July/August 2016


July 3 Susan Tindall, preaching; Kimberlee Runnion, liturgist


at RiversidePark

The Lord’s Supper will be


Harry Freebairn will represent First


July 17Karen Nickels preaching; Christy

Potter Kass, liturgist

July 24Karen Nickels, preaching; Ellis

Finger, liturgist

July 31Karen Nickels, peaching; Michael

Muthoka, liturgist

Aug. 7Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

Karen Nickels, preaching; Donna Van Norman and Angel Muthoka, liturgists

Aug. 14Harry Freebairn preaching; Darcel and Briahni Bridges, liturgists

Aug. 21Maggie Wellert, preaching; Bill Schroeher, liturgist

Aug. 28Karen Nickels, preaching; Pat Koefoed, liturgist

Sept. 4Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

Maggie Wellert, preaching; Phyllis Finger, liturgist

Sept. 11Maggie Wellert, preaching; Rich Linnell, liturgist

Sept. 18Karen Nickels, preaching; Darcel and Briahni Bridges, liturgists

Sept. 25 Karen Nickels, preaching; Art Charlton, liturgist

Susan Tindall is the Associate Pastor for College Hill Presbyterian Church with a ministry focus on Christian Education for children and youth. Susan has a warm and energetic presence in the pulpit and has been appointed by the Committee on Ministry of Lehigh Presbytery to serve as advisor to our Pastor Nominating Committee.

Karen Nickels is no stranger to our congregation, having preached here a number of times in recent years when the pastor was on vacation. Karen enjoys preaching at First Presbyterian, and First Presbyterian has always appreciated Karen’s preaching. She is Pastor Emerita of the Presbyterian Church of the Mountain in Delaware Water Gap and will Moderate our Session during the transitional period between pastors. Karen has a wealth of pastoral experience not only on the congregational level, but as a former Moderator of Lehigh Presbytery.

Maggie Wellert is also known to First Presbyterian, having preached in this congregation several times last summer and her preaching was very well received. Retired after serving Moravian congregations in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Staten Island, Maggie teaches in Moravian Seminary’s CROSSROADS educational program for lay leaders.

Heritage Sunday - July 10

A HERITAGE DAY SERVICE OF WORSHIP conducted by the pastors of the four Historic Downtown Covenant Churches will be held at 10 a.m. next Sunday, July 10, at Riverside Park. Harry Freebairn will represent our congregation. You are encouraged to join with our brothers and sisters from First United Church of Christ (founded 1740), St. John’s Lutheran Church (founded 1740), Trinity Episcopal Church (founded 1819) plus the Genesis Church (Iglesia Génesis, founded 2009) for this festive worship service.

If the day is sunny, you are encouraged to wear sunglasses and sunscreen - it can get very bright in the amphitheater as the service progresses! Offerings received in a congregational envelope will be forwarded to that congregation. Loose offerings will be forwarded to ProJeCt of Easton.

In case of rain, the service will be held at Trinity Episcopal Church on Spring Garden Street.

SUMMER IS HERE and that means so are summer vacations. But whether we are in town or away on vacation, the expenses at church remain the same all summer long. So, please help us avoid the “summer slump” by keeping your pledge up-to-date all summer. If you know you will be gone for a few weeks, how about writing your check for those weeks before you leave town? Thank you for helping to keep our church strong in all seasons!



1Charles Bradbury

2Solomon Akpor-Mensah

3Noralee Manzek

8Shirley Van Norman

12Chris Gulotta

13Harold Banghart, Gary Evans, Alexa Hughes

22Anna Marie Fehr

26Richard Ellis

29Darcel Bridges, Michael Muthoka

30Art Charlton


3John Charlton

6Ih Chin Kim

15Joshua Charlton

16Pat Koefoed, Joseph Manzek

19Diane Meyers

22Carl McGloughlin

25Michael Udut

27Rodney Bridges

31Naomi Smith (celebrating 101 years!)

The Church Office is open regular hours during the summer, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-5 p.m. I will be taking occasional days off for vacation so you might want to call before coming down to church.

Call the office if you have a prayer concern of if you know that a member is in the hospital. Deacons will be doing some hospital visitation.

Contact information: Nancy Penman, 610-253-3579 or

Although I do a lot of writing and am certainly comfortable with public speaking, this is one occasion in which there are no words to describe the gratitude swelling my heart. I will treasure always the memories of my last weekend as pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Easton.

All of those involved in planning Friday evening’s celebration have my deepest appreciation. From the delicious catered dinner, to the lovely memory book (which I am so enjoying paging through), to the knitted flag of Sweden (Tack så mycket! – Thank you very much!), to the inimitable performance of the Property Team Kazoo Marching Band, to Harry’s and Tim’s kind words, and then the Choir’s rendition of Good Night, Sleep Tight (eat your heart out, Lawrence Welk!), you could not have given me a more joyful retirement dinner. And then to add to that the incredibly generous cash gift – what a night to remember!

And what a final Sunday to remember. Hearing the choir, swelled with the voices of some of our family and friends, sing those two musical offerings with such sensitivity touched me deeply. And the presentation of Guy Kass’s beautiful piece of art glass as you named me Pastor Emeritus was a moving testimony to the wonderful partnership we have enjoyed.

I had thought the hardest part of Sunday morning would be saying good-bye to our children (or, to be more precise, helping Hippo and Monkey say good-bye to our children). But it was no easier to say good-bye to all the adults when we gathered for one final coffee hour together. While I completely understand the policy of Presbytery that a departing pastor stay away from his/ her former church for at least a year, and while I realize this is for both the protection of the departing pastor and the pastor who will follow, I do wish I could have retired from ministry without having to retire from the wonderful people of First Presbyterian Church of Easton. It was an honor and a privilege to serve as your “Temporary Supply” pastor for five and one-half years.

I began ordained ministry in 1977 at the First Presbyterian Church of Medford, Oregon, and when Steve and I left that congregation in 1981 so that he could begin his Ph.D. studies at the University of Chicago, I wondered if I would ever again have as much fun in ministry as I did in Medford. Now I know the answer is “Yes,” because while I have enjoyed all of my pastorates – in Oregon, Illinois and Pennsylvania – and while I have learned much from every church I have served, I have to say that the two churches I will always remember the most fondly are the church where I began my ministry – and the church where I ended it, surrounded by so much love.

Steve and I would both like to say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” You have been such a blessing to both of us and we will keep you in our hearts and our prayers always.

God bless you, one and all!

In Christ,



Gerald (Jerry) Cirka was born in Florida and lived in New Jersey before moving to Easton in September of 2015. Jerry has undergone some severe challenges in his life: by the time he was 8 years old, he had lost both parents to car accidents three years apart, and he himself is the survivor of a car accident. His aunt and then his older brother stepped in to raise him after the death of his parents, and he began college studying graphic arts at his brother’s suggestion. But Jerry has decided that he is happiest when he is on the move and so enjoys his job working for FedEx while also developing a practice as a personal trainer. Gerry is very close to his girlfriend’s parents, and has also found a wonderful new family in this congregation.

Jerry Cirka

527 Northampton Street

Easton PA 18042


Sybil Akpor-Mensah was born in this country after her parents emigrated here from the West African nation of Ghana. Sybil has just completed her junior year at Easton Area High School where she is a member of the Latin Club, Spanish Club, National Honor Society and NAACP. She also volunteers by making posters and other publicity materials for school events. Sybil is considering pursuing a degree in foreign languages when she graduates from high school. Sybil lives with her parents, Mary and Solomon Akpor-Mensah, in Forks Township and has several adult siblings.

Sybil Akpor-Mensah

684 Howe Street

Easton PA 18040

Cell phone: 484-560-9684


THE SHAWL MINISTRY is taking a summer meeting break in July. The next meeting will be August 1 in the Brainerd Gathering Area from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.

Through the summer we will continue to knit and crochet at home. At the August meeting we will discuss the Lehigh Valley Wide Shawl Ministry gathering in September. Everyone is welcome to join our group and be a part of this mission of helping others. Contact Fran Dean, 610-838-7779,for more information.

THE BRUNCH BUNCH will meet on Sunday, July 17, to go to lunch at Ruby Tuesday’s Restaurant, 2101 Emrick Blvd., Easton. On August 14 they will lunch at a restaurant to be determined. Meet in Legacy Hall following worship to carpool or for driving directions. For information on the Brunch Bunch, contact Ruthann Arras at 315-870-0200 or

THE BOOK CLUB will be going to lunch on July 18. They will meet at 1:00 p.m. at The James Eatery on Greenwood Avenue in Easton. Call Nancy Pruitt, 610-258-1677, if you plan on going.

On August 15the Book Club will meet at 1:00 p.m. in the Millheim Room to discuss Lucia, Lucia by Adriani Trigiani.

SAVE THE DATE FOR V.B.S. – This summer, our children age 4 through completed 5th Grade are invited to participate in Vacation Bible School being held at College Hill Presbyterian Church 9 a.m. to 12 noon Monday, August 8 through Friday, August 12.The theme is Deep Sea Discovery.

Contact Susan Tindall () for more information or to register.


A BIG THANK-YOU to all who walked or sponsored our team of walkers on behalf of ProJeCt of Easton through the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community on June 4. We once again won the “Golden Soul Award” as the group raising the most money for ProJeCt. Our donations helped ProJeCt go over their $10,000 goal! Thanks!

“Cover The Piggies” Shoe Drive

We are again helping to “Cover The Piggies” at the Easton Area Community Shoe Drive which will be held at First United Church of Christ. This very special event provides shoes for school age children, who are heading back to school in September. First United Church of Christis collecting shoes until Sunday, July 24and shoes will be distributed on Saturday, August 13.

We need NEW and gently used shoes of all sizes, even adult sizes as some of the teens have BIG feet. You can buy new sneakers or donate your gently used shoes & sneakers. You can also donate funds or gift cards (K-Mart, Walmart, Payless & Famous Footwear usually have great sales) and we will purchase the sneakers in the sizes we are missing. The most popular sizes are the larger Toddler sizes 8-13 and Youth sizes from 1-6. Please watch for more details!

If someone you know needs shoes for their children, please have them call First UCC by July 15. All children must be registered.

If you have any questions or to register a child, contact Margaret Parisi at 610-258-3361 or . Thanks for your support!

SAFE HARBOR MEALS- The time has come once again to sign up for 1st Monday Dinners at Safe Harbor.

Safe Harboris an Easton facility for helping those who are temporarily unable to provide for themselves. Lunch and dinner is provided daily by area communities.

For many years First Presbyterian Church has taken on the mission of providing dinner to the residents the first Monday of the month.This has been a satisfying and enduring mission for everyone involved. It is especially rewarding as we sit down to eat with the residents and have come to know the employees of SafeHarbor.

If you and/or some friends would be interested in participating in this mission the 2016-2017 Sign-Up Sheet is posted on the Mission Bulletin Board. Instructions are attached to the sign-up sheet for your assistance (please take a copy). Questions - contact Nancy Udut (610.253.5455)

SAFE HARBOR COLLECTION - Traveling this summer? Please take the small soaps, shampoos, creams, etc. that you do not use and bring them to church (Mission Team Mailbox) for Safe Harbor Residents. This is another way we are able to help those in need without really taxing our budgets! Thanks!

ARK SOUP KITCHEN–The Mission Team would like to thank everyone who has volunteered to provide food for the ARK Luncheon at Trinity Episcopal Church on Saturday, July16.Remember, all food donations should be delivered to our church kitchen (not Trinity) by no later than noon on Friday, July 15. Contact Carol Schroeher, 610-829-0061 or if you have a question.

ProJeCt OF EASTON – Many of the Eastonarea churches support the ProJeCt Food Pantry. We have been designated the “Pasta Church.” On the first Sunday of every month we have the opportunity to make cash donations and/or pasta in boxes, cans or microwavable containers. “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…” (Matthew 25:35).

Harry and Carol Freebairn thank the members of the congregation for the many good wishes and cards received on the occasion of the death of Harry’s sister, Edith Rogers. Also, thank you to the Shawl Ministry for the knitted cross.


Did you know that church members’ savings and investments can earn interest as well as help our church save money on our mortgage loan? How is this possible?

The Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program (PILP) – the same program that loaned us money for our renovation - offers Term Notes similar to a CD or CD-IRA from a bank including Traditional, Roth and Education IRAs. (PILP is a religious nonprofit organization; therefore their notes are not insured by the FDIC, SIPC or any other governmental agency.)

These investments can be as small as $500, and can be for terms of six months to five years. There are Fixed Rate Term Notes or Mission Market Fund Term Notes.

When you purchase a note through PILP you can designate your investment to support First Presbyterian Church of Easton; the benefit to our church comes as a rebate in the form of a reduction in the interest rate on our loan.

The designation of your investment to our church is not tied directly to our church loan; therefore it does not affect the risk of your investment or your return on your investment. Your investment is personal, and you maintain control.

To originally receive approval for our loan from PILP, we had to have designated support of a minimum 20% of the outstanding loan balance as an investment base. When people designate their investment in support of our church, that amount is credited toward our church’s 20% requirement. When the designated investment level exceeds 20%, the church earns rebates on the interest we have paid.

Rebates are paid at investment levels of 35%, 50%, 75% and 100% and could reduce the effective interest rate on our loan by 1%. When you designate your investment in support of our church, you help us qualify for the rebates, and by lowering the cost of the loan, we can repay the loan faster.

We have been lucky to have our Presbytery’s designated support, along with some of our members, but recently we have lost some support due to notes being cashed in. The support for our loan has slipped from 94.55% down to 71.59%. As a result, our rebate has dropped to .50%. With only $10,269.94 in new designated investments, we can bring our rebate back up to .75%, and with even more designated investments, we could reach the maximum rebate of 1%!

If you are looking for a place to invest in a CD or CD IRA, won’t you please consider investing with PILP and designating our church? When you do, this is an investment in mission, not a gift, and the return you receive is competitive with similar types of investments.

If you have any questions or need a copy of the current rate sheet, please see the Presbyterian Investment and Loan website at or contact any one of the following members of the Stewardship Team.

Susan MackayCharlie Young

Bill SchroeherVictoria Opthof-Cordaro

Remember: Be sure and read PILPs Offering Circular carefully before making any investment decisions.


First Presbyterian Church has a prayer list which is updated and printed weekly. Prayer lists are available on Sunday morning on the back table in the sanctuary, or on the information table in Legacy Hall. You may also receive this prayer list weekly by email. Call the Church Office to have a name added to the list.

Sanctuary Flowers

The 2016 Flower Chart is posted in Legacy Hall. If you wish to sponsor flowers, please sign the chart or call the church office. For two arrangements the cost is $35 or more depending on the size of the arrangement. We will take care of placing an order with our florist, Bloomies, and the florist will bill you directly for the cost of the arrangements. The flowers enhance the beauty of our worship and are then delivered by the Deacons to the sick and shut-ins. Is there someone special you want to remember or honor this summer or an occasion to celebrate?If you have any questions, please call the Church Office, 610-253-3579.