Junior Team Newsletter

Welcome to Term 4 2013

We hope you all had an

enjoyable holiday.

Ag Day

We are already zooming ahead ready for our annual school Ag Day, this Fridayfrom 4:00pm. You should have all received the information booklet last term which outlines all school and team activities.

All children are expected to attend and are encouraged to complete at least oneteam home

activities and at least onewhole school home activity. The Junior Team home activities are making a ‘Mini Scarecrow’, a ‘Sock Puppet’ and carving a ‘Vegetable Creation’.

Let your imaginations go wild! (See Ag Day booklet for more details).

All Junior classes will be completing a sand saucer and shoulder sprayon

Friday morning; this requires a range of flowers, petals and leaves and also

an appropriate saucer or plastic plate. Please send along these items on Friday. If you have any spare flowers these would be greatly appreciated.

We are collecting non-perishable grocery items for the big Ag Day Raffle – please send along any donations, the class that brings the most wins a prize!

REMEMBER: Our fantastic art is ready to be made into calendars and cards and can be ordered on Ag Day – a great Christmas Gift!

Welcome to our Team!

Miss Helen joins our team in Week 2. She will be opening the new entrant class in Room 8. Miss Helen has worked previously at Helensville School as a junior teacher and has recently been working in the school with specific students and relieving in some classes. We are so pleased to have her join the Junior Team!

Classroom Programmes

This term brings another science focus to our class programme, MINIBEASTS. This will be a fun and exciting topic – with lots of ‘hands on’ bug investigations. We hope to have a trip later in the term please look out for further information. We will also be involved in a health unit – looking at friendships and resilience.

The literacy programme in each class will be on ‘writing to inform’.We will look at writing reports and explanations – based around our topic. Throughout the term we will also recap all other forms of writing covered this year.

Our mathematics programmes are continuing with numeracy knowledge and strategies, manly addition and subtraction and also including probability and algebra (patterns) units throughout the term.

We will be developing our athletics skills this term finishing with an Junior Athletics day

at school this term – please check homework and school newsletters for dates later in

the term.

In week 6 we are lucky enough to have a show coming to us. Kids Can Cook Kitchen will be at our school and sharinghealthy, easy to prepare, sustainable foods that have been made in front of the students.

Portfolios and Reports

Portfolios will be coming home at the end of next week. Please take the time to look through this in-depth with your child. These portfolios show a great variety of learning that happened in Term 3 and when compared with learning in Term 1 you can see all the hard work your child has been doing.

Reports will be coming home at the end of this term and will include information about National Standards.

Timetabled Events

Our whole schoolfortnightly assembly will begin in Week 2 Monday 21stOctober. On the alternate week we will have a whole school singing assembly. Junior Team assemblies are held on Wednesday afternoons, starting on 23rdOctober at 2:15pm. We encourage you to come along as this is a time for us to share and celebrate the learning happening in each class.


As part of our school health and safety policy all children are required to wear

‘wide-brimmed’ hats at break times for the duration of Terms 4 and 1. Any child

without a hat will be required to stay in the shade during their break time. Please

continue to ensure your child is in correct uniform. Information about where to purchase specific uniform items is held in the office. Please check with your child’s teacher if you have any questions. Remember to name all items of clothing to limit lost property.

Class Web Pages

We hope you have checked out our school website and our class pages. Every Monday each teacher uploads the homework and notices for the week for your convenience. Photos will be uploading during the term as events happen.


Please note that we have several children in the Junior Team and throughout the school that have allergies, ranging from mild to severe, to food items such as peanuts and eggs. We have discussed in classes how to take care with food items such as these but if possible please try to limit these in lunch boxes.

If you have any issues, concerns, worries or celebrations regarding your child please see

the class teacher in the first instance. This can be in person or via a quick email.

If you require further help please see Mrs Mandy Duggan, Junior Team Leader.

We would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the time and support

you put into the partnership between home and school which makes such a big difference.

Email Contact Details

– Mrs Duggan – Ms Paterson

- Miss Howie - Miss Cochrane

- Miss Buchanan – Ms Hunt

- Miss Helen

The Junior Team 