Julius Caesar Vocabulary List

1. Abide-v. to follow, as in rules; “The majority of Info Tech students abide by the rules, which is why ITHS is an orderly, engaging place to learn.”

2. Apparition-n. a ghostly figure; “The multiple appearances of Julius Caesar’s apparition were omens of deaths to come.”

3. Appease-v. to calm or bring about peace; “Her soothing voice appeased the boy during his temper tantrum, and thankfully he quit screaming.”

4. Apprehensive-adj. worried that something bad will happen; fearful; “The truant students were apprehensive about getting their report cards because they knew their parents would be very upset.”

5. Augment-v. to increase; to make greater; “He augmented his resume by getting involved in volunteer work and after-school activities.”

6. Chastise-v. to severely criticize or punish; “When Janie came home at 5am, four hours past her curfew, her parents chastised her so much that she cried from the agonizing criticism.”

7. Consent-v. to give approval; to agree to; “His nod was a sign of consent to her marriage proposal.”

8. Construe-v. to explain, interpret, or give the meaning of; “Heconstruedher folded arms and wandering eyes to mean that she wasn’t interested in him.”

9.Countenance-n. facial expression; "His countenance revealed he was under serious stress; his wrinkled brow and pursed lips showed everything."

10. Demeanor-n. behavior; “Matt’sdemeanor toward everyone he meets is easygoing and likable.”

11. Feeble-adj. weak in force, strength, or effectiveness; “The candidate’s feeblearguments were leading him toward defeat in the presidential debate.”

12. Haste-n. swiftness of motion; speed; thoughtless quick action; "It's not a wise decision to use haste in putting together your college applications; you should take great care in this very important process."

13. Idle-adj. not working or active; doing nothing; “The idleworkers were the first to be fired because of their lack of productivity.”

14. Imminent-adj. ready to take place in a threatening manner; impending; “’Beware the Ides of March’ is the famous line that warns Julius Caesar that something is imminent on March 15th.”

15. Impart-v. to make known or tell; relate or disclose; “It is important not to imparta secret; if you do tell, then you will have a reputation as one who is not trusted.”

16. Indifferent-adj. without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic; “Her indifferentattitude toward the suffering of others made her a very unattractive person.”

17. Infirmity-n. a physical or mental weakness; “The elderly man developed multiple infirmities, including poor eyesight and weak knees.”

18. Interim-n. an intermission; a pause; “Theinterim between the two acts of the play allowed the audience to get up, go to the restroom, and get something to eat.”

19. Lament-v. to feel or express sorrow or regret; “We lamented his absence because we knew he was in mourning over the loss of his grandmother.”

20. Orator-n. eloquent and skillful public speaker; “Successful politicians, like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, are recognized as extraordinary orators; they inspire crowds by their profound words.”

21. Perilous-adj. dangerous; “The assassination plot of Julius Caesar was a perilous undertaking, but the conspirators chose to make it happen anyway.”

22. Portentous-adj. ominous; showing signs of something bad to come; prophetic;“The scary music was portentousof danger to come.”

23. Puissant-adj. powerful; ; “The conspirators claimed they killed Julius Caesar because he was puissant and likely to take away their freedoms.”

24. Reverence-n. respect; deference; “It’s important to show reverence to your parents when they say to come home by curfew.”

25. Servile-adj. submissive, slave-like; “Caesar expected Cassius to bow his head in a servile manner to him, and Cassius despised this servitude.”

26. Strife-n. intense conflict, struggle, or clash; “Much of the Middle East has been torn apart bystrifeover the years.”

27. Valiant-adj. courageous; “The FDNY and NYPD recruit valiant young men and women who are willing to risk their lives to protect the people.”

28. Venture-n. an undertaking/experience involving chance, risk or danger; “Starting one’s own business is a difficult venturebecause it often involves losing a great deal of money.”

29. Vex-v. to annoy or irritate; "The high-pitched ring tone vexed many listeners and caused them to hold their ears in agony."

30. Virtue-n. a good or admirable quality; an asset; “The kindhearted man has so many virtuesthat it’s hard to imagine he could possess any flaws.”