Paper Preparation Requirements for the 36th International System Safety Conference,August 13-17, 2018

Primary A. Author, Ph.D.; Company; City, State/Province, Country

Secondary Author(S); MS; Company; City, State/Province, Country

Keywords: abstracts, deadlines, paper preparation, editing, process, references


This is an example paper prepared per the International System Safety Conference 2018 instructions. Please follow these preparation instructions to maintain the production quality of the Proceedings. The paper should include the following sections: Title Page, Abstract, Main Body, and References.

Main Body

The 36th International System Safety Conference paper guidelines are based on the American Psychological Association (APA) Style, with a few noteworthy changes (e.g. title, no page numbering, lack of running title, keyword placement, etc.). Specific guidelines for development of text for the submitted paper are provided below. Your paper should be at least six pages long, but generally not more than ten pages long. Technical Program Committee reviewers have the discretion to request that excessively long papers be shortened.


Your paper must be written in English. If translation is necessary, please use a professional translation service. Authors are responsible for proper translation, and improperly translated papers may be rejected.


Text.Text, except for the title, author(s), and keywords is to be fully justified, single spaced with 12 pt. spacing between paragraphs to create a double line spacing before and after all headings and between paragraphs.

Margin. The top and bottom margins are 1 inch. The left and right margins are 1 inch.

Paper Size. Paper size is 8½ inch x 11 inch in portrait orientation.

Columns. All text is to be in single-column format.


Title. The title is centered and the first letter of each major word is capitalized with lower case for the remaining words. You may use more than one line for the title, but use single line spacing for subsequent lines. Double line space should be used after the title. Unlike APA guidelines, do not place your title on a separate page from the rest of your paper and do not use a running title on each page.

Authors. Author information is centered. Use the full name, including any abbreviation for titles or degrees in the usualfashionoftheauthor’scountry,followedbyasemi-colon(“;”).Thentypethenameofthecompanyorinstitution with which the author wishes to be associated, followed by a semi-colon. Then, type the author’s city, state/province, and country. Double line space should be used between multiple authors.

Keywords. You should include up to six keywords that will be used for indexing the paper in the proceedings. Keywords may consist of single words or phrases, separated by commas. The use of keywords is aimed at making it easier for the reader to identify relevant papers.

Double line spacing should be used following the block of keywords.

Abstract. An abstract is required for all papers. The abstract consists of a synopsis of 200 words or less that briefly summarizes the main points and conclusions of the paper. The 200-word limit for abstracts is a hard requirement, as this abstract will also be used in the conference app.

Awell-writtenabstractsays,inaverycondensedversion,whatthepapersays;itdoesnotdescribethelayout of the paper. Your abstract should be a complete but concise description of your work to entice potential readers into reading the full paper and attending your presentation. An abstract should answer the following questions: What is the problem or issue and why should the reader care about it? What approach did you take in dealing with the problem? What were your results? What were yourconclusions?

Main Body. The main body of the paper contains the major points that you wish to make. These should be logically organized and can contain tables and illustrations (as described below).(Joshua M. Paiz, APA Headings and Seriation, 2018)

Headings.APA uses 5 heading/subsection levels in the following format:

Heading 1 (Centered, Bold, Upper and Lower case letters)

Heading 2 (Left aligned, Bold, Upper and Lower case letters)

heading 3. (Indented, Bold, lowercase with a period)

heading 4. (Indented, Italicized, Bold, lowercase with a period)

heading 5 (Indented, Italicized, lowercase with a period)

Not all sections will contain all 5 heading/subsection levels

Citations. In-text citations follow the author-date method. The author's last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, for example, (Clemens, 2005). For quotes, follow the APA citation guidelines. All sources cited in the text must be listed in the reference section, in the order of the first citation. If using Microsoft Word to compose your paper, information on how to set citations can be found here: Remember to use APA Sixth Edition as the Style.(Microsoft).

Page Numbers.. Do not include page numbers, as the conference editor will assign Proceedings page numbers.

Illustrations. Illustrations consist of figures, equations, and tables. All illustrations should be easy to read. Include only as much detail as required to avoid overly complex illustrations. Consider using a professional illustrator.

Note that if illustrations are not easy to read, your paper may be rejected for publication. It is the author’s responsibility to provide legible material. Illustrations must be no wider or taller than the page margins describedabove.Allillustrationsmustbepartofthefilecontainingtherestofthepaper.Thatis,youshould import graphics into the MS Word file, rather than usinglinks.

Equations.Equations are numbered consecutively. Center the equation, and place the equation number flush with the right margin, as shown in equation 1 using a double line space before and after the equations.

X = sin(7+3x) - e(y-2a)+gf(2bz/2)(1)

Always refer to equations by number, sequentially starting with one, not as “above” or “below.” The example may be referenced “equation 1” or as “(eqn. 1)” in the text. If the reference to the equation is part of the sentence, then spell out the word “equation” and do not enclose it with parentheses.(Arizona State University Graduate College)

Figures and Tables. Figures and tables should follow the text in which the figure or table is first referenced. Figures and tables use numbers. The numbers are sequential starting at one and appear in the text as “(Figure 2)” or “(Table 3).” If the reference to the figure or table is part of the sentence, then do not enclose it with parentheses.

Figures,Figures will be labeled below and centered on the figure as shown in the Presentation Submission Process in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1— Presentation Submission Flowchart

Tables, Tables will be labeled above and centered on the table, as shown in the Key Submission Dates below. (Table1).

Table 1 — Key Submission Dates

Key Submission Dates
April 9, 2018 / Abstract submissions for Technical Papers/Posters; Abstract proposals for Panels/Roundtables, Tutorials and the Multimedia Competition.
May 25, 2018 / Draft paper/poster submission
July 6, 2018 / Final paper submission/draft tutorial slides
July 13, 2018 / Draft presentation slides for papers
July 27, 2018 / Final presentation slides (papers and tutorials) and posters

Capitalize the first letter of Figure and Table and the major words in the captions. Use lower case for the remainder. Use an Em dash (“—”) between the Figure or Table number and its caption. Do not use a hyphen(“-”).Allfiguresandtablesshouldbenumberedintheordermentionedinthetext.Doublelinespace should be used before and after figures and tables.

Units and Measures. Authors should use both the United States customary system and the International System of Units (SI) for physical quantities and any derived units to facilitate the review process and for ease of comprehension for the international community.


References are listed after the paper and any appendices. Unlike the APA style guide, references should not start on a separate page. References must be listed alphabetically. If using Microsoft Word to compose your paper, information on how to set citations can be found here: (Microsoft) Remember to use APA Sixth Edition as the Style. And once you have finished your paper, change “Works Cited” to References and center. For more information on formatting APA References see: (Joshua M. Paiz, Reference List: Basic Rules, 2018) The end of this paper included the references used, in the proper APA format.An online APA Generator can be found here: Association of School Libraries) There are many other free citation generators online as well as spelling, grammar and plagiarism checkers. It is well worth the effort to produce an exceptional paper.

Paper SubmissionProcess & Deadlines for 36th ISSC

Technical Quality

Theconferenceteamstrivestomaintainthetechnicalqualityandconsistentappearanceoftheconferenceproceedings. Thus, we have developed detailed submission requirements. It is suggested that you print and retain this document for reference as you write your paper. You can also use a copy of this electronic version as a template for yourpaper bysubstitutingyourowntextforthesecontents,takingcarenottochangeanyoftheformatting.Allpaperssubmitted will be reviewed for adherence to this format.


Deadlines for ISSC papers are listed in Table 1. Double check to confirm the most up to dates here: System Safety Society, 2018)Papers will initially be accepted based on abstracts that must be submitted by the abstract deadline. Abstracts will be approved, conditionally approved, or rejected within two weeks from abstract submission. All submissions – abstract, first draft, and final paper – must be made using the Call For Presentations link on the 36thISSC website. Submission of theabstractrequirestheauthortoreleasetheproposedpaperforpublishingbytheInternationalSystemSafetySociety. For all deadlines, be sure to allow sufficient time for any internal company, organization, or export approvals, ifneeded.

Final Submissions

AllfinalsubmissionsmustbeinBOTHWordandPDFformat.Whatyouprovidewillbereviewedandmayrequire someauthorrevisionbeforebeingacceptedforpublication.ItwouldbeusefultohavefollowedthePaperPreparation Guide as closely as possible before submitting to minimize the review time andprocess.

IfyouhaveMicrosoftOffice365(orotherlaterversion),conversiontoPDFisavailablethroughthe“SaveAs”option. TherearenumerousotherapplicationsthatwillconvertWorddocumentstoPDFfiles.NotethatifyouhaveanApple Macintoshcomputer,conversiontopdfisbuiltintotheprinterdialoginMacOSX;noextrasoftwareisrequired.


Inconsideration of the author(s) participation in the conference, the author(s) hereby grant(s) the International System Safety Society (ISSS) non-exclusive unlimited, worldwide, irrevocable permission to use, distribute, publish, license, exhibit, record, digitize, broadcast, reproduce and archive, in any format or medium, whether now known or hereafter developed: (a) the paper,the presentation and comments at the conference; (b) any written materials or multimedia files used in connection with the paper and the presentation; (c) author(s) picture, likeness, voice and biographical information as part of conference advertisement, distribution and sale of conference products incorporating the paper and/or the Presentation, and releases ISSS from any claim based on right of privacy or publicity; and (d) any recorded interviews of the author(s) (hereby known as the Presentation). The permission granted includes the transcription and reproduction of the paper and/or the presentation for inclusion in products sold or distributed by ISSS and live or recorded broadcast of the Presentation during or after the conference. Authors have the right to opt-out ifhe (she, they)do not wish to have video/audio recordings made of the conference presentation.

The author(s) reserve the following rights; (a) the nonexclusive right to use all or part of the article in his (her, their) own future works, such as lectures, press releases, reviews, text books or reprint books, after the article’s first publication; (b) the nonexclusive right to reproduce the work in copies and to grant (or refuse) permission for such reproduction by third parties, subject only to such third parties giving proper credit to the original publication of the article in writing in the republication.

The author(s) warrant that the paper and the presentation are original and the author(s) own works. The author(s) also certify, the paper and the presentation contains no classified materials. To the extent the materials incorporate text passages, figures, data, or other material from the works of others. The author(s) also certify all necessary permissions have been obtained.The author(s) also certify they have obtained proper permissions for the use of text, quotes, trademarks, photos, video clips, and written and visual works of others.


Arizona State University Graduate College. (n.d.). APA Style Guide Quick Reference. Phoenix, AZ, USA. Retrieved Feb 25, 2018, from

International System Safety Society. (2018). Call For Presentations. 36th International System Safety Conference. Orange, VA, USA. Retrieved Feb 18, 2018, from

Joshua M. Paiz, E. A. (2018, Jan 16). APA Headings and Seriation. Retrieved Feb 26, 2018, from

Joshua M. Paiz, E. A. (2018, Feb 21). Reference List: Basic Rules. Retrieved Feb 26, 2018, from

Microsoft. (n.d.). Add a citation and create a bibliography. Retrieved Feb 26, 2018, from

Oregon Association of School Libraries. (n.d.). APA Citation Maker (based on the 6th edition). APA Citation Maker (based on the 6th edition). La Grande, OR, USA. Retrieved from