (1): 44-47.
78) Al-Rousan, M. 2005. Webchair: A web-based wireless navigation wheelchair system for people with motor disabilities. International Journal of Computers and Applications 27, (4): 274-284.
79) Al-Safi, S. A. 2005. Does smoking affect blood pressure and heart rate? European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 4, (4): 286-289.
80) Al-Safi, S. A., A. S. Alkofahi, and H. S. El-Eid. 2005. Public response to chest pain in jordan. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 4, (2): 139-144.
81) Al-Safi, S. A., and S. A. Otoom. 2005. Distribution of blood pressure and heart rate among adults in jordan: A national survey. Clinical and experimental hypertension 27, (6): 467-475.
82) Al-Said, N. H., and Z. N. Ishtaiwi. 2005. Synthesis of N-substituted quinazolino[1,4]-benzodiazepine: A facial route to N-benzylsclerotigenin. Acta Chimica Slovenica 52, (3): 328-331.
83) Al-Said, N. H., K. Q. Shawakfeh, and W. N. Abdullah. 2005. Cyclization of free radicals at the C-7 position of ethyl indole-2-carboxylate derivatives: An entry to a new class of duocarmycin analogues. Molecules 10, (12): 1446-1457.
84) Al-Smadi, M., and S. Ratrout. 2005. New multi-1,2,3-selenadiazole aromatic derivatives. Molecules 10, (9): 1126-1134.
85) Al-Talafha, H., Z. S. Amr, M. Abu Baker, and A. K. Bader. 2005. Systematics and distribution of horse flies (diptera: Tabanidae) of jordan. Journal of Vector Ecology 30, (1): 49-61.
86) Al-Tarazi, M., A. B. M. Heesink, G. F. Versteeg, M. O. J. Azzam, and K. Azzam. 2005. Precipitation of CuS and ZnS in a bubble column reactor. AICHE Journal 51, (1): 235-246.
87) Al-Till, M. I., M. D. Al-Bdour, and K. M. Ajlouni. 2005. Prevalence of blindness and visual impairment among jordanian diabetics. European journal of ophthalmology 15, (1): 62-68.
88) Alwaeli, H. A., and S. H. Al-Jundi. 2005. Periodontal disease awareness among pregnant women and its relationship with socio-demographic variables. International journal of dental hygiene 3, (2): 74-82.
89) Al-Wahadni, A., E. Abu Alhaija, and M. Amin Al-Omari. 2005. Oral disease status of a sample of jordanian people ages 10 to 28 with cleft lip and palate. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 42, (3): 304-308.
90) Al-Wahadni, A., M. A. Qudeimat, and M. Al-Omari. 2005. Dental arch morphological and dimensional characteristics in jordanian children and young adults with β-thalassaemia major. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 15, (2): 98-104.
91) Al-Wazaify, M., and A. Albsoul-Younes. 2005. Pharmacy in jordan. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 62, (23): 2548-2551.
92) Al-Widyan, M. I., N. Al-Abed, and H. Al-Jalil. 2005. Effect of composted olive cake on soil physical properties. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 36, (9-10): 1199-1212.
93) Alzoubi, F. Y., H. M. Al-Khateeb, M. K. Alqadi, and N. Y. Ayoub. 2005. Angular dependence of the levitation force on a small magnet above a superconducting cylinder in the meissner state. Superconductor Science and Technology 18, (10): 1329-1331.
94) Amarin, Z. O. 2005. Obstetricians, gynecologists and the anti-smoking campaign: A national survey. European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 119, (2): 156-160.
95) Amarin, Z. O., and L. F. Badria. 2005. A survey of uterine perforation following dilatation and curettage or evacuation of retained products of conception. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 271, (3): 203-206.
96) Amarin, Z. O., and B. R. Obeidat. 2005. Patency following vasectomy reversal. temporal and immunological considerations. Saudi medical journal 26, (8): 1208-1211.
97) Amarin, Z. O., B. R. Obeidat, A. A. Rouzi, M. F. Jallad, and Y. S. Khader. 2005. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection after total conventional in-vitro fertilization failure. Saudi medical journal 26, (3): 411-415.
98) Amayreh, J., and N. Al-Abed. 2005. Developing crop coefficients for field-grown tomato (lycopersicon esculentum mill.) under drip irrigation with black plastic mulch. Agricultural Water Management 73, (3): 247-254.
99) Arafa, I. M., H. M. El-Ghanem, A. B. Hallak, and S. A. Jawad. 2005. Dielectric spectroscopy of polycarbosilazane-based CuCl2 metallopolymers. International Journal of Polymeric Materials 54, (9): 857-870.
100) Arbaji, A., S. Kharabsheh, S. Al-Azab, M. Al-Kayed, Z. S. Amr, M. Abu Baker, and M. C. Chu. 2005. A 12-case outbreak of pharyngeal plague following the consumption of camel meat, in north-eastern jordan. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 99, (8): 789-793.
101) Asfar, K. R., and S. N. Akour. 2005. Optimization analysis of impact viscous damper for controlling self-excited vibrations. JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control 11, (1): 103-120.
102) Ashraf, S., G. Abdel-Alim, M. Q. Al-Natour, and Y. M. Saif. 2005. Interference between mild and pathogenic strains of infectious bursal disease virus in chickens. Avian Diseases 49, (1): 99-103.
103) Assaleh, K., and M. Al-Rousan. 2005. Recognition of arabic sign language alphabet using polynomial classifiers. Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing 2005, (13): 2136-2145.
104) Atmeh, R. F., and A. E. O. Issa. 2005. Small high density lipoprotein subclasses: Some of their physico-chemical properties and stability in solution. Acta Biochimica Polonica 52, (2): 515-525.
105) Attom, M., and M. Y. Shatnawi. 2005. Stabilization of clayey soils using hay material. Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management 31, (2): 84-92.
106) Badria, L. F., and Z. O. Amarin. 2005. Pre-eclampsia: Is it a different disease in primiparous and multiparous women? Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 273, (1): 26-31.
107) Banat, F., S. Al-Asheh, M. Al-Rawashdeh, and M. Nusair. 2005. Photodegradation of methylene blue dye by the UV/H2 O2 and UV/acetone oxidation processes. Desalination 181, (1-3): 225-232.
108) Banat, F., S. Al-Asheh, and M. Qtaishat. 2005. Treatment of waters colored with methylene blue dye by vacuum membrane distillation. Desalination 174, (1): 87-96.
109) Bani-Hani, K. E. 2005. Agenesis of the gallbladder: Difficulties in management. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 20, (5): 671-675.
110) ———2005. Clinicopathological comparison between young and old age patients with gastric adenocarcinoma. International Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer 35, (1): 43-52.
111) Bani-Hani, K. E., N. M. Almasri, Y. S. Khader, F. M. Sheyab, and H. N. Karam. 2005. Combined evaluation of expressions of cyclin E and p53 proteins as prognostic factors for patients with gastric cancer. Clinical Cancer Research 11, (4): 1447-1453.
112) Bani-Hani, K. E., B. K. Bani-Hani, and I. G. Martin. 2005. Characteristics of patients with columnar-lined barrett's esophagus and risk factors for progression to esophageal adenocarcinoma. World Journal of Gastroenterology 11, (43): 6807-6814.
113) Bani-Hani, K. E., and K. A. Gharaibeh. 2005. Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma. Journal of surgical oncology 91, (1): 17-25.
114) Bani-Hani, K. E., K. A. Gharaibeh, and R. J. Yaghan. 2005. Retained surgical sponges (gossypiboma). Asian Journal of Surgery 28, (2): 109-115.
115) Bani-Hani, K. E., R. J. Yaghan, and I. I. Matalka. 2005. Primary gastric lymphoma in jordan with special emphasis on descriptive epidemiology. Leukemia and Lymphoma 46, (9): 1337-1343.
116) Bani-Hani, K. E., R. J. Yaghan, I. I. Matalka, and T. S. Mazahreh. 2005. Tuberculous mastitis: A disease not to be forgotten. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 9, (8): 920-925.
117) Barakat, S. A., A. I. Malkawi, and M. Omar. 2005. Parametric study using FEM for the stability of the RCC tannur dam. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 23, (1): 61-78.
118) Barrieshi-Nusair, K. M., and H. M. Hammad. 2005. Intracoronal sealing comparison of mineral trioxide aggregate and glass ionomer. Quintessence international 36, (7-8): 539-545.
119) Bataineh, A., and Z. N. Al-Dwairi. 2005. A survey of localized lesions of oral tissues: A clinicopathological study. Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 6, (3): 30-39.
120) Bataineh, H. N., and M. K. Nusier. 2005. Effect of cholesterol diet on reproductive function in male albino rats. Saudi medical journal 26, (3): 398-404.
121) Bataineh, O. M., and B. E. Klamecki. 2005. Prediction of local part-mold and ejection force in injection molding. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME 127, (3): 598-604.
122) Bataineh, S. M. 2005. Toward an analytical solution to task allocation, processor assignment, and performance evaluation of network processors. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 65, (1): 29-47.
123) Chan, A. O., A. S. Soliman, Q. Zhang, A. Rashid, A. Bedeir, P. S. Houlihan, N. Mokhtar, et al. 2005. Differing DNA methylation patterns and gene mutation frequencies in colorectal carcinomas from middle eastern countries. Clinical Cancer Research 11, (23): 8281-8287.
124) Curtis, A. S. G., C. D. W. Wilkinson, J. Crossan, C. Broadley, H. Darmani, K. K. Johal, H. Jorgensen, and W. Monaghan. 2005. An in vivo microfabricated scaffold for tendon repair. European Cells and Materials 9, : 50-57.
125) Daher, R. F. 2005. Urban regeneration/heritage tourism endeavours: The case of salt, jordan 'local actors, international donors, and the state'. International Journal of Heritage Studies 11, (4): 289-308.
126) Daradkeh, T. K., and T. Al Habeeb. 2005. Quality of life of patients with schizophrenia 2. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 11, (5-6): 898-904.
127) Daradkeh, T. K., V. Eapen, and R. Ghubash. 2005. Mental morbidity in primary care in al ain (UAE): Application of the arabic translation of the PRIME-MD (PHQ) version. German Journal of Psychiatry 8, (3): 32-35.
128) Darmani, H., and A. S. Al-Hiyasat. 2005. The resin monomer triethylene glycol dimethacrylate exhibits reproductive toxicity in male mice. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 17, (4): 401-406.
129) De La Roche, M., A. Mahasneh, S. -F Lee, F. Rivero, and G. P. Côté. 2005. Cellular distribution and functions of wild-type and constitutively activated dictyostelium PakB. Molecular biology of the cell 16, (1): 238-247.
130) Dib, N. 2005. CAD modeling of coplanar waveguide cross-over air-bridge. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering 15, (3): 251-254.