YEAR 6 NEWSLETTER 1 – September 2014

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Year 6! I hope you had an enjoyable summer break. The children have returned to school refreshed and ready to spend their last year with us having fun and working hard!

Just a few general bits of information first:

The timetable for this half term is as follows

9:00 – 10:20 / 10.55 – 12.10 / 1:05 – 2:15 / 2:30 – 3:30




(Mrs Mills) / PE
(Mrs Mills)
Tue /


Wed /




(Miss Milburn) / MUSIC(Ms Jaquiss)
Thurs /




(Elena) /


(Mrs Birdi)
Fri /


(TB) /

PE is on Mondays and Thursday this half term, if this changes for any reason I will let the children know. PE kits must be in school on these days to avoid having to borrow kit from the cupboard! This does include a pair of proper trainers for any outdoor activities.

Homework will continue as last year starting nextFriday. There will be additional regular reading homework given to support our guided reading sessions that happened every Friday; your child will need to ensure that their reading books and reading journals are in school every week. There may also be occasional maths learning homework, particularly if there are new facts to be memorized. I hope that I can count on your support with this; the extra homework is in part to get the children ready for the pressures of High School.

Please find a copy of the ever changing Y6 curriculum on the back of this letter. It is a work in progress so things are quite likely to be added and moved around!

We have a trip coming on the 19th September to York Castle Museum to kick off our topic this half term – The Swinging Sixties! If you have any resources, especially pictures that you think would be of interest to us then please send them in – we will look after them!

I look forward to meeting you all at our first parent’s consultation in a few weeks. Until then if you do need to speak to me about anything then please pop in at 3:30pm, I am usually around somewhere!

Thank you

Tracey Baruah

Year 6 teacher

Maths will continue to follow the National Strategy programme; some children will also continue to be taught once a week by Mr Brawley. Please remember that your child has a password for Mathletics and that this can be accessed from home.

ICT will include a whole variety of tasks linked to other areas of the curriculum. The children will hopefully also be going to our local CLC to extend learning – more details nearer the time!

Music will be delivered by Victoria Jaquiss as in the past in Year 6, we will be working on playing together as a class, using steel pans, glockenspiels and djembe. If you happen to have a spare djembe that we could borrow please let me know.

PE will be at the cricket school on a Friday afternoon after Christmas; our other PE session will be on a Wednesday afternoon.

I will also be arranging a trip down to the wardrobe/costume hire department of the West Yorkshire Playhouse; again I will send out details once it has been firmly arranged.

If you have any concerns please feel free to pop into school or give me a ring.

All that’s left to say is I hope that you all have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! See you in January!

Thank you

Tracey Baruah

Y6 teacher