JulyMonthly meetingChamber, Duleek Civic Offices, 9.35 Wednesday 21stJuly2010
Outgoing Cathaoirleach Cllr. Jimmy Cudden presided until duly elected Cllr. Sirena Campbell took the chair
Other Councillors Present:
Anne Dillon-Gallagher, Wayne Harding,Eoin Holmes & Seamus O’Neill
Officials Present:
Fiona Lawless, Director of Services, Slane Area;Brendan McGrath, Director of Services, Housing;Joe Fahy, Senior Engineer, Housing; Jim Colwell, Area Engineer, Frances Hughes, A.S.O., Fiona Redmond, Senior Executive Planner, Planning; Aoife Kennedy, Assistant Planner, Planning; Paul Monahan, Area Administrator
Paul Monahan advised the Members/Officials of the provisions of Part 15 of the L.G. Act 2001 and the code of conduct for Members, Officials and non-elected Council committee Membersregarding declarable interests of themselves and of any connected person. Each individual has a responsibility to comply and the Ethics Officer has a duty to ensure compliance with these statutory requirements.
1.0Election of Cathaoirleach
Outgoing chair Cllr.Cuddenthanked the Membersand officials for their help during his term as Cathaoirleach; congratulated Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher on her election as Cathaoirleach of the Full Council; paid tribute to the former Area Manager Tadhg McDonnell; and welcomed the new Area Manager Fiona Lawless and wished her well in her new role.
Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher thanked Cllr. Cudden for his kind words and the objective way he discharged his duties as Chairman; thanked former Area Manager Tadhg McDonnell;and welcomed Fiona Lawless to the Slane Area. The other Membersexpressed similar sentiments.
Cllr. Cuddenthen called for nominations to the chair. On the proposal of Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher, seconded by Cllr. Holmes and unanimously agreed Cllr. Campbell was elected to the chair for the forthcoming year.
Cllr. Campbell then took the chair.She thanked the Membersfor their vote of confidence in her; congratulated Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher on her election as Cathaoirleach of the Full Council; complimented Cllr. Cudden for the fair manner in which he discharged his duties as Chairman; thanked former Area Manager Tadhg McDonnell; and welcomed Fiona Lawless to the SlaneArea.
Fiona Lawless thanked the Members for their welcome and said she looked forward to working closely with them. She congratulated Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher on her election as Cathaoirleach of the Full Council and Cllr. Campbell on her election as Cathaoirleach of the Slane Area.
2.0Confirmation of Minutes of the following Meeting:
1.1June monthly meeting held Wednesday 23rd June 2010
The Membersconfirmed the minutes on the proposal of Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher seconded by Cllr. O’Neill.
The Chairman suggested and the Members agreed to alter the order of business and take items no. 5 (Matters raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach)and no. 4 (Part 8 Reports) next and then revert to the Agenda order.
3.0Matters raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach
The Membersraised the following issues:
- Expressed satisfaction with the work to date at Braystown
- Potholes on the southern approach to Slane village
- Provision of a disabled parking space in Main Street, Duleek adjacent to the supermarket on the western approach to the village
- Indiscriminate parking on the L-1620-0 at Gormanston railway station. This will be addressed in the proposed Parking Bye-Laws
- Provision of traffic calming measures at Beamore Cross
- Whether there is a Preservation Order on trees in a wood adjacent to the DeensBridge, Trim Road, Duleek
- Plan to deal with litter black spots.The Area Engineer advised that the Roadworks programme, which was running behind schedule, had to take precedence. He would however try and organise clean ups whenever the weather permitted. He hoped to address this issue in a comprehensive fashion in August
- Road markings at School in Ardcath
- Update on the Beach Bye - Laws
- Signage for National Monuments
- Request to once again write to the NRA seeking a presentation to the Area on the Leinster Outer Orbital Route
- Children at Play sign for Duleek Playground
- Road cutting on Station Road, Duleek
- Provision of lay-bys at Sneeogue, Duleek.
- Provision of pedestrian lights outside Post Office, Duleek
- Update on Wheatfield Lands, Slane. Covered in the Report on Matters Raised
- Unauthorised access by vehicles to ramparts at SlaneBridge
- Street lights faulty on N51Drogheda Road, Slane
- Status of Laytown Library
- Taking in charge of ArdRi, The Belfry, & The Grange
- Upkeep of grotto in Lobinstown. Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher advised that the grotto was erected by the community in Lobinstown some 50 years ago and was maintained by them
- Provisions of signs at Hill of Slane, car park at Rossnaree, & Littlewood warning people not to leave valuables in their cars
- Fallen branches at St. Patricks Terrace. Slane
- Line markings at Laytown car park. The Area Engineer advised that these are provided for in the proposed bye-laws for the area
- Potholes at entrance to MorningtonPark
- Hedge cutting at entrance to beach opposite Laytown Library
- Cleaning out of stream at Foxbury, Northlands & Eastham Court
- Status of Duleek Courthouse. Covered in Report on Matters Raised
- Traffic Calming at the junction of the R150 and R132 at Julianstown. The Area Engineer advised this is in a 50 km/h speed limit area
4.0To receive report in accordance with Part 8 of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001 and 2006 on the following playgrounds:
Fiona Redmond circulated a report on this Part 8. Aoife Kennedy went through the report which inter alia advised as follows:
- One submission was received and this was in favour of the development
- Recommendation that development should proceed subject to conditions
The Members welcomed the provision of this recreational infrastructure, noted the report including the recommendation to proceed, and on the proposal of Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher seconded by Cllr. Cudden referred it to the Full Council for consideration.
Fiona Redmond circulated a report on this Part 8. Aoife Kennedy went through the report which inter alia advised as follows:
- No submissions were received
- Recommendation that development should proceed subject to conditions
The Members raised the following query:
Whether the high bank at the road frontage would be removed as part of the development. The Area Engineer advised that it would be removed.
The Members welcomed the provision of this recreational infrastructure, noted the report including the recommendation to proceed, and on the proposal of Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher seconded by Cllr. Harding referred it to the Full Council for consideration.
Fiona Redmond circulated a report on this Part 8. Aoife Kennedy went through the report which inter alia advised as follows:
- Thirty one submissions was received against the development
- Recommendation that development should proceed subject to conditions
The Members raised the following queries:
Cllrs. Campbell, Cudden, and O’Neill welcomed the provision of a playground in Donore but argued that the location chosen was not suitable as this was an old established estate with very few children under 12 living there; there were traffic issues as it was too close to the road; there was a risk of anti-social behaviour; and there was no provision for a pedestrian crossing
Cllr Dillon-Gallagher said similar arguments had been made when the playground at Slane was proposed and it had proved a great success
Cllr. Harding welcomed the ancillary infrastructure making the school safer
Cllr. Holmes said it was the same scale as Slane and would blend in similarly
Funding availability for playgrounds in general
Fiona Lawless advised there was no time limit on Part 8s and the Council should progress them as far as it can at which stage the Council can look at funding options.
Cllr. Cudden proposed & Cllr. O’Neill seconded that the Council not proceeds with the Part 8.
Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher proposed Cllr. Holmes seconded that the Council proceeds with the Part 8.
The Cathaoirleach then decided to put the matter - provision of a playground at Donore - to a roll call vote. The Members voted as follows:
Cllr. Dillon-GallagherCllr. Cudden
Cllr. HolmesCllr. O’Neill
Cllr. HardingCllr. Campbell
The vote was tied at three for and three against. Cllr. Campbell decided against exercising her casting vote.
The Members, after a brief debate, agreed to defer theissue to a future meeting of the Slane Area Committee.
Fiona Redmond circulated a report on this Part 8. Aoife Kennedy went through the report which inter alia advised as follows:
- Seven hundred and sixty four submissions was received against the proposed development
- Recommendation that development should proceed subject to conditions
The Members raised the following queries:
The location chosen at Mountain View was not suitable as this was a mature estate with very few children under 12 living there; there were traffic issues as it was too close to the road; there were too few parking spaces proposed; and the area was prone to flooding.
The Members had previously agreed that due process would evolve. The subsequent huge level of submissions and the overwhelming view of the people must be taken on board.
Stamullen needed a playground but this site was completely inappropriate
The Members were unanimous in their opposition to this proposal
Fiona Lawless advised that the Council would withdraw the Part 8 proposalfor a playground at Mountain View, Stamullen.
5.0To receive an update on the proposed remedial works for Alverno Court, Laytown
Brendan McGrathoutlined the background and Joe Fahy gave a PowerPoint presentation on the scheme. In particular they highlighted the following:
Process started over 4 years ago
Alverno Estate is over 30 years old and would have fulfilled a social need at the time but was now in need of regeneration to bring it into line with modern building regulations
Similar scheme in Headford Grove, Kells was very successful
Environmental enhancement including an improved entrance, renewal of water / sewerage roads / footpaths and public lighting, as well as an upgrade to the housing stock.
All remedial schemes need to address anti social behaviour through appropriate design which includes passive overlooking of open spaces and elimination of unnecessary walkways
Huge demand on resources to regenerate a live estate as tenants have to be relocated
Funding will be a financial challenge as the scheme may only receive 50% central funding though Housing will make a case for a higher percentage. The Council’s portion of the cost will come from internal capital receipts.
Council offered to transport the Alverno residents to Kells so they could see for themselves the success of the scheme there
The consultation phase was commencing that night with a public meeting in the Bettystown Court, Hotel
The Council is fully committed to the project and proposed to take a two phased approach to the estate – Phase 1 Alverno Court including the entrance to the estate and Phase 2 Alverno Heights
Council had already spent €0.5m on window/door replacement and installation of central heating
Council will look at the needs of each individual tenant
Council will prepare a feasibility study for submission to the Dept.,which must have the support of the Members and residents
Part 8 process would commence at the earliest opportunity
The Members welcomed the presentation and raised the following issues:
Requested that the Council consult individually with tenants so that the opportunity for intimidation of individual tenants be eliminated
The Members fully supported the Scheme and requested that it be advanced as quickly as possible
6.0Report on the 2010 Roadworks Programme
The Membersreceived, noted a report on the above, and raised the following queries:
- Location of the L-16100-0. This is at Dollardstown, Beauparc.
- Progress on the L-16041-0 Benjerstown Road, Lobinstown. The Area Engineer advised he was trying to balance his scarce resources to best advantage to ensure the roadworks programme was completed at the earliest opportunity.
- Queried the Variable Message Sign (VMS) in Duleek advising of a road closure. The Area Engineer advised that this closure was in the Navan Area
- Queried when a decision would be made on where the Council Estates and the Class 3 budgets would be spent. The Area Engineer asked the Members to make suggestions for consideration.The Members requested the following be considered Sneeogue; Dollardstown Lane; L-56106-0 Sodstown Lane; L-16169-0 Pigeon House Lane. They also agreed to make further submissions for consideration.
- Poor repair of L-1605-0 WhiteIsland. This road is included in the restoration programme
7.0Report on Matters Raised at the last (June) meeting
The Membersreceived, noted a report on the above, and raised the following queries:
- Update on Cowplots. Fiona Lawless advised that C.S. intends to look at this issue from a county wide aspect and in due course will produce a policy document, which will be brought before the Members
- Request that road repairs be carried out at Lunderstown, Duleek
- General query on a timeframe for the repair of potholes. The Area Engineer said that the roadworks programme currently underway included reinstatement of potholes and any outside the roadworks programme would not be done for 3/4 weeks
- The Members requested that the colour map showing the division of the Wheatfield Lands, Slane be emailed to them. The Area Administrator will arrange
- The Area Administrator circulated a copy of the only submission received in relation to the lease of Duleek Courthouse. Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher advised that any Councillor who became a member of a committee formed to oversee the running of the Courthouse must be mindful of any possible conflict of interest. Fiona Lawless asked the Members to bear in mind the note on the provisions of Part 15 of the Local Government Act, 2001 circulated with every agenda and noted in each minute. The Members requested that the process to dispose the Courthouse by way of a 3-year lease to this group commence.
8.0Notice of Motion
8.1Cllrs. Campbell & O’Neill
That following on the commercial developments in the Colpe Cross area, Meath County Council refuses to accept authority for the road and traffic layout and the completion of the project, until such time as the developer has undertaken all necessary works to the satisfaction of the Council engineers to ensure that all safety measures are to an acceptable standard and that the legitimate and reasonable concerns of the residents and landowners of the area have been taken into account.
Cllr. O’Neill proposed and Cllr. Campbell seconded this Motion. The Members debated this issue at length and made the following points:
◙There was a major safety issue at this location and remedial works needed to be carried out before the Council takes it over
◙Cllr. Holmes was informed that the works complied with relevant guidelines but he has been unable to obtain a copy of the guidelines
The Area Engineer said that Road Design had written to the consultants requesting answers to a number of queries but that a reply had not yet been received. Any correspondence the Duleek Office gets on this matter is forwarded to Road Design.
The Members agreed to withdraw the NoM. They, however, requested that the Duleek office gets an update on the matter from Road Design for the following monthly meeting.
9.0To receive Bye-Laws on the following:
9.1Draft Bettystown / Laytown Car Parking Bye-Laws 2010
9.2Draft Bettystown / Laytown Parking Places-Bye-Laws 2010
Jim Colwell presented maps to the meeting showing the proposed location of parking restrictions in the East Meath Area including Bettystown / Laytown, the L-1620-0 at Gormanston railway station, and at the MarshRoadGrammar School on the R150.
The Memberswelcomed the update and queried whether there would be double yellow lines on the access roadway adjacent to the off-street parking opposite the playground at Laytown.
The Area Engineer advised that there would be double yellow lines at this location. The Area Administrator advised that a full set of Draft Bye-Lawswould be presented to the next Area meeting.
10.0Correspondence / Items raised by the Area Manager
10.1Intended temporary road closure
The Area Administrator advised that a formal road closure request was received from the Motor Enthusiasts to close a small number of roads in the Naul area to facilitate a motor rally. This proposal was previously discussed at the April monthly meeting. The Members noted that the promoters had reduced their request from a 2-day event to a 1-day one, and had undertaken a successful P.R. campaign in the area.
10.2VAT implications for certain services provided by Meath County Council
The Area Administrator advised that from 1st July 2010 certain Council activities were now subject to VAT. Included among these services is off-street parking including beach parking, which is now subject to a VAT rate of 21%. Accordingly the Council must now remit to the Revenue 21% of all income received from the €2 beach parking fee.
Fiona Lawless advised that the Council would absorb the VAT charge for this year but would have to look at increasing the charge next year as it could not afford to carry this additional expense. She reminded the Members that the charge has remained the same since its introduction some 7 years ago and all income received from this source was ring fenced for beach maintenance and improvement works.
10.3Schedule of monthly meetings
On the suggestion of the Cathaoirleach the Members agreed to change the date of the March 2011 meeting from 16th to 23rd March 2011.
11.0To discuss Matters in accordance with the recommendations of the Protocol Committee
Nothing raised.
There being no further business the meeting ended at 13.30
Minutes July 2010 meeting 210710 Page 1 of 8
Meath County Council, Duleek One Stop Shop, Main Street, Duleek, CountyMeath