Morning Prayer
Lord our God, we praise your name because you have set up a mercy seat on earth, because you forgive our sins through the blood of Jesus Christ. May your mercy be seen at work in many hearts. Shed your light upon all people, and let your glory be known. Let your glory shine in all hearts, to the praise of your name and the deliverance of those who are still in misery. We ask this through Christ our Lord, amen. St. Paul, pray for us.
Pledge of Allegiance
Announcements 10-12-16
Today we will be celebrating Mass after 1st period. Teachers, please send up any students who are not in Mass attire to Mr. Dixon’s office at this time.
Students: Don't forget that tomorrow, Thursday, we will be having a Mass schedule, though during the time set aside for Mass, we will have homeroom. Students in grades 9, 10, and 11: you will be completing the pre-administration for your PSAT exams. Be sure to bring a number #2 pencil for this purpose. Seniors: your will be completing paperwork for the Cal Grant financial aid. It is extremely important that you bring your social security number for this! Don't forget.
All students should bring study materials to homeroom tomorrow, for any extra time that remains. Seniors, this is especially true for you. Be sure to determine today where your homeroom is. Look at the signs posted in the hallways and check PowerSchool if you are not sure.
Seniors: Signups are now being taken for next week's College Application workshop on October 19. Space is limited, so if you are committed to attending, stop by the Guidance Office today to sign up!
Attention seniors, signups are now being taken for the Personal Statement Workshop to be held on October 27th in the College Career Center after school from 1:45-2:45pm. Students will receive information on the prompts, how to develop a statement that will capture the reader's interest, a list of Do's and Don’ts and past examples of St. Paul Swordsmen submissions. Space is limited. Signup up soon!!
All students getting permission from teachers for the San Diego trip. On this day we will be having an all periods Wednesday Late Start therefore you must get all of the periods signed. Again, those students wishing to attend the San Diego trip must get all teacher signatures.
The next Kiwin's club meeting here on campus will be held tomorrow in room 406 at lunch. Please bring your lunch. We will be holding officer elections. Even if you didn't make the first meeting you are still welcome to join us.
The National Honor Society and PIH Health are proud to announce once again a partnership in hosting a Blood Drive here on campus. The drive will be on Tuesday, October 18th. Students who are eligible and donate will receive six Christian Service Hours for a successful donation and one for their attempt if they are turned away. Stop by the signup table in the quad at break or contact an NHS member to sign up.
There will be an ASB meeting today during lunch for all ASB members.
And now for today’s sports announcements.
All boys interested in trying out for soccer this year, there will be a mandatory meeting today during lunch in Mr. Alvarez’s room 410.
The girls golf team will be playing against Bishop Amat at Whittier Narrows. tee off time is 3:00. Good luck ladies!
That was your last announcement Swordsmen, have a great day!