Junior IB Art Summer Assignment
- 8 1/2 x 11 Visual Journal (plain paper) -not 9 x 12! Try to find one with heavyweight paper, 90lb to 140lb.
- Ink pens-. Pen does not smudge or fade and copies well.
- Cheap set of watercolors to add color to some of your pages.
- Glue stick
- A small art bin or some sort of container to hold personal art supplies.
- Become aware of the importance of managing time when it comes to meeting VJ requirements
- Become aware of how artists/cultures explore singular themes or idea through multiple artworks.
- Develop multiple ideas for artworks base on a single idea or theme.
- Properly cite sources referenced within investigation.
- Compare/contrast individual and cultural artworks.
- Become aware of other artists that have explored concepts related to your personal investigations.
- Become aware of local museums and galleries.
- Write with pen. Use white out, or simply mark out mistakes.
- Number and date each page.
- Leave a one inch border on two edges of each page, this provides space for dates, page numbers and comments.
- Be fearless with this book, write on top of collected image, write in different directions, experiment.
- Work on your VJ horizontally. It will fit the computer screen and presentation software more efficientally.
Complete 15VJ pages over the course of the summer. Pages must include the following:
- Create a mind map that is essentially a self portrait that contains information about family-hobbies-future goals-favored books/movies/music-and anything else you wish to add. The addition of symbols within this map is encouraged
- Describe your first aesthetic experience. Embellish the page to reflect that experience.
- Define and find examples of Abstract, Expressionist, and Realist art.
- Draw an everyday object using the three styles from above. Use a different medium for each.
- Investigate the life work of an artist you love. Compare and contrast an early work, a work completed mid-career, and a work completed late in life.
- Make a collage that expresses who you are; your values, beliefs, interests, etc.
- Take a walk and sketch whatever catches your attention.
- Photograph things or environments that interest you. Include wide shots and close ups.
- Visit a gallery or Museum and do a drawing from a favorite work. Annotate both the work and your drawing.
Draw, doodle, and write about what ever interests you at the moment. Ideas evolve, your VJ is a documentation of this evolution.
Citing Sources
It is important to reference where you found information related to the work you put in your VJ.
Assignment due the first day of class.