Salisbury Deanery Synod

Salisbury Deanery Synod has joined with other churches in Salisbury, about 30 in all. We meet as ‘Churches Together’ about 6 times in the year, to pray together, and share news with each other. Various events are organised such as the ‘Big Farm Day Out’, the ‘Good Friday March of Witness’ and last Christmas the churches were encouraging gifts towards the ‘Rough Sleepers Project’ to name only three. However, we also meet as an Anglican Deanery Synod once a year, and last year the Bishop joined us. We are looking for 2 people to become our Deanery Synod Representatives. If this is something you think you could do, please talk to Revd. Becky.

Palm Crosses

Please could you bring any palm crosses you may have, to church next Sunday so we can use them to make the ash for Ash Wednesday. Thank you.

Message from Canon David Slater.

Some of my good friends have agreed to organise and host a party concert for me to celebrate my 90thbirthday with a few, several or many, of my friends and family.

It will be held at St.Faith’s Parish Hall, The Pallant, Havant, Hampshire, PO9 1BE - on March 4th- 7 for 7.30pm. Any contributions for a bring-and-share finger food supper would be welcome – a bar will be available for the purchase of drinks.

This invitation comes to you with a request that if there are others that you know would also like to be invited please would you do it. We would like some idea of numbers so a brief reply to: by 22nd February would be helpful.I would be pleased if everybody I have known over the years could be asked – the hall is big enough.Hope to see you on the 4th. Go well. David Slater.

The Vicar: Revd. Becky Roberts

Tel: 01722

The Curate:Revd. Heather Leppard

Tel: 07745

Parish Administrator: Mrs. Linda Baker

Tel: 07925 108856

Second Sunday before Lent

Sunday19th February 2017

WELCOME! A special welcome if you are visiting, or a newcomer. Please do speak to a sides-person or one of the clergy after the service so we can greet you more personally!

You are invited to receive communion with us. If you would prefer a prayer of blessing, please bring a book with you.

If you would like to receive communion in your pew please let a sides-person know before we begin.

Should you wish to support the church financially there are gift aid envelopes, or alternatively you may prefer to give to the collection during the offertory hymn. The money goes towards the work of the Parish. 5% of this collection will support other Christian charities.


Almighty God,

Give us reverence for all creation

And respect for every person,

That we may mirror your likeness,

In Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

READINGS:Romans 8: 18-25(P154)

Matthew 6: 25-end(P6)

Would you please PRAY for:

the Church of Ireland in particular theDiocese of Limerick and Killaloe.

the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark in particular the Diocese of Roskilde.

Bishop Moses Anur Ayom, Diocese of Athooch in South Sudan.

all the parishes in the Bradford Deanery.

St.Thomas’s Church, Salisbury.

Harnham Brownies, Guides and their leaders.

those who live in Portland Avenue and Shaftesbury Drove.

those who are sick, and all who care for them, especially John Rumens, Sarah,Brian Duke,Keith Parker,

Gary Turner, David Baker, David Slater,Rachel Wood, Sister Theresa Mary, George Mussellwhite and

Sharon Garrick.

those who have died, especially Laurence Delaney,

Revd. Peter Moss, George Pike, Eric Moore,

Revd.Gillie Baker and Amelia Russell-Green.


Not Just Pancakes!

A talk and demonstration by Jeff Maund “Jeff the Chef.”

Tuesday 28th February 2017, 7.00pm.

The evening will include pancakes and glass of wine.

Harnham Church Hall, Lower Street.

Tickets £5 per person. (Available from Debbie Mussellwhite (SG) Josa Snow (AS) and Linda Baker).

Raising Funds for “Wiltshire Air Ambulance.”

Dates for your diaries:

Ash Wednesday Service.

Wednesday 1st March, 7.30pm at All Saints.

Women’s World Day of Prayer

Friday 3rd March, 2.30pm at Salisbury Methodist Church.

The Great Card Sale

Saturday 4th March, 10-12noon in the Church Hall.


MONDAY-20th February 2017

9.30am3B’s in the Church Hall.

TUESDAY -21stFebruary 2017

8.00amMorning Prayer at All Saints.

1.00pmBible Study in the Meeting Room.

1.00pmFuneral at All Saints.

WEDNESDAY-22nd February2017

8.00amMorning Prayer at St.George’s

THURSDAY -23rd February2017

10.00amHoly Communion at St.George’s.

2.30pmMU Meeting in the Church Hall.

"Looking Forward to Lent" - talk by

Canon David Durston. All are Welcome.

7.30pmBible Study at Brympton.

SATURDAY -25thFebruary 2017

10.00amCoffee at All Saints.

SUNDAY-26th February 2017

8.00am Communion at All Saints.

9.30am Communion at St.George’s.

11.00am Communion at All Saints.

Revd. Gillie Baker’s Funeral and Thanksgiving.

St.Thomas’ Church, Salisbury.

Monday 27th February 2017 at 2.30pm.

Afterwards tea at the White Hart Hotel and a chance to remember Gillie.

Parish Website:


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