Alberta Debate and Speech Association
Junior Open – Discussion Style
Chairperson’s Pre-Debate Checklist:
Set up the debate area (as noted in the diagram below)
Write the resolution on the blackboard in your room BIRT:_____
Have the debaters write their names on the blackboard.
Ensure that you have five judges and that each judge has a ballot.
When the debate is ready to begin, close the door a begin with the script (next page)
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Chairperson Script
“On behalf of ______School, I welcome you to Round ______of the class 9___ debates.
“The resolution for debate is: ______
“Representing the affirmative team are ______, ______, and ______.
“Representing the negative team are______, ______, and ______.
“I am pleased to welcome our judges for today’s contest. They are:
“I now introduce the first speaker of the affirmative team ______who will speak for 3 minutes.
(After the first affirmative speech say)
“I now introduce the first speaker of the Negative team ______who will speak for 3 minutes.
(After the first negative speech say)
“I now introduce the second speaker of the affirmative team ______who will speak for 3 minutes.
(After the second affirmative speech say)
“I now introduce the second speaker of the Negative team ______who will speak for 3 minutes.
(After the second negative speech say)
“I now introduce the third speaker of the affirmative team ______who will speak for 3 minutes.
(After the third affirmative speech say)
“I now introduce the third speaker of the Negative team______who will speak for 3 minutes.
“There will now be a 10 minute question period, where debaters may ask and answer questions, refute or provide further evident supporting contentions made in the constructive speeches. No new constructive arguments or contentions can be introduced. I will control the discussion, alternating where possible from side to side commencing with the first debater who catches my eye. Each contribution to the discussion may not exceed one minute.
(After the discussion period say)
“I now call on the speaker of the negative team to give the negative rebuttal speech for 5 minutes.
(After this speech)
“I now call on the speaker of the affirmative team to give the affirmative rebuttal speech for 5 minutes.
After this speech,wait for the judges to complete their scoring of the debate. As each judge finishes, collect his/her score sheet. When you have collected all of the score sheets, check to see which team won the debate.
When you are certain which team won, stand at the front of the room and say:
“It is the considered decision of our judges that this debate has been won by the (Affirmative or Negative) by (majority or unanimous) decision.
“Thank you to all participants.