MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Kurt Wheeler, Trustee Amy Mann, Trustee Dave Porter, Trustee Fritz Koennecke, Trustee Maureen Fellows

ALSO PRESENT: Jim Stokes, Bill Carr, Mike Hayes, Bob Lucas, John Ninos,

Mayor Kurt Wheeler opened the Village Board meeting at 7:01 pm.

Mayor Wheeler administered the oath of office to re-elected official Trustee Dave Porter and newly elected official Trustee Maureen Fellows.

Upon a motion by Trustee Mann, seconded by Trustee Koennecke, the Board approved the minutes from the June 6, 2016 Village Board Meeting and the June 20th special meeting for the purpose of further reviewing the annexation petition submitted by New Venture Assets, LLC and Sphere Holdings LLC By a vote of 4-0. (Trustee Fellows abstained as she was not on the Village Board at the time of those meetings.)

Mayor Wheeler made the following Appointments for 2016:


Trustee Amy Mann Deputy Mayor and Public Works Commissioner

Trustee David Porter Commissioner of Water & Sewer and Fire Commissioner

Trustee Fritz Koennecke Police Commissioner and Parking Initiatives

Trustee Maureen Fellows Parks & Recreation Commissioner and Court Liaison


Mayor Kurt Wheeler Creekside Planning Committee

Trustee Maureen Fellows Lake Watershed Committee

Trustee Fritz Koennecke Lake Watershed Committee

Trustee Amy Mann Carpenter’s Barn/Lakeland Committee

Trustee Maureen Fellows Carpenter’s Barn/Lakeland Committee

Mayor Kurt Wheeler Shared Services Committee

Trustee Dave Porter Shared Services Committee

Trustee Dave Porter Sustainability/Climate Action Plan Committee

Trustee Amy Mann Tree Commissioner

Trustee Fritz Koennecke Parking Committee/HCBD Initiatives

Trustee Fritz Koennecke Employees Health Insurance Consultant

Trustee Maureen Fellows CACDA Representative

Proposed appointments for 2016:

Katherine A. Burns Village Clerk / Treasurer – One Year

Susan M. Dady Deputy Village Clerk-Treasurer – One Year

Kerry Bishal Clerk to the Justice – One Year

D. Christian Fischer Acting Justice – One Year

William L. Carr Superintendent of Public Works – One Year

William L. Carr Zoning Enforcement Officer – One Year

William L. Carr Building Codes Inspector – One Year

Samuel D. Usborne Street Crew Chief – One Year

Charles Seager Water Superintendent – One Year

Jeffrey L. Hughes Superintendent of Cemetery – One Year

Proposed appointments for 2016:

Rich Huftalen Village Planning Board Chairman – Five Years

Jane Nicholson-Dourdas Zoning Board of Appeals Member – Five Years

Gene Gissin Historic Preservation/Architectural Advisory Rev Cmte – Five Years

William L. Carr Advisor to Planning Board – One Year

Russ Brownback Village Ethics Committee – One Year

Tom ClarkeVillage Ethics Committee – One Year

Amy Conley Village Ethics Committee – One Year

Proposed tree commission appointments for 2016 (note that there are numerous members but five must be appointed officially per tree regulations).

Amy Mann (Chairperson) Tom Tait, Ted Bartlett, Jennifer Wielt, and Betsy Moore

Proposed appointments for 2016:

James T. Stokes Village Attorney – One Year – Designated Legal Services

Dunn & Sgromo Engineering Village Engineer – One Year

Timothy P. O'Hara P.E. PLLC Village Engineer – One Year

Designate Fee Schedule for 2016-17 budget year.

RESOLUTION # 6 - BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body the Board of Trustees, hereby makes the following designations:

Official Day and time for regular board meeting – First Monday of each month, 7:00 p.m. (U.O.N.)

Official Newspaper – Cazenovia Republican

Official Depositories – Key Bank, M & T Bank, Chase Manhattan, HSBC Bank, Community Bank, N.A.

Official Mileage for the year 2016-2017: 54 cents per mile.

Motion made by Mayor Kurt Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Fritz Koennecke to approve the above appointments for the year.

By vote of the Board – Mayor Kurt Wheeler – aye, Trustee Amy Mann – aye, Trustee Dave Porter – aye, Trustee Fritz Koennecke – aye, Trustee Maureen Fellows – aye.

Five in favor. Approved.

The Village Board tabled the discussion regarding the HBCD request for “Friends Night Out” scheduled for Friday, September 23rd until the August meeting. Chief Hayes will meet with McKenzie Houseman of the HBCD to see exactly what the committee would like to do regarding closing a section of Lincklaen St.

Town of Cazenovia Highway Superintendant, Tim Hunt gave a presentation regarding the concept of having a trolley in Cazenovia. (see attached). A discussion followed.

Mayor Wheeler stated a resolution was necessary as a statutory requirement to adopt Local Law 2016-5.

Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann the Board approved the following resolution by a vote of 5-0.





WHEREAS, proposed local law 2016-5 of the Village of Cazenovia, entitled “A Local law to Annex Territory in the Town of Cazenovia to the Village of Cazenovia”, has been introduced before this Board, and

WHEREAS, pursuant to General Municipal Law, no public hearing is required to be held prior to the adoption of this proposed Local Law, and

WHEREAS, the annexation of territory approved by this local law has been duly approved by the Town Board of the Town of Cazenovia and this Board of Trustees of the Village of Cazenovia, following a finding by this Board of Trustees that this annexation of territory will not have any significant adverse environmental impacts, and

WHEREAS, this Board, after due deliberation, finds it in the best interest of the Village of Cazenovia to adopt this local law.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that local law 2016-4 entitled “A Local law to Annex Territory in the Town of Cazenovia to the Village of Cazenovia”, is hereby adopted, and that the Village Clerk be and hereby is directed to enter said Local Law in the minutes of this meeting and in the Local Law Book of the Village of Cazenovia, and to give due notice of the adoption of said Local Law to the public and to the Secretary of State, and it is hereby further

RESOLVED that the Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to attend to, and incur the cost of revision of the Village of Cazenovia corporate boundary map and zoning map in accordance with the provisions of the local law hereby approved and pursuant to the Resolution and Order of this Board approving this annexation.

DATED: July 5, 2016

The Board tabled the Saratoga Associates replacement discussion until the August meeting.

The Board had a short discussion pertaining to National Grid’s announcement of a program for replacing existing street lights. (see Trustee Porter’s report)

The Board approved a park request from SUNY Upstate for both pavilions at Lakeside Park on Saturday, July 23rd.

The Board approved the request for Limestone Creek Hunt on Sunday, September 11th at 9:00.

Trustee Fritz Koennecke gave his monthly report:

Youth Rec:

·  Summer program runs July 11-Aug 19 due to the way July 4 falls on Monday

o  Permit pending

·  Waterfront opened on time- Blue Green Algae cleared up just in time


·  Boat Launch

o  632 inspections, 0 discrepancies found- last year we had 650

o  162 Non-IMA permits issued vs 155 last year

o  363 IMA permits vs 362

o  6 day passes issued in June (15 last year)

o  We are asking launch users to complete an economic value survey designed by Thad Yorks and one of his students

·  Kayak racks are sold out- including the 12 new ones. Thanks to DPW for the quick install!

·  Scott Grimm would like to donate 2 outdoor ping pong tables to Lakeland- we will start will 2 portable tables to gauge interest

Lake Association and Lake Watershed Council

·  Unable to attend the CLA meeting

·  Working with Thad Yorks and his student on a survey for boat launch users. This will support the LWC study on economic benefits derived from the lake.

Village Court:

·  Monthly totals: Judge Moore $8750, Judge Fisher $0.

Trustee Maureen Fellows reported she had met with Trustee Koennecke to review the responsibilities she has acquired. Trustee Fellows added Trustee Porter had given her a tour of the facilities and Trustee Mann has been a champ.

Trustee Amy Mann gave her monthly report:


We continue to prepare for this summer’s plantings and have also identified other removals. National Grid continues to be a very valued partner in these assessments and in their willingness to fund any work that is near their lines.


We are still waiting for final state approval of the master plan. We also continue to work toward establishing a contract for the hand launch, I will have an update on that shortly.

FYI LL Bean will be doing a community service project in Lakeland tomorrow consisting of various cleanup efforts. They have also approached me with a suggestion to help relieve the congestion in the beach area. They would like to direct their customers who choose to bring their own kayaks to launch at Lakeside instead of Lakeland. This is a good suggestion since this continues to be an issue for keeping the beach area safe. If it pleases the board I will pursue this with them and report back on the details of their proposal.


See Bill’s report below:

Buildings Painting has been completed at the DPW garage.

Repairs to the bathhouse trim have been completed

2 more kayak racks have been installed at Lakeland Park


Lincklaen Street has been paved.

Gillette Lane is being paved


The east and west driveways have been paved.

Mowing continues.

Repair work continues on old stones and markers.

1 Burial

Bill Carr added the initial work has been done for the sidewalk to the Fenner Fields. The work on the retaining wall will start next week.

Trustee Dave Porter gave his monthly report:


Water pumped last month was 7.98 Mgal > 266.1 kgal/day – historic ave is 8.7 Mgal for month of June.

·  Water service for Rt 20 Industrial Park is being pursued by Town of Nelson. This economic development project is being discussed with Senator Schumer’s office, Town of Cazenovia and Madison County.

·  Additional Storm Water Separation: In addition to preexisting storm water connections to the sanitary sewer from the Kinney’s building, most of Cazenovia College has similar storm connections to the sanitary sewer. Bill Carr has received a budget estimate from Dunn and Sgromo of $5K-$10Kto prepare a study and preliminary drawings that could make us eligible to pursue grants in the future (too late to complete for this year’s grant cycle for Green Innovation Grant Program administered by EFC). Bill Carr to discuss with Sewer Board at their next meeting as there is a possibility that we could get a grant from Sewer Board.

·  Legislation to transfer ownership of Madison County Wastewater Treatment plant has passed both houses of the State Legislature. Once the bill is sent to the Governor, it must be acted upon within 10 days.

Fire Dept:

·  New Fire Dept. member applications: none this month.

Lake Watershed Council:

·  Last meeting June 14th, 2016 at 7:00pm. Highlights include the following: Town weed harvester removed more weeds in 2 weeks than all of last year; Long term goals need to be revisited and established; Discussed blue/green algae planning; Economic impact study; Koi in Carpenters Pond; Town is testing all inlets to the lake (phosphorous, pH, Oxygen); piezometer wells continue to be monitored

·  Lake Summit: Last year’s event was held on Dec 5th – LWC needs to finalize date for this year and list of presenters.

·  Next Mtg: TBD


·  Solarize NY project: Presentation by Chris Carrick of CNYRP&DB at April meeting. We have received the preliminary evaluation for a 205 kW solar PV installation at the Village Water Plant that could potentially offset 68% of the current municipal electricity usage. The Water Plant site would serve as a host site for remote net metering for the other electric accounts that belong to the Village. Received email from Chris Carrick on 6/28/16 stating that the request for bids will likely occur this Aug or Sep.

·  Electric Vehicle Charging Station: CNYRP&DB is also promoting installation of electric vehicle charging stations. They are working with Energetics, Inc. and plan on installing five such stations in CNY. Chris Carrick would like to know if the Village has an interest in a project where we would pay one half of the cost. We are one of five communities under consideration.

·  National Grid has recently announced a program for replacing existing street light fixtures with LED fixtures (letter dated May 24 forwarded to board members). D. Porter participated in webinar on June 15th sponsored by National Grid. See June 29, 2016 letter from National Grid on buyback options for s 192 street light fixtures (we have 284 street lights and 225 are the cobra-head style). We are still having conversations with SmartWatt to see if we could still perform an LED street light project with them. We have 90 days from date of letter (June 29th) to lock in to the fixture replacement price that was presented ($72.65 average for the 192 fixtures listed in the letter and does not include cost of arm and pole) – if we go past the 90 days the cost per fixture could change.

·  John Lincklaen Statue Project: Attended May 4th. Visioning process in progress.

·  CAP follow-up Report: Submitted post CAP adoption report with progress made by the Village in the past year. Thank you to all contributors (Bill, Amy, Fritz). Report is completed (copy sent to board on 6/12/16) and has been posted on Caz Chamber website – as per Anne Saltman, there have been over 2000 hits on the results of the report.

Trustee Koennecke gave the monthly Police report:

The following report reflects statistics from 06/01/2016 through 06/30/2016

1.MAJOR INCIDENTS: Any case that is a felony or is information that is needed to ensure to public safety.


2. ONGOING INVESTIGATIONS: Currently we have zero open case that is actively being investigated along with 8 active warrants. For the above period we had 1 felony cases, 9 misdemeanor cases and 1 violation level cases reported and investigated.