Jupiter Class Timetable: 2017 - 2018

9.00-9.25 / 9.25-10.25 / 10.25-10.45 / 10.45-11.00 / 11.00-12.00 / 12.00-1.00 / 1.00-1.25 / 1.25-3.10 / 3.10-3.15
Mon / Morning Work / Numeracy / Assembly / Break / Literacy / Lunch / Reading / dictation / 1.30-2
Music / Science / End of the day
Tues / Morning Work / Literacy / Assembly / Break / P.E / Lunch / Numeracy
(Times Tables test) / Science / Forest School / End of the day
Wed / Morning Work / Numeracy / Assembly / Break / Literacy / Lunch / Reading / Computing / R.E / PSHCE / End of the day
Thurs / Morning work / Numeracy / Assembly / Break / Literacy / Lunch / French / Topic / End of the day
Fri / Spelling test / Numeracy (including Maths of the Day) / Break / Literacy / Lunch / Reading / Art / Forest School / Celebration Assembly


Numeracy: Handed out on Wednesday

Hand in on Monday

Jupiter Class Timetable: 2017 - 2018

9.00-9.25 / 9.25-10.25 / 10.25-10.45 / 10.45-11.00 / 11.00-12.00 / 12.00-1.00 / 1.00-1.25 / 1.25-3.10 / 3.10-3.15
Mon / Morning Work / Numeracy / Assembly / Break / Literacy / Lunch / Reading / dictation / 1.30-2
Music / Science / End of the day
Tues / Morning Work / Literacy / Assembly / Break / P.E / Lunch / Numeracy
(Times Tables test) / Science / Forest School / End of the day
Wed / Morning Work / Numeracy / Assembly / Break / Literacy / Lunch / Reading / Computing / R.E / PSHCE / End of the day
Thurs / Morning work / Numeracy / Assembly / Break / Literacy / Lunch / French / Topic / End of the day
Fri / Spelling test / Numeracy (including Maths of the Day) / Break / Literacy / Lunch / Reading / Art / Forest School / Celebration Assembly


Numeracy: Handed out on Wednesday

Hand in on Monday