Welcome to the Juneau Glacier Valley Rotary Club!
We are pleased to have you as a new member of the Juneau Glacier Valley Rotary Club. Your induction to the club is just the first step of a very important orientation process designed to quickly acquaint you with other members, as well as the operations of the club and Rotary in general. The sooner you are fully engaged as a member, the sooner your commitment to the ideal of “Service above Self” can be employed.
With that goal in mind, we have devised what we call “the Badge Pass Process”. You have been issued a RED BADGE as part of your induction to the club, which identifies you as a new member and encourages current members to assist you with your orientation to Rotary. You will use this Red Badge until you have completed all the orientation items listed below, at which point the Red Badge will be exchanged for your permanent BLUE BADGE. While schedules will influence the time frame, your goal should be to complete the Badge Pass tasks in 60 days or less.
You are not alone in this mission. Your sponsor, club officers, and Badge Pass chairman will assist with scheduling the various tasks. Your progress will be tracked along the way, but when all tasks are completed you need to complete the form on the other side of this page indicating the dates each task was completed along with other requested information. You and your sponsor need to sign the form and then deliver it to the Badge Pass Chairman, Craig Dahl. At the next scheduled meeting you will receive your permanent blue name badge and your blue fleece vest and take your place amongst the membership prepared to welcome other new members to the Glacier Valley Rotary Club.
If you have questions please feel free to contact Sheri Vidic, Badge Pass Chairman: ; 907-523-4118 (W) or 907-723-9910 (C), FAX 907-789-9847.
Again, Welcome to Rotary
Sheri Vidic
Badge Pass Chairman
Serve as a “Greeter” to welcome Rotarians to a weekly meeting / Completion Date
Give your Classification Talk (See “Classification Talk Guidelines in orientation folder)
Attend a regular Glacier Valley Rotary Board meeting (Held monthly)
Share a happy buck!
Attend a meeting at both the Juneau Rotary Club and Gastineau Rotary Club. Your sponsor or other club members can help you with this. This will “break the ice” and make it easier for you to make up missed meetings at the other two clubs. (Juneau meetings Tuesday’s noon at the Baranof Hotel, Gastineau meetings Thursday mornings at 7:00 a.m. at T.K. McGuires) / Juneau Club:
Gastineau Club:
Access the Juneau Glacier Valley Rotary website at www.glaciervalleyrotary.org and add your personal information and photo on the membership page. Webmaster Jon Brantner will help you with this.
Read the “ABC’s of Rotary” booklet and review the “Club Committee” manual
Work on the next club project or attend the next scheduled Fireside: (Both great, one required))
(Fireside location:______Date:______)
Select a committee or ask to get assigned to a committee: Committee Name:______
Sit at a different table during four regular meetings and write down the names of two members who are seated at the table.
Mtg 1: / Name: / Name:
Mtg 2: / Name: / Name:
Mtg 3: / Name: / Name:
Mtg 4: / Name: / Name:
Member: ______Date:______
Badge Past Chair: ______Date: ______
JGVR Badge Pass Form
Revised August 2008