Annex A

Declaration substituting


(Art. 46 - lettera l, m, n - D.P.R. 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445)

The undersigned ______

Place of birth (city+country) ______date of birth ,______

Official postal address (street, number, zip code, city, country) ______


Mob. ______e – mail ______

aware of the penal sanctions pursuant to Art. 76 of the Italian Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28.12.2000 for falsifying documents and making mendacious declarations


That s/he has graduated in: ______

Graduation Date: ______with mark ______out of ______

Type of degree: □ MA / MSc

University of: ______

Country: ______

That s/he has not yet graduated and is aware that admission to the Doctoral School is conditional upon the presentation of the degree certificates by the scheduled date in the call.

Currently studying (subject) ______

At the University of: ______Country: ______

Expected date for final degree defense: ______

That s/he has passed the following examinations:

Course title / Mark/out of / Date

Date ______Signature______

Clear signature in full*

This declaration is exempt from stamp duty, pursuant to Art. 37 of the Italian Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28.12.2000.

*The present declaration does not require authentication of the signature; nor should the signature be affixed in the presence of the person assigned to receive the document. If sent, the signatory should add a copy of his own identification document to the present certificate.