Junior Golf Program

Our junior program, headed personally by Director of Golf Instruction and British PGA Member Chris Holmes, provides a unique learning opportunity for junior golfers aged 5 -13. The sessions are conveniently timed after school on Wednesdays (3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.), and on Saturday mornings (10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.).

There are several exciting new ideas being introduced this year that will help the juniors enjoy and quickly improve their game, and as always, in a safe and fun environment. Included in the program will be top quality instruction on all aspects of the game, rules,fun contests, sportsmanship, games, on course play, and tournaments.

Along with our proven teaching techniques and ideas, we will be using US Kids Golf learning materials, which depending on your child's skill level, they will be learning from either level 1,2, or 3.

Each child will be given a booklet at the start of the year which, along with the instructors, will allow them to chart their progress. Awards will be given for speed of completion and attendance.

We will also be competing in The PGA Junior Golf League. This year our All-Star team enjoyed great success finishing just one match away from The South East Regional's held at The World Golf Village in St Augustine. This is a great event, and we will be looking to build our squads in the spring of 2014.

Other new and exciting events will include inter-club matches against juniors from local clubs such as Debary, Sweetwater, and Wekiva.

PGA Apprentice Professional and Heathrow Country Club professional staff member Mitch Heitsch and professional staff member Brandon Gottstein will also be part of the coaching stafffor the new season. Both Mitch and Brandon assisted with the summer camps this year, and their personalities and style of coaching were enjoyed by all of the children. Guest instructors and coaches from local clubs will also be used when needed.

There will be a registration fee of $35.00 for the year which includes a golf cap, learning booklet (depending on skill level), bag tag, and pins. The pins will be awarded as certain skills within the levels are met. We will also be conducting trivia and rules sessions that all of the family can attend and enjoy.

To sign up, please fill out the on-line registration form on the Junior Golf page and send to . If you require more information or have any questions, please send me an e-mail to the same address.

Very best regards,

Chris Holmes

Director of Golf Instruction

British PGA

Fee Schedule

Heathrow Country Club Members


$20.00 per Session


$15.00 per Session

Wednesday and Saturday Package


(8 sessions)

Guests and Non Members


$25.00 per Session


$20.00 per Session

Wednesday and Saturday Package
