ATTENTION COFFEE DRINKERS: Start weaning yourself now so you will not have the withdrawal headaches!!!!

Prepare your body for the fast and prevent bloating/constipation during and after the fast by eating certain foods at least 4-5 days or longer such as: fresh fruit, raw vegetables, fruit juices, vegetable juices, etc.

Eat smaller meals a few days prior to the fast

Avoid high-fat and sugary foods before the fast


Fastitude - Make sure your mind set about this task is spiritual. It is not just something to do. Fasting in the simplest definition is going without food; however it’s more than just abstaining from food. It is an act of self- denial to obtain a closer encounter with God. It is a response to a divine call to hear God’s heart about issues. If we remember the fast is corporate, we will realize that praying for our Pastor, church and ourselves will bring us into focus to recognize, honor and carry out God’s will by each of us getting better.

Got it? - A relative of mine often says to me when she can’t find something she has been looking for, for a while, “When I cry, then I find it, I have to cry first, then God let’s me find it.” Well I don’t know about the logic in that but I know that going without food, doesn’t make God feel sorry for you. It humbles your spirit so that you can get flesh out of the way. This means that there needs to be some communication (prayer) with God and a mind to seek him for Spiritual results. In order to be an effective prayer you must be a part of the fasting process. Fasting works on you.

Wordaholic(Hic-cup) - Many times the answers you want will come from reading the word. Things you never noticed before will jump out at you! Include much reading and studying in your quiet time. (You may have to stay in one chapter for a day or more!!)

Keep it down! - Please don’t be like the Pharisees. Don’t try to make people think you are so RELIGIOUS because you are fasting. And your every answer to their questions about the change in your eating habits is I’m fasting! BOMPPP!Wrong answer! Most people canfigure out if your lifestyle at work has been disciplined. (Disciple-discipline get it?) Read Matthew 6: 16-18 about how the Pharisees fasted to appear to be religious. One scripture says they fasted twice a week. Now, according to the Talmud they chose Monday and Thursday. They say that they chose that day because it was on the second day that Moses went up to Sinai and the 5th he returned on. I find it interesting that those 2 days were the days most of Jerusalem came to the market and it gave them a good audience for their sad looks that portrayed their suffering. Hypocrites in the highest degree!

Shut up! - Every one knows that thirst and hunger is part of fasting. Don’t sing your I am hungry/thirsty song. What you are really thirsty and hungry for is righteousness. (I hope) That is much better than what the enemy is teasing you with now, temporal stuff in exchange for a promotion and/or anointing- no way.

NO!NO! - Husbands and wives don’t be surprised if you look better to each other than ever. Remember this is just a little breaky break! I suggest when the temptation arises, try praying together or talk about a scripture. Sing a hymn. Yield not to temptation Maybe? One thing that will help you not yield is thinking about how you are going to feel when you yield, and you messed up -hopefully not good. That deliverance you’ve been waiting for is more important than that! Singles, you need to put a little space between youand he/she. You are listening for God, not sweet nothings.However if it does happen repent and keep swimming!

“Fluidtize”- When the time of your meal arrives drink plenty of water. It purifies. But if your mouth gets dry during the day, drink from the wells of your salvation if we are not having liquids during the day. If there is odor mint it or rinse it out.

Suggestion only:

Drink raw fruit juices apple, grape, pineapple which is excellent sources of necessary natural sugar to stabilize blood sugar and keep energy level up.

Blinkerize- Sometimes horses have something over their eyes called blinkers. This is what you will have to act like you have. Distractions, temptations, all the things you wanted may show up now. They are just like the commercial about the Phone company Network that’s competition of Verizon. Cardboard people, fake, they will not bring you satisfaction, the Bible says they can not satisfy.

Shepherd Time - Separation from your friends, their information data that is not honest, true, not of good report. Every day each sheep will steal away from the rest of the flock to special time with the Shepherd. The point is the sheep left his homies to spend HIS time alone with the shepherd

Hold your Tongue- Watch your mouth. I really think one of the reasons the Israelites were not permitted to talk as they walked around Jericho is someone would have complained and messed everything up!

Fellowship with the Shipmates - Since this is a corporate fast, coming together to hear what the Spirit has to say to us is important. Drawing strength from each other as we go through the fast is so important. God is speaking to the House, the man of God is tuned in and making broadcasts.

Shrinkage - Please remember a meal does not release you from the fast, don’t overeat and stay away from sugary drinks. Your stomach should be shrinking and your ability to eat more than yesterday should be at a diminishing.

Finally - Hang in there. Count it joy to go through, Jesus came out with power after fasting.(Luke 4:16) You still have 4 days to enjoy the Christmas goodies because by then, you would have really enjoyed the Christ!





After the fast is over you will begin to discern between real hunger and cravings.

This is the journey of a FASTED LIFE!!

PLEASE NOTE: This information is for suggestions only and in not meant to substitute any healthcare professional advice.

See you with joy and victory on December 21st!